
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

October 2024


Meanwhile, somewhere in Jesusland…


69 Replies to “Meanwhile, somewhere in Jesusland…”

  1. BumperStickerist says:

    Now that’s what I’d call ‘broad strata’

  2. Walter Sobchak says:


  3. Won’t the guy with the two pistols have his aim thrown off by the beer gut resting on his shoulders?

  4. Robert says:

    That looks like a picture of my last family reunion.

    TW Although at my last family reunion there were more women in tube tops.

  5. mojo says:

    “Say – that jewboy’s got hisself a real purdy mouth, don’t he?”

  6. rls says:

    And those homos we offed last week!

  7. Big E says:

    Come on Jeff, I told you those pictures were NOT for publication.  If you print the ones from later in the night after we had polished off a pony keg of Natural Light I will sue you.  I got wet and that dress was the only clothes I could find.  Anyway, it was really unfair of you to add that caption at the bottom I mean what are lox and who the hell is liberace, anyway?

  8. Lou says:

    Wheres my banjo?

  9. natesnake says:

    That’s a nice set of tits.

  10. Brian says:

    That’s Goldtein on the right (literally and metaphorically).

  11. Brian says:

    That’s Goldtein on the right

    UGH!  **Goldstein**

  12. BoZ says:

    When it’s “JesuslandMustacheManForce, Go!” time, those two skinny Bay Area types become the deadly slicing arms of the mighty pink-shirted Oklahomotron.

  13. albo says:

    I bet the cleaned the beer distributer out of Natural Light for that outing.

  14. Major John says:

    the mighty pink-shirted Oklahomotron.

    A Winner! Ding ding ding!

  15. rls says:

    I bet the cleaned the beer distributer out of Natural Light for that outing.

    Nah….Milwaukee’s Best.

  16. BlackOrchid says:

    Which “undead” movie is this still from now? Is it the original Dawn of the Dead?

    Damn, this is going to drive me nuts now.

  17. Mau Mau says:

    I’m pretty sure that I’ve played paintball against these guy.

    Their day jobs..

  18. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Alternative caption:

    In light of the recent terrorist arrests in Canada, the Minutemen have spun off a new entity ,

    the The Fat & Hairy Rednecks, currently training to guard the northern border from infilitration by “turban-headed, A-rab motherfuckers” that seek to commit acts of terrorism that American’s themselves won’t do.

    (AP photo)

  19. McGehee says:

    That looks like a picture of my last family reunion.

    TW Although at my last family reunion there were more women in tube tops.

    I’ve been living in Georgia too long. I thought those were women.

  20. Big E says:

    Holy sh@t!  Charlie’s Angels have really let themselves go. 

    Either that or Aaron Spelling is making a really clumsy attempt at pandering to the NASCAR demographic.  If I had to guess I would say the one on the far left is the smart one, the one on the right is the cute one, the one in the pink shirt is the serious one and the one on his knees is, obviously, the funny one.

  21. tim maguire says:

    I can’t be absolutely certain, but isn’t that Michael Moore on his knees?

  22. odrady says:

    I can’t be absolutely certain, but isn’t that Michael Moore on his knees?

    When isn’t Lumpy Riefenstahl on his knees?

  23. Schoolmarm says:

    Those fellas could make a jewboy squeal like pig.  I doubt that would be kosher.

  24. Patricia says:

    I guess they won’t be invited to EschaConII.

  25. ed says:


    It’s like a scene out of South Park, come to life.

  26. none says:

    Uncle Jimbo: So you see, we have to kill animals, or else they’ll die.

  27. valerian says:

    That’s Doctor Jewboy to you, motherfucker!

  28. mojo says:

    “He’s charging right at us!”

    SB: better

    run, squirrel…

  29. Breast Man says:

    The guy kneeling down sure has a nice set of cans!

  30. TODD says:

    “Slowly turn around and take off those britches boy”

  31. “The Farley brothers wash-tub band, all members of the Oklahoma White trash militia, draw down on some deer rustlers, unaware that an ATF SWAT team, diguised as oil barrels and outhouses, is moving in on them for the take down. Yeeeehhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwww!!!!!!!

  32. Jim in KC says:

    Nah….Milwaukee’s Best.

    Hey!  No cracking on The Beast!  It’s the perfect yard beer.

