
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


protein wisdom’s Paste Soufflé recipe (UPDATED)


* 1 small jar (approx. 7 1/2 ounces) small curd paste

* 1 cup milk

* 3 tablespoons butter

* 3 tablespoons flour

* 1/4 teaspoon salt

* dash ground cayenne pepper

* 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard

* 4 eggs, separated

* 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce


Strain paste and set aside. In a saucepan, melt butter; blend in flour, salt, cayenne, and dry mustard. Simmer while stirring until the mixture is smooth and bubbly.

Gradually add 1 cup milk and stir until thickened. Remove from heat and quickly stir in beaten egg yolks, Worcestershire sauce, and strained paste. Let mixture cool.

Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry; fold into paste mixture. Pour mixture into a buttered 2-quart soufflé dish or casserole. Bake at 350° for 45 to 50 minutes.


protein wisdom’s Paste soufflé serves four.  Only, you know, being a stupid stupid paste eater, you’ll think it serves 7—a testament both to your arrogance and your intellectual overreach.  So it serves you right that three of your dinner guests—likely racist haters, the lot of them—will go hungry. 



update:  More below the fold.

Evidently not one to learn a lesson, Broome Community College associate professor Dr. Andrew Haggerty joins Lindsay Beyerstein, Duncan Black, and the usual band of howler monkeys in yet another circle jerk about how stupid I am. 

I mention this not because I much care about the insults—hell, if this is how they want to spend their Saturday (“Klonopin!” “OPEN THREAD!”), have at it—but instead only to note that Broome Community College associate professor Dr Andrew Haggerty (formerly “Thersites” of the now defunct metacomments, and now simply “Thers,” of Whiskyash) continues to suggest in public fora that one of my regular commenters made vile comments about his little girl, and that I somehow encouraged threats against him and his family. 

Dr Haggerty has no proof of the first charge (despite my repeated offers to check the IP against my commenters’ IPs, and despite my quick condemnation of the comment, though that I was even asked to distance myself from the comment suggests Dr Haggerty had already decided someone from my site had something to do with it, and that, in his mind, I’m in some way responsible for everything my commenters may or may not say elsewhere); and nowhere have I encouraged threats against Dr Andrew Haggerty and his family. 

The bottom line is that Dr Andrew Haggerty and his wife, Dr Mary Donnelly (also of Broome Community College), both seem determined to allow this smear to continue.  And so long as they do, I will continue to make sure they aren’t able to do so from behind a shield of anonymity.

100 Replies to “protein wisdom’s Paste Soufflé recipe (UPDATED)”

  1. Kent says:

    … an’… an’… an’ will there be fresh, hot klonopin fritters, too, Unca Jeff?  Huh?  Huh?  Will there?  HUH—?!?  wink

  2. mmmmmmm…..klonopin fritters……….

  3. Have you seen Thersites’ grades?

  4. ss says:

    Is this like when Jews drive German cars?

  5. rls says:

    Have you seen Thersites’ grades?

    Are you maybe saying that he might not have the mental acumen to properly make paste?

  6. Kent says:

    Is this like when Jews drive German cars?

    Similarly:  is this like when Jews vote for the Democratic candidate…? wink

  7. marcus says:

    Great laugh-out-loud stuff, Jeff.  Thanks.

  8. Big E says:

    So it serves you right that three of your dinner guests—likely racist haters, the lot of them—will go hungry. 

    Guess again, We always keep a few cans of Brown People Stew down in the pantry for just such emergencies.  It’s on the middle shelf between the Pickled Hippy Feet and The Other brand potted meat product.  Watch your step though its my nephew’s birthday next week and I am in the middle of putting together his gift, a brand new My Little BushKultist Easy Bake Crematoria (now fits 50% more brown people) Special Genocidal Ideation Edition, and the parts are all over the floor.  Oh yeah, while your down there grab a couple puppies I think I’m going to make my world famous puppy brain souffle for dessert.

  9. Pablo says:

    Yeah, but what’s in the punch? That’s good stuff.

  10. P. Diddy says:

    Have you seen Thersites’ grades?

    Grades? You seen his posse?

    Damn, boy.

  11. N. O'Brain says:

    IIRC, McDonald’s tried that recipe already.

    Used it in one of their Sad Mealsâ„¢.

  12. Slartibartfast says:

    Laugh-out-loud funny, Jeff.  Thanks; things were getting entirely too serious around here for a spell.

