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June 2002

Introduction to Bowdlerized Lit (or “Fit Lit” 101)


Introduction to Bowdlerized Lit (or “Fit Lit” 101)


Horton Hears a Ka-Ching!

“An anti-government waste group says a new Dr. Seuss National Memorial in Springfield, Massachusetts, is full of ‘Green Eggs and Pork.’ “The memorial is a bronze sculpture garden containing statues of Dr. Seuss and his famous characters, like Horton the Elephant, Yertle the Turtle and Thidwick the Moose,” NCBuy reports. “But the Washington-based Citizens Against Government Waste is saying ‘shame, shame’ to the park, claiming Massachusetts’ Congress paid for the

At the Polls

So it turns out I’m not the sexiest male blogger (that honor goes to a middle-aged, displaced North Dakotan with a light saber fetish, God Bless frickin’ America!) — and now, to make matters even worse, I’m not even the funniest, according to voters in Malibu Barbie’s latest online degradation. Tim Blair my ass. Just wait until the “Best Endowed Male Blogger” poll comes out, is all I’ve got to

Hollywood Shuffle

The Weekly Standard’s Jonathan Last didn’t care too much for The Sum of All Fears, but he does find it instructive in other ways: For the uninitiated, ‘Fears’ is the fourth installment of the Jack Ryan franchise adapted from Tom Clancy’s best-selling novels. In the book version of ‘Fears,’ a group of Middle-Eastern terrorists tries to start a war between Russia and the United States by setting off a nuclear

Devilish Popery

“A priest who uses magic tricks to entertain his congregation has asked the Pope to name a patron saint of conjurers, magicians, and wizards,” BBC News reports. “Don Silvio performs magic tricks for his congregation.” Don Silvio Mantelli, a Salesian priest from Turin, presented a magic wand to the Pope earlier this year and asked for the title to be given to a 19th Century Italian priest — Saint Giovanni

Kiss This Miss

…from the “How You Choose To Encapsulate Your Penis Speaks Volumes About You” Department… “The rock band Kiss is getting into the safe sex business, with a line of condoms featuring their trademark painted faces on the package,” the Sydney Morning Herald reports. “The first in the series of Kiss Kondoms are billed as ‘Rock ‘N’ Rubbers’ and are made of bright red latex.” They’re labelled ‘Tongue Lubricated’, and the

That Golden Plunge

Yeah? Well I’ve got your war on obesity right here, Mr. Doctor Surgeon General…! This is great stuff. Fried Twinkees? Inspired madness, I say! And an indication that the pendulum’s already swinging back rapidly (well, with all the speed an oil-drenched and cream-filled spongecake can muster, at least) into the faces of the food nannies. Perhaps we can compromise? To wit: “I’ll start with the curried tofu, waiter — firm,

Abe Lincoln’s Porn!

According to the Weekly World News, Honest Abe Lincoln, our 16th president, was a randy ol’ fella who liked his slaves freed, his years scored, and his women nekkid (and posing coquettishly with dainty silk kerchiefs): A treasure trove of 19th century pornography found during renovations at the White House belonged to our revered 16th president, Abraham Lincoln, stunned historians report. ‘Don’t let the dignified beard and stove-pipe hat fool

Abe Lincoln’s Porn!

According to the Weekly World News, Honest Abe Lincoln, our 16th president, was a randy ol’ fella who liked his slaves freed, his years scored, and his women nekkid (and posing coquettishly with dainty silk kerchiefs): A treasure trove of 19th century pornography found during renovations at the White House belonged to our revered 16th president, Abraham Lincoln, stunned historians report. ‘Don’t let the dignified beard and stove-pipe hat fool