
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


Grieving Mom Cindy Sheehan and 70s Kung-fu expert and counterculture icon Billy Jack discuss strategies for twenty-first century anti-war activism while ostensibly maintaining their commitments to fighting global terrorism, 20

image “People ask me all the time, ‘Cindy?  Do you support the murderous killbots manufactured by our military to wage wars for profit at the behest of a Jewish cabal secretly controlling world goverment?’ And my answer is always the same:  I support only those troops who don’t themselves support the exploitation of the Iraqi people, and who won’t allow the war profiteers to carry on with their death and destruction for the sake of enriching their fat Rethuglican cronies and pleasing their Zionist puppetmasters. I do not—repeat, do NOT, however—support those troops who are supporting a criminally insane and treacherous foreign policy led by our so-called Chimperor-in-Chief.”*
image “Sure. Though clarify something for me, if you could.  Does that mean you supported your son or not…?  Because it seems to me his re-enlistment, coupled with his volunteering for the rapid force rescue attempt that cost him his life, well, you know—kinda muddies the waters a bit.

“And I’m not sure ‘absolute moral authority’ is enough to hide that fact—though I’m sure it comes in handy for, say, reduced-price tickets to Joan Baez concerts, or pinching an invitation to one of Maureen Dowd’s long-rumoured ‘swingers only’ cookouts in the Hamptons.”*

49 Replies to “Grieving Mom Cindy Sheehan and 70s Kung-fu expert and counterculture icon Billy Jack discuss strategies for twenty-first century anti-war activism while ostensibly maintaining their commitments to fighting global terrorism, 20”

  1. Richard says:

    one of Maureen Dowd’s long-rumoured ‘swingers only’ cookouts

    First time I read that, it looked like cokeout to me.  I think it’s a mental self-preservation instinct that kicks in when I see “Dowd’s” in the same sentence as “swingers only.” My brain says, “This will require drugs….”

    “The goggles, they do NOTHING!”

  2. rls says:

    I’m sorry I coudn’t read it all.  I was getting really, really sick.  You’ll just have to give me an “incomplete” and maybe I can make it up on some future assignment.

    I have to go shower now.

  3. kelly says:

    Cindy! is an ‘absolute moral authority’ in the same way that Maureen Dowd is clever.

    Which is to say, none. None at all.

  4. Scott Free says:

    The Left: “We love the troops – as long as they are not, you know, doing their duty.”

  5. BoZ says:

    Show of hands:

    Now that a charbroiled-beef-gnawing crowd of chattering half-interested observers (in those dorky Hamptons-cookout vest-shirts) is posited, who else for the first time finds the idea of sex with Maureen Dowd mildly appealing?

    …? No?

    (Learn something new about yourself every day, I guess.)

  6. Kent says:

    who else for the first time finds the idea of sex with Maureen Dowd mildly appealing?

    What?  As opposed to that saucy little four-legged succubus Andrew Sullivan refers to, teasingly, as “The Beagle,” you mean?  Just by way of actual comparison, like?

    How many times do I get to flip the quarter, before answering…?

  7. Scape-Goat Trainee says:

    The Left: “We love the troops – as long as they are not, you know, doing their duty.”

    Or well, recruiting or doing any of that ROTC stuff.

    That’s just baaaaaaddd.

    And the reason that evil Despots and Tyrants haven’t regularly attacked us? That has nothing to do with our military, but rather because we are willing to hold their hand and sing “We are the World”. It’s just Love you know, Love that will turn their cheeks.

  8. Kent says:

    Love that will turn their cheeks

    Andrew Sullivan just permalinked to your posting. gulp

  9. 6Gun says:

    Andrew Sullivan just permalinked to your posting. gulp

    Excellent, and on the occasion of one of Jeff’s finer takedowns of intractable leftist irrationality to boot…

    blank stare

  10. Not Saying says:

    who else for the first time finds the idea of sex with Maureen Dowd mildly appealing?