    We always keep a few cans of Brown People Stew down in the pantry for just such emergencies.

    Hot, brown, and plenty of it!

  13. Beck says:

    Why am I not surprised that you keep the egg yolks separated from the egg whites?  EGGIST!!!

  14. EvilOtto says:

    I don’t have any curd paste. Can I substitute Elmer’s Glue-All?

  15. Pappy says:

    Chives are good, but don’t add them until after the mixture cools. Otherwise they make the paste turn green.

  16. jarnold says:

    This web site is like those shows “Lost” or “24” or “Twin Peaks” in that if you only drop in occasionally you will not know WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON. Anyway, lets just say you’ve confused me more than once.

  17. BoZ says:

    1 small jar (approx. 7 1/2 ounces) small curd paste

    Goldstein once again demonstrates the swinish gauchisme americain of the uterus-occupying right by basing his “ironic” Zionazi din-din on off-the-shelf megamart Dale Earnhardt Memorial Eatin’ Paste.

    Even in jest, breeding tells, Repukes.

    cool hmm

  18. McGehee says:

    …if you only drop in occasionally you will not know WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON.

    Actually, none of us knows WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON. We just play along because we all want people to think we’re cool.

    But don’t tell anybody, okay?

  19. commander0 says:

    Jeffy, do you have an internet source for curd paste?  ‘Cause I sure can’t find it at any local stores.  Not even the Halal ones

  20. Swen Swenson says:

    As I recall, the white minty-smelling school paste was pretty tasty right out of the jar.

    If you can’t get the prescribed paste for this recipe I’d recommend substituting unflavored gelatin. It’s one of the best wood glues available although rumor has it that some folks do eat it. Now that’s disgusting.

  21. George S. "Butch" Patton (Mrs.) says:

    This site is like 24?  Can we shoot trolls in the thigh?

  22. Way to take the high ground, Jeff. How could anyone consider your constant posting of Thersites and his wife’s real names and workplaces to be a threat?

  23. slickdpdx says:

    SWEN: You are right on.  BTW – Wasn’t it thoughtful that they made sure the paste the kindergartners and pre-schoolers used tasted good?  You don’t see that kind of thoughtfulness anymore!

  24. Jeff Goldstein says:

    I dunno, PKB.  How can constantly linking me under my real name, mentioning that I’m a stay at home dad, suggesting I be jailed (or that I’m an enemy to America etc.), not be considered a threat under the circumstances you describe?

    I don’t take it as such, but then, I’m not the one trying to fling shit at people from behind an alias that I’ve revealed elsewhere.  (Incidentally, when Dr Haggerty emails, he uses an email address that reveals his name; not sure how strong a case he’s making for anonymity at that point).

    And if you notice, I’m not the instigator.  Dr Andrew Haggerty continues to run around the blogosphere leveling false charges against me.  If he’d like me to stop mentioning his name, he might stop trying to blacken mine.

  25. Swen Swenson says:

    Good lord. Against my better judgment I followed the link to the alicublog. It’s gotten so bad they’re even comparing you to James Lileks, which is clearly going too far!

    TW: Time to go nuclear!

    Ps. Yeah, if you weren’t supposed to eat it why’d they make it smell and taste so good?

  26. MarkD says:

    Can I substitute Tofu for the curd paste?  Soy sauce for the Worcestershire sauce?  I’m kind of partial to Japanese food.

    I suppose I could ask at Cornell (the real school in Broome County…)

    BTW, Mrs D tells me that they used to smash up rice and use it for paste when she was a little kid.  Who says you can’t learn anything around here?

  27. Swiftsure says:

    Just the sort of recipe a racist, homophobic, paste-eating anti-semetic semite would concieve while under the paid protection of his Masonic-Roveian-Zionist Masters! Bland, tasteless and STUIPD! HAH! HERE THAT!! Stupid I call thee!! Just like your racist posts and blogging!!!

    Were you a TRULY INTELLEGENT Roveian-Masonic-Zionist you’d make up something like this for your guests:

    Conch Fritters

    1 lb conch meat

    1/2 lg onion

    2 stalks celery

    1/2 red pepper

    1/2 green pepper

    Salt to taste

    1 egg

    1/3 cup self rising cornmeal

    1/3 cup flour

    1 tsp. baking powder

    1/4 cup buttermilk

    1/4 tsp hot sauce

    Put conch through food grinder or food processor. Process with onion, celery, red and green pepper and mix with conch, adding salt and egg. Mix well. Mix together cornmeal, flour and baking powder. Add conch mixture. Mixture should be thick. Add buttermilk and hot sauce. Drop by heaping tablespoon into deep oil until light brown. Drain. Serve with mayonnaise and lime juice.

