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October 2024


The NSA, FISA and the Canadian / transnational terror plots

AJ Strata and John Stephenson discuss the likely roles played by both the NSA and FISA in the recently revealed breakup of a major terror attack plan in Canada.

But that’s only because AJ Strata and John Stephenson, by even presuming to broach the subject, have no compunction whatsoever about revealing themselves some of the worst enemies of American values alive.

At least, I think so.  Still waiting on word from Greenwald before I declare officially. After all, there are rules.

25 Replies to “The NSA, FISA and the Canadian / transnational terror plots”

  1. Jay says:

    It’s the waiting that gets to me.

    If I knew I was an enemy of American values, I’d be okay with it.  But waiting to find out?  That’s always the hard part.

  2. AJStrata says:

    You nailed it – you caught the ‘tator (or is that traitor?).


  3. BumperStickerist says:

    Wait a second.

    Three ton(ne)s of ammonium nitrate do not a bomb make.  You need something like a five gallons of diesel and some sort of truck and a timer.

    And maybe the truck uses diesel fuel. 

    And you want to have a spare can of diesel fuel in case your truck runs out of fuel out there in the middle of Canada.

    And the timer is so that you don’t oversleep and miss the Hockey Playoffs.


    These Muslim chaps are trying to assimilate into the hockey watching, truck driving fertilizer transporting niche of Canadian society (which is surprisingly large) and they are being THWARTED by not one, not two, but MORE National Governments.


  4. actus says:

    But that’s only because AJ Strata and John Stephenson, by even presuming to broach the subject, have no compunction whatsoever about revealing themselves some of the worst enemies of American values alive.

    Well, talking about this stuff DOES help the terrorists.

  5. 6Gun says:

    You’re an idiot, actus.

  6. BTD_Venkat says:

    Your italics notwithstanding, they don’t really make much of a case for why the appropriate warrants could not have been obtained through the FISA process (or after the fact as FISA provides).

  7. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Perhaps that’s been covered before and at length, BTD_Venkat.

    Do they not have comments sections on their sites?

    If you want my answer, I have a whole section on such discussions.

  8. FISA applies to Canada?

  9. actus says:

    You’re an idiot, actus.

    Of course, saying that the feds followed FISA procedures can’t really help the terrorists, because they could just look up the FISA law themselves. I’ll admit to being a little alarmist at first.

  10. Yes, but it’s BACK FISA.  It’s round and less salty.

  11. BumperStickerist says:

    per SDA, Canada followed the procedural

    requirements found in FIS’eh



    there, I said it.

  12. BTD_Venkat says:

    Didn’t see anything in their posts that was all.  Their comment sections for the most part (like most comment sections) contain rantings and ravings.  If you have whole “sections” on how the Canadian arrests illustrate the necessity go outside of FISA point me in that direction!

  13. BTD_Venkat says:

    R. Crawford:  you are missing the point.  The question is whether the Canada arrests illustrate the necessity to go outside of FISA in the US (by analogy).  It would be helpful to have some evidence that the procedures employed there were similar to the warrantless surveillance authorized by the administration and why that was necessary. 

    And, no I don’t think FISA applies to Canada.  Thanks for clarifying.  grin

  14. david says:

    I’m glad to see we are off and running with uninformed speculation about how right we are and completely baseless analyses that support all of our preconceived notions.  Wouldn’t want to waste any time.

  15. Jeff Goldstein says:

    BTD_Venkat —

    You write:

    The question is whether the Canada arrests illustrate the necessity to go outside of FISA in the US (by analogy).  It would be helpful to have some evidence that the procedures employed there were similar to the warrantless surveillance authorized by the administration and why that was necessary.

    Uh, well, that wasn’t the question I was addressing.  What I think Strata’s post shows is that wrt US arrests, the FBI’s involvement points to FISA’s involvement.

    Which strays from the “domestic spying” line.

    As to “evidence that the procedures employed [in Canada] were similar to the warrantless surveillance authorized by the administration and why that was necessary,” you might have to wait for the NYT to leak that info.

    Anyway, previous NSA/FISA discussions here.

  16. actus says:

    Which strays from the “domestic spying” line.

    How so? The domestic spying line is about warrantless surveillance. If FISA was used, then its not an issue of warrantless surveillance.

  17. TODD says:

    I can’t beleive this dialogue sometimes, first of

    all 3 tons of ammonium nitrate. Were they experienced landscapers or farmers? No. It seems that the tragedy that was averted is over shadowed by the left’s hate of “legal warrantless searches” Maybe it will take another tragic terrorist attack on our soil to wake up America again. God let’s hope not…..

  18. Major John says:

    Did the IQ in this room drop significantly when the last couple of questioners started up?

    Jeff would like you to go to those sites and read their posts.  The dig at Greenwald was re: an old flight of weird hyperbole that Greenwald made about Jeff (being one of worst enemies of American values alive).

    So, go forth and read!

  19. That’s Canadian soil, it’s round and less salty.  More like ham.

    TW: almost.  As in $.907US.

  20. kelly says:

    Maybe it will take another tragic terrorist attack on our soil to wake up America again. God let’s hope not…..

    I hope not, too. But if we do, expect the same people to blame it on Bush.

  21. Pablo says:

    So, if you have a warrant, it isn’t spying. Because spying has that bitchin’ bad boy ring to it.


    tw: read, or more likely, not.

  22. Kent says:

    I hope not, too. But if we do, expect the same people to blame it on Bush.

    … or, more likely still—and in the immortal words of wizend, amiable old Billy McKinney; longtime Democratic Party polestar in the great state of Georgia, and undisputed progenitor of daughter Cynthia ”RockEm SockEm” McKinney’s own sui generis philsophies and approach, re:  peaceful conflict resolution —


  23. Eric says:

    Try new Diet Fisa!  Now with Amatol!

  24. – I think you guys are making entirely too much out of that rigged cell phone….I mean it could have just been idle tinkering…. 3000 lbs of fertilizer…Feh…. Thsy just like potted plants……lots of potted plants……

    ALARMISTS! ….(follow actups lead here, but no need to wet your pants….thats his signiture act…)


  25. McGehee says:

    You’re an idiot, actus.

    Tell him something he doesn’t know.


    Oops. red face

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