    As long as she doesn’t speak, I’d do her in a heartbeat.  Same with Ana Marie Cox.  Everyone talks about how unappealing these two gals are.  Sure, they’d be insufferable to be around otherwise, but they both get my motor running. 

    What can I say, I loves me the redheads in all their varieties.

  11. Kent says:

    Excellent, and on the occasion of one of Jeff’s finer takedowns of intractable leftist irrationality to boot…

    Coolness!  We’ll probably need to think of some clever way to chain and manacle ol’ Bad Andy’s notorious hummingbird attention once he starts wandering around here, however.

    Anybody here know all the lyrics to “The Trolley Song”…?

  12. Big E says:

    who else for the first time finds the idea of sex with Maureen Dowd mildly appealing?

    The first time you say? Well then I can honestly say “not me”.  And you know why?  Because I, being a thoughtful independent don’t let partisanship get in the way of a little sack time with a fairly attractive idealogical opponent.  Plus I like chicks with money, my fondest wish is after all to get into a situation like our host, minus the hard work (child rearing, website management, writing).  Oh how I would wile away the days, encased in a cloud of sweet smelling smoke, lounging on the sofa in my underpants, watching Oprah, surfing the net for porn and drinking Makers Mark Manhattans waiting for the occasional visit from the hot stay at home mom next door….I’m sorry where am I?

  13. TODD says:

    I couldn’t believe what I was reading, had to stop half way through. Mother Sheehan has finally stepped of the edge.  You know, it is funny, when I first read Sheehan’s rantings, way back when, I used to get angry. But know I laugh, and at the same time I feel sorry for her because she is such a pathetic figure…and a true representation

    of how unglued the left has become….

  14. Rob B. says:

    Hey Jeff, if you could get Cindy to clarify the Canadian Imperialism and years of zionist support that caused the in house aggression of some of Canada’s own muslim militants I’d appreciate it. I tried to listen to the Canadian news but they kept making me laugh with that whole “aboot” thing.

  15. Scott Free says:

    Andrew Sullivan just permalinked to your posting. gulp


  16. Kent says:

    As per Ace:  The Anti-MILFLOL

  17. N. O'Brain says:

    I’m not sure which of Chafetz’ Immutable laws Of Dowd applies here:

    THE THIRD IMMUTABLE LAW OF DOWD: It is better to be cute than coherent.

    THE FOURTH IMMUTABLE LAW OF DOWD: The particulars of my consumer-driven, self-involved life are of universal interest and reveal universal truths


  18. Vladimir says:

    Wow.  Cindy seems barely literate.

    How many college aged kids read the Moore site?

  19. Shecky "Vegas? I died EVERYWHERE now!" Greene says:

    As long as she doesn’t speak, I’d do her in a heartbeat.  Same with Ana Marie Cox.  Everyone talks about how unappealing these two gals are.  Sure, they’d be insufferable to be around otherwise, but they both get my motor running. 

    That’s like watching Sex and the City with the sound off.  Which come to think of it, ain’t that bad an idea…

  20. schoolmarm says:

    Maureen Dowd’s long-rumoured ‘swingers only’ cookouts in the Hamptons

    Since I am but a short ride from the Hamptons I could pay Miss Dowd a visit. I believe she needs her mouth washed out with soap and a ruler across her knuckles. I would love to give her something to really whine about instead of all her man troubles. Disciplining leftist is a worthy cause however Mother Sheehan I am not touching. I wouldn’t touch that with a 6 foot bullwhip.

  21. MarkD says:

    Isn’t Canadian Imperialism a whiskey?

    I can honestly say “not me” to Ms Dowd.  Because I’ve gotta get look in the mirror when I shave in the morning.

    Mouth:  You did who?

    Mouth:  Shut up.

    TW: cost.  The cost is more than my psych can bear.

  22. mrp says:

    I was just thinking the other day that I had not read an MD column since she was immured behind the TimesSelect wall.

    Does she still write for the Times?  What does she write about?  Does she still “urp” when somebody (like Bill Safire) contradicts her?

    Does she still wear that stupid big eyeglasses disguise when she traipses about the country?