    I personally serve these as starters before me and my Marine Buddies go out and slaugther orphans and widows.

  28. Mau Mau says:

    PKB take a look at the rendition of events that Andrew is endorsing..


    1.Various folk insulted Goldstein.

    2. Goldstein and his commenters posted the real life identities and addresses of those folk, which led to scary real life harrassment (as any idiot could predict would happen.)


    Davey’s version of events is essentially accurate. And I am in more of a position to know the details of this sorry mess than is John Cole.


    I’ve reviewed the thread in which this information had been posted. There were no addresses revealed, there was mention of a city of approx. 47,000 people.

    Also if the harassment he’s alluding to is the sicko’s baby comment, IIRC that occurred well before people had looked-up Thersites name. So it wasn’t the result of the posting.

    Is there some other harassment that’s occurred?

    Way to take the high ground, Jeff. How could anyone consider your constant posting of Thersites and his wife’s real names and workplaces to be a threat?

    From where does this threat derive? Is there a fatwa out against Andrew, a mob contract, revenuers? Who has threatened Andrew? I’m serious, if there’s an actual threat in circulation please inform everyone, because I’m sure that JG will strip Andrews name from the site if he has reason to believe that Andrew or his family are truly in danger.

  29. Swen Swenson says:

    Conch fritters [drool]!

    Oh wait.. you’re refering to the big snail, not the rare and endangered native Floridian? What are you, French or something?

  30. Swen Swenson says:

    Who has threatened Andrew?

    The worst threat I’ve seen was someone suggesting that a link be forwarded to his fellow faculty there at Broome so they could see what a childish twit they had in their midst. Want to bet that’s why his blog disappeared so fast?

    Of course, if you don’t want people to know you’re a childish twit, don’t behave like a childish twit. If you do act like a childish twit, flaunt it as I do. Adulthood is greatly overrated!

    TW: Oh, poor Andrew!

  31. Swiftsure says:


    And no, I am reffering to the BIG conch which may be endangered in Florida, but froilck and thrive with wild frisky abandon here in the clean and fresh waters of the Lower Antilles.

    Mau-Mau, my take on the “Thersites Incident” is this:

    He’s a ASSOCIATE Professor at a COMMUNITY COLLEGE with a severe case of blog envy.  How else can he make a name for himself and get affermation and validation for his pityful and miserable existance? The only consolation he has to the realization that he spent all those years in university only to be able to grade tattooed and pierced goth kids and baristas spelling is that he can at least be a spur in the heel of a successful blogger. Sad, sad….sad….it almost makes my brown eyes blue…

  32. Up There says:

    Are you of Cornish ancestry?  Because your next recipe could be for a Cornish Pasty…ha ha ha…Is that not droll?

    Well, someone here has to be witty.

  33. Jim Katz says:

    IIRC correctly Ithaca, NY is Tompkins country. Home of Cornell U.  Broome county is to the south, home of Binghamton, NY. Big IBM and GE plants there.

  34. It sounds delicious Jeff, but I think you left out the white food coloring.

    But don’t worry, I won’t report you.


  35. Mrs. Ibrahim al-Jaafari says:

    pray tell, Dr. Glodstein, where you received your PhD from and at what institution of higher education you are teaching at? just curious?

    I guess maybe those involved in lower education feel a wee bit jealous?

  36. Swiftsure says:

    Whaaaaaaaaaaat?? Cornish Pasties are made with turnips, potatoes and beef wrapped in a pastry!

    Oh, and Swen, NATIVE Floridians (of which I am proud to say that I am one tho’ I reside in the Dutch West Indies) are reffered to as “Crackers” not Conchs, which is where you confused me.

    The appelation of a “Conch” only refers to those who inhabit that vile Island and den of Dong Rangers and Knob-Goblins known as Key West; wherein they segregate themseleves between salt and fresh water Bung-Hole Priates or some such non-sense.

  37. Swen Swenson says:


    Actually, I’m Norwegian, but the square-head bit still applies. It’s rather attractive and a handy way to squeeze more cubic inches under my hat. Also kept my head from rolling off my shoulder when I fell asleep in class.

