
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


I’m 6’20”, too—but only when I wear my disco shoes

Hilarious.  Yet somehow poignant.  Warning:  This may or may not be safe for work—although if your boss gives you any guff, you could always just accuse him or her of hating America.  That’s what I’d do.

If I had a jaggoff for a boss.  Or a job.

(h/t Allah, who has cobbled together a bunch of good stuff here)

30 Replies to “I’m 6’20”, too—but only when I wear my disco shoes”

  1. Some Guy in Chicago says:

    That may be the greatest and most patriotic video we ever get to watch.  And in that I am considering a future where we could watch a pack of Bald Eagles with Abrams tanks tied to their backs fly into space and destroy mars.

  2. Good Lt says:

    Current third graders can probably learn more about Washington from that video than in 13 years of public school.

    Prince’s guitar (the artist’s?) was just icing on the 60-testicled cake.

  3. Tim P says:

    With or without disco shoes, will you save the British children?

  4. Major John says:

    I am going to try and play that at our next Brigade Staff meeting.  I don’t care if they court martial me or praise me – that video MUST BE SEEN.

  5. Yogimus says:

    “fucked the shit out of bears”

  6. Good Lt says:

    “f*cked the sh*t out of bears”

    Well maybe he did…who’s to say?  big surprise

  7. “f*cked the sh*t out of bears”

    George Washington: Andrew Sullivan’s new favorite founding father.

  8. SarahW says:

    Heh.  Maybe it’s be good for business.

    (shameless plug alert)

    Once, dressed as Patrick Henry, just in the door form a speaking engagement, my husband was scolded by our three year-old son – “YOU not George Washington!  PUT ON YOU DADDY SUIT!”

    Which, I’m just saying, Patrick Henry’s “daddy suit” stacks up against GW’s any day of the week.

  9. SarahW says:

    It’ll not it’s. Where’s the spong-eyed emoticon when you need it?

  10. M.Scott says:

    Which begs the question – who would win in a fight between George Washington and Chuck Norris?

  11. Chairman Me says:

    Hilarious.  Yet somehow poignant.

    Jeff, all the arguments with Thersites have me confused. By saying the video was “hilarious”, did you mean it was actually something that would make me laugh, or is hilarity merely a bourgeois construct?

  12. SarahW says:

    M.Scott – The only thing I’m sure of is that you and I and the rest of all the living creatures on earth would LOSE.  Tho’ probably Dick Cheney would come in and settle their hash before it got to that.

  13. Greek Homer in a time of Springfield Homers says:

    To quote Saint Farley, “I swear I’ve seen a lot of stuff in my life, but that…was…awesome!” Kind of They Might Be Giants meets Beck while watching old Schoolhouse Rock.  Is this eligible for an MTV video award?

  14. JPS says:

    M. Scott:

    Second what SarahW said.  An analogous question was posed on Saturday Night Live’s Superfans: “Da Bullss…versus…da Bearss.” A shudder ran across the contestants and they scribbled furiously. If memory serves, the correct answer was that all humanity must band together to prevent this cataclysmic tragedy from taking place.

  15. McGehee says:

    Made of radiation…?


    That is so cool.

  16. LagunaDave says:

    Which begs the question – who would win in a fight between George Washington and Chuck Norris?

    Whose side is Ditka on?

  17. Sean M. says:

    I’m sorry, but that’s a stupid question, LD.  Ditka’s on Ditka’s side.

  18. Hugh says:

    I’m a better person for having seen that video!

  19. beetroot says:

    I’ve been wondering lately why I come to this site at all. Now I know.

  20. ss says:

    I’ve been wondering lately why I come to this site at all.

    We know how you feel.

    TW: mean I know it was, but it feels good, and it’s not like I threatened to rape his child.

  21. Greek Homer in a time of Springfield Homers says:

    I’m sorry, but that’s a stupid question, LD.  Ditka’s on Ditka’s side.

    “Who wins, Ditka vs. a hurricane?”




    “Hold on, hold on, hold on!  The hurricane’s name is… Hurricane Ditka.”

    (SuperFan has heart attack)

  22. Hoodlumman says:

    With all due respect for Maddox, he now has the 2nd best page in the universe

  23. Patricia says:

    How does an eagle falling from the sky make love, anyway?  Sounds interesting…

  24. mojo says:

    How does an eagle falling from the sky make love, anyway?


    (It’s called a “gyre”, BTW…)

    SB: lines


  25. Fox says:

    JAGGOFF???  That’s Pittsburghese, Jeff.  And Pittsburgh is Jew-Free.

    Are you trying to infiltrate?

  26. BumperStickerist says:

    How does an eagle falling from the sky make love, anyway?  Sounds interesting…

    before there was proteinwisdom there was celluloidsmartness … the answer to that question can be found in the movie ‘Continental Divide’ starring Blair Brown and John Belushi.

    John Belushi plays a Mike Royko character who falls for a Jane Goodall type only chimps are in Africa so she’s studying eagles which live on top of the Sears building.

    or something.

    Good movie.  Belushi gives a creditable acting performance.  Blair Brown was under-ratedly hot.

    Rated ‘R’ mostly for the eagles-fucking clips that were shown.

  27. gahrie says:

    That was random.

    (second the comment about Continental Divide {my second favorite Belushi movie} and Blair Brown)

  28. I heard . . . motherfucker had like thirty goddamn dicks.


  29. Major John says:

    So, I am going to ask my supply SGT where I can get my horse made of crystal to patrol the land.

    Or a Patrick Henry/Daddy Suit. Whatever I can get…

  30. thomas says:

    haha i go to george washington high school, i dont think any body there HASN’T seen that video.

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