  33. Master Tang says:

    [Waylon Jennings voice-over] Yep, and ‘bout that time those Duke Boys were beginnin’ to have their doubts about Jenny Craig.

  34. crs says:

    Which “undead” movie is this still from now? Is it the original Dawn of the Dead?

    Redneck Zombies?

  35. Scape-Goat Trainee says:

    I’ve been living in Georgia too long. I thought those were women.

    Then you need to get out more. I’ve traveled to probably 2/3s of the country. There is NO better region of the country for good looking women than the South. Hands down, no contest.

  36. me says:

    “Still life with Jeff and his neighbor chatting in the driveway on Saturday morning”

  37. George S. "Butch" Patton (Mrs.) says:

    450 lbs and the porker’s shooting a .25 caliber purse gun.  This is what comes of lettin wimmin drive open-wheel… Geez, are any of those Priscillas, Queens of the Bayou shooting anything bigger than a Forty Short and Weak?

  38. Great Mencken's Ghost! says:

    crs—Redneck Zombies.  Shot on Super 8.  Great box, lousy movie.

  39. JD says:

    450 lbs and the porker’s shooting a .25 caliber purse gun.

    Look at his fingers.  They’re so flabby that a .25 is probably all he could squeeze.

    I like Goldstein on the right with (what looks like) the .380 though.  It makes a nice pose, dontcha think?

  40. 91b30 says:

    Sure-everybody likes to make fun of the national guard, but when you need us…

  41. wishbone says:

    Dah dah dah dah dah dah…

    “‘Bama Five-O, in Color…”

    Starring Pigmeat Taylor as Bubba McGarrett and Tobacco Spittle Stevens as Dooner…

    Special guest star, Jeff Goldstein as Wo Matzoh…

  42. alppuccino says:

    Still, there’s no better landscaping accoutrement than the rusty 55 gallon drum.

  43. Rob B. says:

    I didn’t recall you posting many images, Jeff, but I did this one for you a few weeks ago.

  44. LagunaDave says:

    Did armadillo season open early this year in Colorado, or what?

  45. Major John says:

    Wait a minute… didn’t the guy on the left used to be in the Village People?

  46. LagunaDave says:

    Wait a minute… didn’t the guy on the left used to be in the Village People?

    I realize you’re in the Army, but that still seems like an foolish thing to say to a redneck holding a loaded semi-automatic…

  47. George S. "Butch" Patton (Mrs.) says:

    Major John — Speaking as an ex-XO, them porkers is a logistics dream!  You wouldn’t need to worry about getting food to them for weeks!

  48. George S. "Butch" Patton (Mrs.) says:

    Yep, and ‘bout that time those Duke Boys were beginnin’ to have their doubts about Jenny Craig.

    Hey, that Jenny Craig stuff is CRAP!  I musta ate six, eight of them things a day and never lost a pound…

  49. Swen Swenson says:

    Harruumphh! Looks like the Worland, Wyo., PD swat team. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

  50. Damn.

    Eric Stolz really let himself go after ”Some Kind of Wonderful,” didn’t he?

  51. George S. "Butch" Patton (Mrs.) says:

    Ya know, based on their stances, I’ve don’t think I’ve ever seen four crackers get themselves completely surrounded by charging beer cans before…

  52. George S. "Butch" Patton (Mrs.) says:

    The assault was going well until their backup sniper suffered a ‘tree-related injury.’

  53. Master Tang says:

    The Thin Red(Neck)Line, perhaps?

    Pilsner’s Last Stand?

    Assault on Pointe du Hick?

    Okay, I respectfully withdraw the last one…

  54. There is NO better region of the country for good looking women than the South. Hands down, no contest.

    They must have been out of season when I was there. I saw more hot women in five minutes at LAX than in the whole four months I spent in Brunswick.

  55. wishbone says:

    Media–look beyond the Georgia shore.  Any SEC stadium on a gamdeday in the fall will do.  You will be instantly converted.

  56. alppuccino says:

    Why is it assumed that these boys are from the south?

    It seems to me that there is no visible proof that this is not Yale’s newest fraternity:

    ioughtta eata pi

  57. McGehee says:

    Then you need to get out more. I’ve traveled to probably 2/3s of the country. There is NO better region of the country for good looking women than the South. Hands down, no contest.