  38. Swiftsure says:

    Dear Mrs. Ibrahim al-Jaafari,

    Dr. Goldstien did’nt make the sarcastic commentary about Community College Professors, I DID! I understand how you may have been able to confuse the posters what with your burka disturbing your view of the monitor, however, my take of sheep-skin floggers is best encapsulated by Woody Allen in the film “Annie Hall”

    …Those who can, do. Those who can’t teach. Those who can’t teach, teach Gym.

    As I understand it, Dr. Goldstien has left the impotent and intellectually consipated world of the Ivory Towers to lead a productive life of raising his child and annoying un-medicated lefties.

  39. Good Lt. says:

    Dr. Glodstein, where you received your PhD from and at what institution of higher education you are teaching at? just curious?

    Who’s Dr. Glodstein?

    If Ward Churchill can teach and be venerated by legions of braindead libreals as the head of a department at a major state University…well, you know the rest. Come back when you find out what those credentials were.

    For a master chef specializing in paste, JG is doing a bang-up job of making these “academics’” heads twirl, no?

    BECAUSE OF THE IRONY!!!!!!!!!11!!!11!!!!

  40. Farmer Joe says:

    IIRC correctly Ithaca, NY is Tompkins country. Home of Cornell U.  Broome county is to the south, home of Binghamton, NY. Big IBM and GE plants there.

    I’ve been to Binghamton. It’s no Ithica.

  41. For a master chef specializing in paste, JG is doing a bang-up job of making these “academics’” heads twirl, no?

    Yes, it takes a great scholar to repeatedly post someone’s name and workplace. We are all very impressed with “Dr.” Goldstein. And there is absolutely no implied threat in continuing to post that information.

  42. Mrs. Ibrahim al-Jaafari says:

    does JG even have a Bachelor’s degree? maybe the question should have been “what High School did Jeff graduate from?”

    the ant-intellectualism of the Paste Eaters never fails to amuse me. but please, don’t let me interfere with Goldstein’s meltdown, it sure is fun to watch his obsessive-compulsive reaction to an asswhupping.

  43. Swen Swenson says:

    Mmm.. Conch on crackers. Stop it, you’re makin’ me hungry.

    But last time I heard the term in action I believe the full usage was “corn-eatin’ cracker” and I’m pretty certain the object of said affectionate reference was from Mississippi. I’m so confused!

    And even more confusing, I thought it went..

    “Those who can, do. Those who can’t, teach. And those who can’t teach form teacher’s unions.

    Which reminds me, I’ve got to pay my TIAA fees.

    TW: It’s a hard cruel world outside the academe, but at least I don’t have to wear Birkenstocks & gray wool socks!

  44. Master Tang says:

    Mme. Ibrahim – please, for the benefit of us anti-intellectual paste-eaters, explain in what way and how Jeff experienced this “asswhupping” of which you speak.

    Or are you using the argumentam ad Wimp Lo: “I am bleeding, making me the victor”?

  45. Swen Swenson says:

    Well, at least we paste eaters can spell “anti-intellectualism”..

    Oh sorry, so judgmental of me!

  46. Mrs. Ibrahim al-Jaafari says:

    It’s not my “intention” to detail Jeffy’s asswhupping, it’s my “intent” to laugh at his meltdown at said asswhupping.

    Classic Internet meltdowns are so rare these days, yet Jeffy’s is like a breath of fresh air. and exceedingly civil, too.

  47. MayBee says:

    Yes, it takes a great scholar to repeatedly post someone’s name and workplace…. Goldstein.

    Posted by Pot Kettle Black

    Ha.  Why does that amuse me so?

  48. Good Lt. says:

    Yes, it takes a great scholar to repeatedly post someone’s name and workplace. We are all very impressed with “Dr.” Goldstein. And there is absolutely no implied threat in continuing to post that information.

    When did JG make this about being “a great scholar?” What does that have to do with anything, little one?

    If said “Community College professors with PhD’s” want to continue their masturbatory smearings of JG, let em come out from behind their little masks and engage mono e mono. Otherwise, they’re slandering JG on a daily basis, and they’re getting what they give (and they and you hate it).

    Life’s a bitch that way sometimes. Besides, what are you so worried about? Thers has a PhD, as does his wife, so they’re smart enough to retain their jobs, no? If not, they’ll surely get tenure at Harvard or someplace like that. Or Colorado U.

    TW:Having a PhD means that you are the smartest person in the world, man. Seriously.