    Looks good in burgundy and beige, though.

  23. MayBee says:

    I would not do Maureen Dowd.

  24. The_Real_JeffS says:

    Doing MoDo would be like doing a……no, I can’t speak of it.

    Let’s just say I wouldn’t do MoDo, and leave it at that, mmmm’kay?  hmmm

  25. MayBee says:

    So, NoDoMoDo?

  26. Paul C says:

    Maureen Dowd is a would.

    Cindy Sheehan is a could.

    Significant difference.

  27. alppuccino says:

    So, NoDoMoDo?

    Even with mo’ douche?

  28. alppuccino says:



  29. Kent says:

    I would actually consider doing Billy Jack, before Mo Dowd. gulp

  30. MayBee says:

    Even with mo’ douche?

    feeling fresh?

  31. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    While we’re on the subject of possible sex with liberal hags…..

    To paraphrase an old joke;

    Q.- What’s the difference between Helen Thomas and a bowling ball?

    A. – If you absolutely had to, you could eat a bowling ball.

    Thanks, I’ll be here all week!

  32. Idly Awed says:

    I would actually consider doing Billy Jack, before Mo Dowd.

    But would BJDoMoDo, or would MoDoBJBJ?

    Or if BJNoDoMoDo, but should have, would HeBeNoDoMoDoDodo?

  33. B Moe says:


  34. nikkolai says:

    I did MoDo one weekend. Lovely skin. But that smell, oh that smell.


    Melissa E.

  35. McGehee says:


    But would BJDoMoDo, or would MoDoBJBJ?

    Or if BJNoDoMoDo, but should have, would HeBeNoDoMoDoDodo?



    Me not know.

  36. alppuccino says:

    I would actually consider doing Billy Jack, before Mo Dowd.

    I’m gonna take my left testicle and put it on this side of your face, and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.

    One tin soldier, baby…….one tin soldier.

  37. Psyberian says:

    I don’t understand why you righties continue to try to demonize Cindy.  The left largly ignores her. It must be just a revenge motive.  Hate away then…

  38. docob says:

    The left largly ignores her.

    Sure, if by ignores her you mean sends her to platforms around the world and gives her more press coverage than most of the US Senate

  39. kelly says:

    The left largly ignores her.

    Sure they do.

    In the same way Ted Kennedy ignores a busty Hooters waitress serving him his fifth martini and third plate of wings.

  40. alppuccino says:

    The left largly ignores her.

    Speaking of Moore and Kennedy, the left does everything largely.

  41. kelly says:

    In the same way Chuck Schumer ignores a camera.

    In the same way Al Gore ignores the limelight.

    In the same way Bill Clinton ignores his wife. No, wait, check that one.

    In the same way the left blogosphere ignores Karl Rove.

    Yeah, I guess you’re right after all, psycho.

    PS. Hate is such a strong word. But with Cindy Sheehan I’m happy to apply it.

  42. Kent says:

    The left largly ignores her.

    “It am great crime to make anything perfect on Bizarro World!” rolleyes

  43. DeepTrope says:

    MoDo is enough to scare a douche.

    TW:  food


  44. McGehee says:

    Scare a douche? Scare a douche? Will you do the fandango?

  45. Kent says:

    Huh?  Wasn’t Il Douche executed and then hung by Allied soldiers, back in ‘45…?

  46. DeepTrope says:

    I just love how you just never know where these things are gonna go…

    As opposed to MoDo–you know where she’s been and where she’s gonna go.  More than you want to know anyway.

    tw:  never

    know here, though.  but I already said that.

  47. Sorry guys; even though I am a faithful independant/Federalist/Bushapologist, I would do MoDo in a heartbeat.

    I mean, come on, she’s a nasty little redhead!!

    You know y’all just want to spank that little money-maker as hard as you can, don’t you? C’mon, admit it…

  48. kelly says:

    Scare a douche? Scare a douche? Will you do the fandango?

    Thunderbolts and lightning

    Very, very frightning!

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