
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


I wonder… (UPDATED)

Were Dick Nixon still alive, would he be able to stand the irony?  Or would his head simply pop like a “Camelot” champagne cork…?

(h/t Craig C)


updateOh my!  Keith Olbermann’s going to have a lot of hate to spread around among those Dems who are wandering off the reservation… (h/t IP)

38 Replies to “I wonder… (UPDATED)”

  1. That article is just another transparent attempt of the Jewish-Neo-Conservative-Military-Industrial-Cabal to discredit Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a true American hero.

    After all you can expect nothing less from someone who writes under (what must surely be a pseudonym) the name Farhad Manjoo.

  2. Joe Kennedy, Sr. (deceased) says:

    Well, it’s clear that if you’re gonna steal an election, you DON’T do it by manipulating the other sides voter rolls or rigging Diebold machines.

    The PROPER way to steal elections involves passing bags of unmarked bills to various Union Officials and Mafia figures that control important strongholds like Cook County & other areas where your own voter roles are stuffed with deceased voters, thereby making it much easier to fraudulently inflate one’s count.

  3. rls says:

    Thanks, Joe.  I hear KKKarl Rove is looking for a few good consultants in your field. 

    I’ll tell him to get with Madam Rue and channel you.

  4. dario says:

    All sites that require registration and are restricted from should be shut down on pure principle.

  5. Bill Peschel says:

    Thanks for contributing, Joe. I knew that if Kennedy Jr. wanted to know about vote manipulation, he should ask his granddad first.

    As Allahpundit noted, Salon should be commended for their willingness to smack down this nonsense. I can’t wait to see the letters roll in next week.

  6. Major John says:

    I am angry that Cook County, Illinois could be brought into the discussionhere…but no mention of Madison County, Illinois?!  Hey, you Upstate snob – there is plenty of Democratic voter corruption “Downstate” too!  Lousy Chicago elitists…

  7. BoZ says:

    Robert Stack: “Farhad Manjoo,” aka “Gefilte F. Safa,” aka “The Jihad Mohel.”

    (Zither music.)

  8. Some Guy in Chicago says:

    I am angry that Cook County, Illinois could be brought into the discussionhere…but no mention of Madison County, Illinois?!  Hey, you Upstate snob – there is plenty of Democratic voter corruption “Downstate” too!  Lousy Chicago elitists…

    When you say “downstate”…you mean like Joliet…right?

  9. Sean M. says:

    I see dead people.  And they’re voting.

  10. Clint says:

    Some Guy –

    I thought he meant Hyde Park.

    But then, I’m just a transplant.

    TW: else – as in from somewhere else.

  11. Major John says:

    Humph!  I grew up in Rockford – and I was from “Downstate” (15 minutes from the Wisconsin border…).

    Please, Chicagoians – share the love, share the reputation for voter fraud!  There is enough in the great State of Illinois to go around.

  12. The Irish Rovers says:

    Lassie’s and laddie’s,

    This thread brings to mind one of our favorite folk songs, sung to the tune of a popular Irish jig:

    “Ode to RFK Jr”

    “Oh, your grandfather’s dead,

    and your grandmother’s dead,

    and your father is dead,

    and your uncle’s is dead,

    and your brother is dead ,

    and your cousin is dead,

    and your uncle’s a drunk

    and you used to do smack”

  13. Some Guy in Chicago says:

    Please, Chicagoians – share the love, share the reputation for voter fraud!  There is enough in the great State of Illinois to go around.

    yeah, but we wear it with such a badge of honor.

    I have a friend who is looking to make a mix tape of Daley press confrences.  Some of the classics will include “It’s silly.  Totally Silly.  Silly.”, “Bad things happen at night- I was asleep”, and “Don’t let anyone tell you you’re an immigrant, this whole country is immigrants”.

    tw: south

    like where the red line ends

  14. M.Scott says:

    Doesn’t the fact that Salon – SALON – is publishing a takedown of Kennedy’s article say everything that needs to be said?  Given Salon’s editorial slant, I mean?

  15. Sean M. says:

    I’ll see your folk song and raise you one:

    They come over here

    And they take all our land

    They chop off our heads

    And they boil them in oil

    Our children are leaving

    And we have no heads

    We drink and we sing

    And we drink and we die

    We have no heads

    We have no heads

    They come over here

    And they chop off our legs

    They cut off our hands

    And put nails in our eyes

    O’Grady is dead

    And O’Hanrahan’s gone

    We drink and we die

    And continue to drink


    No O’Hanrahan

    They buried O’Neil

    Down in country Shillhame

    The poor children crying

    And fe dee din de

    Hin fle di dinfle

    Di din fle de din de

    In hey bibble bibble

    Hey bibble bibble

    Hey fle bibble de


    No O’Hanrahan

    We drink and we sing

    And we drink and we sing


    We drink and we drive

    And we puke and we drink


    We drink and we fight

    And we bleed and we cry


    We puke and we smoke

    And we drink and we die


  16. I see dead people.  And they’re voting.

    Posted by Sean M

    And they’re voting twice…and three times.

  17. Sean M. says:

    Hey, vote early and vote often.

  18. Mark says:

    I feel sorry for Mr. Manjoo.  Lord knows the hate that Kos and Huffington are going to spew towards him today…

  19. JohnAnnArbor says:

    Doesn’t the fact that Salon – SALON – is publishing a takedown of Kennedy’s article say everything that needs to be said?  Given Salon’s editorial slant, I mean?