  49. MayBee says:

    protein wisdom’s Paste soufflé serves four.  Only, you know, being a stupid stupid paste eater, you’ll think it serves 7—a testament both to your arrogance and your intellectual overreach.

    You can solve this problem by serving paste souffle with chopsticks. Your dinner party guests will be so intellectually occupied with hanging the chopsticks from their nostrils they will forget to eat at all.

  50. Good Lt. says:

    It’s not my “intention” to detail Jeffy’s asswhupping, it’s my “intent” to laugh at his meltdown at said asswhupping.

    Classic Internet meltdowns are so rare these days, yet Jeffy’s is like a breath of fresh air. and exceedingly civil, too.

    OK. Lets play the “I define my own reality” game.

    I declare that Mrs. Ibrahim is having a meltdown of catastrophic proportions that has yet to be equalled on the entire Internet (which I have seen).

    This is the meltdown of an ass-whupping put on by Mrs. Ibrahimi which the common folk will have years to get their collective heads around. It’s that devastating of a meltdown.

    – –

    Remember – If I say it, it becomes reality.

  51. Mrs. Ibrahim al-Jaafari says:

    What’s really perfect is how the Paste Eater Meltdown is causing bemused chuckles from the rightwing blogs. Damn, when even your own side is laughing at you….

  52. MotherOfActus says:

    anyone seen actus?

  53. Good Lt. says:

    A link, please, Mrs. I?

    You taok a horrible game, and you have nothing but “JG sucks hahah” in your arsenal thus far.

    Impressive, though. Very, very impressive.

  54. Good Lt. says:

    Paste Eater Meltdown is causing bemused chuckles from the rightwing blogs.

    Show us the links, baby! We’ll wait…

  55. Classic Internet meltdowns are so rare these days, yet Jeffy’s is like a breath of fresh air. and exceedingly civil, too.

    What, he didn’t make any dog-fucking jokes yet?

  56. Good Lt. says:

    What, he didn’t make any dog-fucking jokes yet?

    You DO realize the irony of posting this, do you not?

    Hint: You beat him to it. Ignoramus.

  57. Mrs. Ibrahim al-Jaafari says:

    What, he didn’t make any dog-fucking jokes yet?

    give it time.

  58. Good Lt. says:

    So far, the only people posting (wanting?) “dog-fucking jokes” in here is you two clowns.

    How’s it feel to be hoisted by your own puerile peterds? Much like watching “Mr. Second-Coming of Einstein” Thersites get his foul-mouthed, “big-balled” slanderous ass outed, no doubt.

    Keep ‘em comin.

  59. It’s not my “intention” to detail Jeffy’s asswhupping,

    ah, the old “well, if you don’t know I’m not going to tell you” my husband loves that one.

  60. You can solve this problem by serving paste souffle with chopsticks. Your dinner party guests will be so intellectually occupied with hanging the chopsticks from their nostrils they will forget to eat at all.

    Maybee, don’t forget walrus impressions. 


  61. Paul says:

    It’s not my “intention” to detail Jeffy’s asswhupping

    Please Mrs Ibrahim, do it for our delectation. I’ll make daquiris. big surprise

  62. LagunaDave says:

    Somebody pass the popcorn! cool smile

  63. Swen Swenson says:

    And what’s all this about a “meltdown”? I thought sensitivity was the watchword of the touchy-feelie set? Now you admit you enjoy someone’s anguish? I thought it was the right wing that was supposed to be eeeViL(tm)?

    TW: Of course, reviling the other is a symptom of a small mind.

  64. Yes, I guess we are “pwn3d” for bringing up the dog-fucking jokes before “Dr.” Goldstein did. And Michael Moore is fat – zing!

  65. Mark Wilson says:

    I think Nate (a supposed fan of Thersites and NYMary) outed them well before the controversy started—including posting pictures of the their entire family on one or more of his websites. Notwithstanding the use of an assumed name, I don’t think you can be “outed” if you’re Internet persona is so easily associated with your name, position and hometown through the actions of your “friends”. In any event, most bloggers, including Jeff Goldstein and Jane Hamsher, somehow manage to be known publicly without, evidently, fearing for their personal safety. I also doubt bloggers and their readers are prone to violence (and I sincerely hope that this view continues to hold).

