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October 2024


Happy Groundhog’s Day [Dan Collins]

Algore went outside, saw his own (hulking) shadow, got frightened and cold and went back inside to turn up the thermostat. So, six more weeks of winter, bitches!

And on this slide, you can see . . .

34 Replies to “Happy Groundhog’s Day [Dan Collins]”

  1. happyfeet says:

    crap. We’ve been stuck down in the low 70s forever it seems. Good thing I bought sweaters for when I went to Texas.

  2. Bob Reed says:


    I mean, although it is in the balmy mid-40’s in NYC, tomorrow it’ll be snowing again…

    Didn’t Punxetawney Phil get the envelope I sent him..?

    6 more weeks of winter is really harshin’ my mellow; I guess I’ll have to pay an impromptu visit on my brother-in-law in Florida…

  3. Slartibartfast says:

    It’s not even getting out of the 60s today. Brrrrrr…

  4. Pablo says:

    Winter will continue for 6 weeks from the beginning of February? Whoda thunk?

  5. Bob Reed says:

    I know I volunatily moved to NYC, so that my lovely wife could finish her time as a prosecuter; doin’ the real law and order thing…

    And I know, every sword cuts both ways and choices have consequences…

    But you’re KILLIN’ me here with talk of temperatures above 60 degrees, spoken of disdainfully, or having the “brrrrr” appelation attached…

    Reminds me of my cousin in Ft. Meyer. Every time we talk, he reminds me he’s wearin’ flip-flops and havin’ a cool drink on the porch…And then asks how much snow I had recently shoveled!…

    Oh well, at least someone isn’t havin’ to deal with all this global warming and Obama concurrently…

  6. alppuccino says:

    So you’re like playing golf every day, right happy?




  7. Sdferr says:

    I live in FT. Myers Bob. It’s been raining (yeah!). We may get a hard freeze come mid-week they’re saying. Where most people hear hard freeze, shrug and wait for it to warm up, South Florida launches into crisis prevention mode and starts covering plants, turning on sprinkler systems and braces for the economic losses typically running in the hundreds of millions, all on account of five to eight hours of temps remaining below 31 degrees F, let alone falling to 28 or lower. Whole crops get wiped out, ornamentals die everywhere, fruit groves can be driven to bankruptcy and horticultural suppliers can lose whole inventories overnight.

  8. slackjawedyokel says:

    I would have thought that a 55 grain JHP from a 1:9 twist barrel would have prevented Phil from noticing his shadow . . .

    They ARE varmints in Pennsylvania, aren’t they?

  9. Slartibartfast says:

    I’m actually wearing a turtleneck.

    It’s even worse than that: last weekend it was so cold, I could work in my attic without losing a quart of sweat every fifteen minutes.

    Frick’n deep freeze, here.

  10. Dan Collins says:

    #8: Um, they’ve got Murtha representing them. So, I’m not sure. The racists.

  11. Sticky B says:

    Pux Phil showed up, saw sumpinorother, and the science is settled. THE SCIENCE IS FUCKING SETTLED, PEOPLE!!!!!

  12. Joe says:

    Dan: Why did you put up a picture of Pam on this posting?

  13. scooter (still not libby) says:

    Who’s Pam? I thought that was Andy Sullivan.

  14. Joe says:

    If you are referring to John Murtha, he goes by the title whistlepig.

  15. Bob Reed says:

    Gee Sdferr,
    I hope that it at least stays above freezing, for the sake of all those farmers…

    I’ll remember to check with you to determine the reafng on my cousins BS meter…

  16. router says:

    that looks more like a fat squirrel.

  17. N. O'Brain says:

    LOVE that movie.

  18. Slartibartfast says:

    that looks more like a fat squirrel

    Pam does need to cut back on the scones just a tidge.

  19. happyfeet says:

    Ha. Nope. 2009 doesn’t look to be shaping up into a big golfing year. My next thing is the quitting of the smoking. I took my first Chantix today, so my quit day will be in two weeks or so. After that I’m not sure. I wish we had little rodent oracles all year round.

  20. Bob Reed says:

    But you do ‘feets

    George Stephanopolous prognosticates regularly on ABC…

    They just call it news…

  21. George Orwell says:

    It’s ManBearGroundhog!

  22. Bill Shaw says:

    Are you sure he didn’t see “manbearpig? I’m super-serial.

  23. Isn’t that a larch?

  24. Mikey NTH says:

    I wonder what kind of carbon footprint ‘Phil’ has; what with all of the hoopla and press.

    Him and Wiarton Willie – pesky groundhog weather rodents.

  25. The Lost Dog says:

    “Comment by N. O’Brain on 2/2 @ 11:18 am #

    LOVE that movie.”

    I loved it too, until I realized that it was about my freakin’ life. EVERY DAY IS GROUND HOG DAY” if you are older than 55.

  26. McGehee says:

    Groundhogs hell. What I want to know is whether Jim Cantore saw his shadow.

    And how far away was he from me? I get nervous when he’s too close by.

  27. JD says:

    How many people could stand in algore and michael moore’s shadows?

  28. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    How many people planets could stand in algore and michael moore’s shadows?

    Fixed it for you.

    If “global warming” ever becomes a real problem, we could use a Project Orion vehicle to launch Gore and Moore. Instant sun shade!

  29. serr8d says:

    @12 Joe, you made a friend for life…

    The missing Wisdom of Protein Wisdom’s readers… (0.00 / 0)
    Sadly, even though Dan Collins and I conducted a civil and interesting email conversation over the PJM matter, the readership there, clinging to their cowardly anonymity, lobbed typically juvenile barbs my way. Dan wrote a post about Groundhog Day accompanied by a picture of one, and this kneeslapping occurred in the comments.

    Comment by Joe on 2/2 @ 10:57 am
    Dan: Why did you put up a picture of Pam on this posting?

    Comment by scooter (still not libby) on 2/2 @ 10:58 am #
    Who’s Pam? I thought that was Andy Sullivan.

    …Comment by Slartibartfast on 2/2 @ 11:26 am #
    that looks more like a fat squirrel
    Pam does need to cut back on the scones just a tidge.

    Oh my. Har-dee-har. And who won the election, baybeez? It’s too bad we’re stuck cleaning up your Dear Leader’s messes. Grade-school taunts won’t change the fact that you all l-o-s-t big time, and your permanent Republican majority was flushed down the crapper.

    <a href=””>Well..I’ll give her something to bitch about.

  30. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    lobbed typically juvenile barbs my way

    Pam: if you cut back on those super-mature bon mots like “Talibangelist”, you might have some room to talk about juvenility. A regular Oscar Wilde of the playground, you are. Also if you guys cut back a little bit on the fascist tactics, people might be willing to use their names.

    Until then: Pot. Kettle. Racist.

  31. Slartibartfast says:

    I was tempering the “fat squirrel” comment, and what thanks do I get?

    I get burdened with baybeez.

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