    All it does is prove Karl Rove’s super powers to control the media……….

  20. kelly says:


    I shouldn’t be chuckling about that name since this cat’s about to experience a burst of blogospheric pressure from the port side but still…Manjoo.

  21. rls says:

    Quit laughing kelly…after all Jeff is a ManJoo

    Or at least as Naked Testicle Spider Man, he was anatomically correct.

  22. mojo says:

    When you say “downstate”…you mean like Joliet…right?

    Nah, he means the Twin Cities – Champagne/Urbana

    SB: entire

    I waited an entire 20 years to use that joke.

  23. – Actually, according to on the set grips, Jeffs balls were never really nakie in any of the scenes from either of the two movies. In the first episode “Testicles of Doom”, he quickly discovered that leaving his gonads free to flop about, tended to get them caught in his web lines, with a resultant series of unscripted grimices, and screams. They tried duct tape, but application and removal quickly took its toll, so in the second installment, “Aracknids of Divinci”, they turned to modesty panels made of flesh colored gauze. Its rumored they also had to resort to Janet Reno flash cards, to instantly suppress those embarrassing “wooden” moments when he tries to carry the heroin up the side of a building, with her derrier pressed against his spider utility belt.

  24. Great Mencken's Ghost! says:

    Can’t somebody get RFK jr. a pilot’s license?

  25. Master of None says:

    “Can’t somebody get RFK jr. a pilot’s license?”

    or a lift ticket?

  26. wishbone says:

    Note to Democrats:  You nominated John Kerry.  To be President.  Of the United States.  In wartime.

    So the election HAD to be stolen.

    Read that again.

  27. wishbone says:

    In other words:

    2 + 2 = 93749031284730912473910743(laminated in Velveeta for snacky goodness)

  28. “[Exit poll] reliability can be questionable. One might think that there is no reason why voters in stable democracies should conceal or lie about how they have voted, especially because nobody is under any obligation to answer in an exit poll. But in practice they often do. The majority of exit polls carried out in European countries over the past years have been failures”

    – It would appear that had PEW simply switched the assigned numbers between the Dems and the Reps, they would have come within 1% point of being exactly correct, which then would suggest the axiom:

    “Automatic lying in response to exit poll questions is hereditary in paranoid, skittish Democratic voters.”

    – A precept also supported by the European results, even more-so with a much larger percentage of Socialistic voters.

    – Of course the whole thing is partisan, self-serving bullshit. The point of the entire excersize was to push the losing nimbers in the face of the viewing public, with the goal of discouraging late Republican voters. Fuckers.

  29. “Can’t somebody get RFK jr. a pilot’s license?”

    – Or an invitation to go to granade launcher practice with Kerry….

  30. Pablo says:

    If you haven’t already, you really need to see the video of Jr. on The Situation Room.

    Three words: Shakes the Clown

  31. Darleen says:

    today is the CA primary

    I’ll be watching the Dem side to see who they’ll be tossing up against Arnold in Nov—both Steve Westley and Phil Angelides are typical CA dems … pretty much squarely on the left side of the center, though Westley is trying to position himself as a fiscal moderate. Angelides, on the other hand, is further to the left than Westley and has publically proclaimed that “rich” Californians are not “taxed enough” and wants SPECIAL taxes only on them.

    Lets see how much influence the far left has in CA.

  32. Three words: Shakes the Clown

    Is it legal to show that, even on cable?

  33. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:


    actually, a better barometer of how much “juice” the libs still have here in Lotus Eater-Land is the outcome of Prop. 82.

    This masterpiece of class warfare and “for-the-children” liberal “feel-goodism” was crafted by Rob “MeatHead” Reiner in an attempt to burnish his credentials for a possible future run for Governer. It would tax the top 1.7% of income earners to generate $2.4B in revenue which would be used to turn the pre-school industry in the state over to the educrats responsible for making our K-12 system the laughingstock of US public education.

    Given that 2/3’s of all California 4-year-old are already in a pre-school prgram and that even the proposition supporters admit this effort would only boost that number to around 70%, this means that the incremental 4% of additional enrolee’s would cost around $104,000 apiece!

    Whether Tweedle-rich or Tweedle-richer wins the Democrat primary to face off against the Governator is a distinction without a difference.

  34. eLarson says:

    Kerry and Ohio

    I think it is more likely that Bush actually won Wisconsin.  For that matter, wasn’t the margin narrower in Pennsylvania?

  35. McGehee says:


    Gesundheit. And cover your mouth when you do that.

    Somebody hand that guy a Kleenex. And me a towel.

  36. Darleen says:


    Yes, you’re correct. 82 is nothing but mindnumbingly “feel good” toxic waste from the leftard swamplands.

    I was just so startled at Phil’s plainly stated “soak the rich” riff, I figured that he then become the touchstone of how the state’s Democrats will try to govern across the board.

  37. McGehee says:

    If LandPhil wins the election, the whole damn state will be wasted away in Agelidesville.

  38. proudvastrightwingconspirator says:

    Whether it’s Westly or Angelidies doesn’t really matter. Either one will be beholden to the Perata/Burton machine that runs the Democrat-controlled legislature and will become, if they defeat the Governator in the General Election, a rubber stamp for the radical tax-hiking, profilagte spending, gay marriage & open border

    supporting gang that put our state $40B in the red under the “leadership” of Governor “Pay-to-Play” Davis.

    As much as Arnold has been a disappointment on a lot of levels, he’s still a far cry better than the alternative.

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