    Finally, it is, to my mind, virtually impossible that Jeff Goldstein or any regular reader of his blog left the comment on Thersite’s site about Thersite’s child. First, Thersites refuses to send Jeff the IP address of the offending commenter. Second, the word choice used in the offending comment is not a part of the Protein Wisdom lexicon for referring to the male sexual organ. Third, I cannot understand why a father would repeatedly call attention to such a comment and not do anything to find the offender—I would remove the comment and use all means available to get the IP address of the commenter and associate it with a person.

  66. Good Lt. says:

    Yes, I guess we are “pwn3d” for bringing up the dog-fucking jokes before “Dr.” Goldstein did. And Michael Moore is fat – zing!

    And PMK makes three leftards trying to insert “Dog fucking jokes” into the thread.

    Yes, I guess we are “pwn3d”

    You did indeed get your 7th grade bullsh*t smakced down. Thank you. Thank you very much.

  67. Broome Community College says:

    Who was it that constantly referred to Jeff Goldstein as Jeffy?



    *these are going to be cached for a while genius.

    That’s right, that guy from the writing lab at..

    Broome Community College

    Broome Community College

  68. Swiftsure says:

    Here’s what I made for supper tonight:

    2 pounds mahi mahi fillets

    1/2 cup dark rum

    1/2 cup fresh lime juice

    2 onion, sliced into thin rings

    1 lemon, sliced

    2 teaspoons dried oregano

    4 tablespoons butter

    ground black pepper to taste

    Arrange the fish fillets in an oven proof 9×13 glass baking dish. Pour the rum and lime juice over the fish and place a slice onion on each fillet. Cover and refrigerate for 2 to 4 hours.

    Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C).

    Remove fish from the refrigerator and pour off about 3/4 of the liquid. Leave the onion slices in the dish and place a thick slice of lemon on each fish fillet. Sprinkle with oregano and black pepper to taste. Place a pat of butter or margarine on each fillet.

    Bake, covered, at 350 degrees F (165 degrees C) for about 20 to 30 minutes or until fish flakes easily with a fork. Be careful not to over cook the fish or it will be dry. Serve with the cooked onion and lemon slices.

    What I do for a side show is photo-shop pictures of Mrs. Ibrahim al-Jaafari in the un-natural romantic embrace of barnyard and domestic animals* and e-mail it to her Imam; and then when a dump truck full of bolders is dumped upon her wailing body I cluck, nudge the bernoosed fellow next to me and say: “ Now, THAT is what I call a asswhupin’!”

    * not exactly a dog-fucking joke, I know, but hey, this whole tread started with a souffle’ recipe!

  69. I didn’t have any paste, so I substituted chicken.  Tasty!

  70. Mr. Ibrahim al Jafaari says:

    Honey, what did I tell you about blogging without asking?


    Now go fix me a nice MLT.  You know, where the mutton is so thin and the tomato is fresh.  They’re so perky.

  71. N. O'Brain says:

    And Michael Moore is fat – zing!

    Posted by Pot Kettle Black | permalink

    on 06/04 at 07:28 PM

    You forgot ugly.

    Oh, and a liar.

    You forgot liar.

    And a rich oppressor of working people.

    You forgot rich oppresor of working people.


    You forgot to mention that Michael Moore smells.

    TW: helps. I hope that helps, you booger eatin’ moron.

  72. Swiftsure says:

    Only after you throw out my spit cup and bring me a fresh can of Copenhagen SNUFF—NOT LONG CUT, like you bought last time—dearest.

  73. LagunaDave says:

    I can understand Jeff’s ire at being repeatedly slandered (and I share it).

    But since “Thersites” is apparently to too dumb to quit while he’s behind, I sort of wonder whether there is any point in continuing to give him the attention he’s apparently so desperate for.  Even apart from the fact that Jeff has handed him his academic ass on a platter with bow tied around it, “Thersites” has already amply demonstrated to any fair-minded person that he’s a pompous, whiny, lying cretin.

    I just wonder whether Jeff’s responding to every salvo of fecal matter hurled at him by these dolts does anything other than gratify them and encourage more of the same.

    Simply ignoring them may be a more effective way of underlining their irrelevance.

  74. JJ says:

    maggie, no!

    You don’t do the well-if-you-don’t-know-I’m-not-going-to-tell-you on your husband?

    Do you realize what countless hours of pain that has caused to mankind worldwide?

    …oop, excuse: anymore chips, hon?

  75. alppuccino says:

    ……..and you can’t talk about Michael Moore without mentioning the inordinate amount of smegna-buildup around his tiny genitals due to their being trapped in a hot, dank flab-fold, lo these many moons.