    Oh, there’s some nice-looking gals down here if you know where to look. And where not to look.

    In fact, I’d say knowing where not to look is by far the greater requirement.

  58. The Colossus says:

    You might ask where the ‘dillo is. 

    He is, naturally, the one taking the picture.

  59. Major John says:

    Laguna – I would simply offer that observation while buttoned up in an M-1A1…say hello to my 120mm smoothbore.

    Master Tang – I cannot decide between your first two offerings, however if pressed, I’d go with Pilsner’s Last Stand.

    Say, what is this posse going to do, now that Zark is dead?  Maybe we can utilize them fopr something else then.

  60. LagunaDave says:

    I assume the crack Force Delta team shown in this leaked classified photo was somehow involved in the termination of Zarqawi.

  61. George S. "Butch" Patton (Mrs.) says:

    Zarqawi is dead, and never got on a T-shirt!

    Do not rejoice, you men.

    For though the world stood up and stopped the bastard,

    The bitch that bore him is in heat again.
    — Berthold Brecht.

    One thing at a time, baby. — USA

  62. George S. "Butch" Patton (Mrs.) says:

    “Fortunately, because of his inherited thyroid condition (passed down through twelve generations of cousin-marryin&#8217wink Jimmy Joe Jack Bob actually could aim both pistols at once…”

  63. Not on a Tee Shirt how can thatr be. We have to rectify that at once.

  64. MarkD says:

    But where’s Jessica Simpson?  Daisy?

    Darn thing must be stuck on the wrong channel.  Looks like the director’s cut of Deliverance to me.

  65. Not to interrupt everyone’s good time, but… “jewboy?” WTF? 

    I’ve spent a lot of time in rural sections of Jesusland and I have never ever heard anyone use the term “jewboy.” And believe me, I’ve heard a lot of other racial slurs thrown around.  I’m sure that urban blue-state Jews are probably certain that they’re hated by rednecks.  Perhaps they even derive some satisfaction from the thought that if there’s one thing those ignorant hicks hate more than negros, it’s the Jews… Sorry, but it’s not true.  It’s even worse than hating them. Nobody cares.  Really.  Honest.  It would never occur to 99.9% of rednecks to “blame the jews” for something.  Certainly it would be an amazing rarity for a half-dozen rednecks to get together and have the conversation turn to the problem with them Jews.  Maybe some other racial or religous groups… but not the Jews.  It’s not that there aren’t any Jews, it’s just that it is viewed as a rare novelty not with paranoid hatred.  I’m sure you’ll find far more “jewboy” hatred per capita in a blue-state city than in red-state towns. 

    But, hey if you define yourself by the enemies you have and want to be comfortable with the delusion that those ignorant rednecks somewhere are wastin’ their precious brainpower hating you… then enjoy your paranoia.  But that’s all it is.  They really don’t care, and if you’re Jewish and your car breaks down in the middle of Oklahoma and some beergutted guy with a pickup truck and NRA hat offers to give you hand… you don’t have to be afraid to tell him your last name.  He is not going to scruitinze your features to guess if you’re one o’ them jewboys (unlike a lot of the citizens of the United states of Canada do when they meet you at a party).  He’s wondering where the jacking points are on your car.  That’s it.  It probably wouldn’t be a good idea to mention that you are a gay abortion doctor who voted for Hillary, though.

  66. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Uh, this series makes fun of the stereotypes some on the left have about Jesuslanders.  Comes from a piece Ken Layne did a while back.

    I like Ken, but I thought he was way off.  So I started a couple of series.  Here’s the Jesusland diary

    And here are some previous Meanwhile, somewhere in Jesuslandposts.

    Just so as to clear the air a bit.

  67. flyboy says:

    The kneeling guy has tits…..

  68. LagunaDave says:

    I’ve spent a lot of time in rural sections of Jesusland and I have never ever heard anyone use the term “jewboy.”

    Things have hopefully improved since I was growing up, but both my grandparents on my mother’s side (born ca. 1910 in Kentucky and Alabama) used the expression “jewboy”, or often “little jewboy”, routinely, even in reference to children of family friends.

    I regret to say they were quite prejudiced against black people and Jews, fearing the former and distrusting the latter, although I never heard them use more offensive slurs.  They called blacks “coloreds”, for instance.

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