    Gotta include the smegma.

  76. N. O'Brain says:

    Mrs. I,

    You don’t happen to live in Canada, do you?

  77. Swiftsure says:

    “Thersites” has already amply demonstrated to any fair-minded person that he’s a pompous, whiny, lying cretin.

    Um….and you could of saved yourself the time and simply mentioned that he is an ASSOCIATE Professor at a Community College; which I think better encapsulates all of your other adjatives in one fatal swoop.

    After all, what does he after to look forward to in life but to be a TENURED Professor at a Community College!

  78. But since “Thersites” is apparently to too dumb to quit while he’s behind

    And he has shown his determination to continue this war by removing his blog. While “Dr.” Goldstein has taken the high moral ground by posting Thersites’ name and workplace over and over. And dragged his wife into it as well. I guess up is down in wingerland.

  79. N. O'Brain says:

    “But since “Thersites” is apparently to too dumb to quit while he’s behind

    And he has shown his determination to continue this war by removing his blog.”


    A preemptive surrender.

  80. Swiftsure says:

    You know, this whole thing about Community Colleges has really gotten me to thinking, and as a general thought:

    Is it just me, or has anyone else noted the irony of a fellow with a AA degree in Communications from a Community College calling a graduate of both Harvard and Yale who flew fighter planes, built a multi-million dollar oil company, became the Govoner of Texas and a two term President of the United States, “stupid”?….and then to say it with conviction far less!

  81. Swen Swenson says:

    Simply ignoring them may be a more effective way of underlining their irrelevance.

    It’s already been noted that the professor formerly known as Thersites teaches a writing lab at Broome Community College. Surely further underscoring his irrelevance would be cruel?

    TW: After all, Broome Community College isn’t exactly the center of the academic universe, is it?

  82. Do you realize what countless hours of pain that has caused to mankind worldwide?

    of course! BWAH HA ha ha ha haaaaa.

  83. Pablo says:

    And he has shown his determination to continue this war by removing his blog….

    And claiming to have been forced to do so by present company.

    Or wait, was that Mary? Yes, I believe it was Mrs. Thirsty who claimed that Thirsty was forced to close one blog and start another.

    Yes. I believe that’s what happened. Force.

    Must be cyberforce or sumthin.

  84. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Why do you insist on continuing this, PKB?  If Andrew Haggerty of Broome Community College (and his wife, Mary Donnelly, also of BCC) wish this to end, all they need do is stop smearing me with lies and revisions, and inform people like you and Roy and Duncan and Lindsay and N Todd Pritzky to stop bringing this up over and over and over again.

    Instead, they seem content to use you as their proxies.  I mean, you are Thersites’ bitch, man.  How does that feel?

    Anyway, my info is available on my “about” page. I’m not a Doctor.  I passed my PhD orals and finished my dissertation, but because I had no desire to go back to teaching after my son was born, I didn’t finish the foreign language requirement.

    Although, I did receive some fellowships to do a lot of extra work in theory—something I’m not sure Andrew or Mary did during their time down south.

    Nor am I convinced their dissertations were anything remarkable.  Which is probably why they’re teaching at BCC full time.

  85. alppuccino says:

    Back in my day, there was no broom college.  You had to pick up the broom and figure out how to use it yourself or risk being left in the dust by the veteran sweepers. 

    damn towel snapping veteran sweepers.

  86. Swen Swenson says:

    After all, what does he after to look forward to in life but to be a TENURED Professor at a Community College!

    Oh GOD! I didn’t think of that. Forty years of grading undergrad essays in a writing lab. I think I’d just slash my wrists now and be done with it.

  87. Swiftsure says:

    Sven, my dear, but quadrangeled-cranially challenged brother, I already noted that very same thing above. But since we are on the theme of words and writing labs…the phrase “Cracker”, while it is directly applyed to Native Born Floridians, is also used through-out the South Eastern United States in a derogitory form particularly amongst Blacks to describe a lower-class white. 

    The origins of this are interesting in that they hail from the times of Slavery.  Since most overseers were lower-class whites, they used to “Crack” their whips all the time to get the slaves attention or to motivate them to work harder, and hence, all lower class whites were commonly reffered to as “Crackers”.

    While amongst us native Floridians the name remains a source of pride for some reason I still have not discovered.

  88. JD says:

    And he has shown his determination to continue this war by removing his blog. While “Dr.” Goldstein has taken the high moral ground by posting Thersites’ name and workplace over and over. And dragged his wife into it as well. I guess up is down in wingerland.

    PKB – Perhaps the former Theristes started in with digging his own hole and has now dug so deep that he finally struck granite.

    In any event, Goldstein has never, to my knowledge, stated whether or not he has a Ph.D, and he has continued to conduct this controversy using his own name, with common knowledge of his general area of residence. 

    And in the meantime, the former Theristes has decided to carry out a one-man fatwa against Goldstein for some imagined slight about his thoughts on “intentionalism,” all the while hiding behind a nickname.  And evidently got his wife either to sockpuppet for him or to add her own unique contributions to the “pasty” discussions, again from behind a nickname.

    And when fully exposed for the fraudulent, pompous arsehole that he is, the former Theristes folded his tent.

    Is that enough up-is-down for you?  Or do you still intend to demonstrate severe acute craniorectitis for the class?

  89. Kent says:

    the ant-intellectualism of the Paste Eaters

    “Ant-Intellectualism”: I.Q. level the cringing, craven “Mrs. Ibrahim al-Jaafari”s of the world ache and yearn to one day achieve…

    … but never, ever will.

    Paste Eater Meltdown is causing bemused chuckles from the rightwing blogs.

    … and are you actually going to provide links to same, in support of said statement; or are you—like the already busted Thirsty; who solemnly pledged to provide the identifying information of the (alleged) poster who so unsettled him—simply going to lie, outright, and then scamper off again?

    Is it the online left, entire, which has finally decided to morph into so many little Ian Micah Wrights and Jesse Macbeths… or just the ones huddling together for sullen, resentful communal comfort in suckjob hell…?  LOL

  90. Mrs. Ibrahim al-Jaafari says:

    “Anyway, my info is available on my “about” page. I’m not a Doctor.  I passed my PhD orals and finished my dissertation, but because I had no desire to go back to teaching after my son was born, I didn’t finish the foreign language requirement.”

    Now that’s what I call creative writing. Anyone interested in a bridge for sale?

  91. Kent says:

    I mean, you are Thersites’ bitch, man.  How does that feel?

    Like being gang-sodomized by a ravening horde of online ladybugs, one imagines. wink

  92. N. O'Brain says:


    “The Proffessor Formerly Know As Theristes”

    Has a certain ring to it, no?

  93. Country Jim says:

    After all, what does he after to look forward to in life but to be a TENURED Professor at a Community College!

    As an Associate Prof., he is probably already tenured.  Untenured is generally Assistant Professor.  I can’t base my regard (or lack thereof) on his title—I know too many good and talented CC professors.  Of course, most of them don’t have a chip on their shoulder about it.

    No, I base my lack of regard on his writing, his attitude, and his contemptible behavior. 

    Plus, I belive he can’t cook.

  94. Attila Girl says:

    Mrs. I is learning to use capital letters! Very good.

    She can tackle spelling next. Someday, she might even be ready to do coursework at a community college.

  95. N. O'Brain says:

    “Now that’s what I call creative writing. Anyone interested in a bridge for sale?

    Posted by Mrs. Ibrahim al-Jaafari | permalink

    on 06/04 at 08:38 Pm”

    Where did he lie, exactly? What “bricge” is he trying to sell?

    W/links, please, cause your lies are starting to catch up to you.

    You’re not a Canadian by any chance, are you?

  96. Kent says:

    You’re not a Canadian by any chance, are you?

    A Canadian Muslim.  The online equivalent, “identity politics”-wise, of being the star center for an all-dwarven quadriplegic basketball team. LOL

  97. Swiftsure says:

    You may be over-stepping yourself there Attila Girl in your expectations, after all, entrance to a Community College requires that you have to…bring a pen.

  98. Darleen says:

    Hey, burkabitch,

    What is it about SAHP’s that has your dried up uterus so in a flutter?

    Or what do you REALLY have under the black drape?

  99. SarahW says:

    I had that at a Robert Byrd garden party once.

    Good times. And I don’t think it has anything to do with that thyroid nodule, (TW) either.

  100. all they need do is stop smearing me with lies and revisions, and inform people like you and Roy and Duncan and Lindsay and N Todd Pritzky to stop bringing this up over and over and over again.

    Like I said, he “smeared you with lies” by removing his blog. While you decided to “let it go” by posting his information over and over. Up is down.

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