
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

October 2024


That Golden Plunge

Yeah? Well I’ve got your war on obesity right here, Mr. Doctor Surgeon General…!

This is great stuff. Fried Twinkees? Inspired madness, I say! And an indication that the pendulum’s already swinging back rapidly (well, with all the speed an oil-drenched and cream-filled spongecake can muster, at least) into the faces of the food nannies.

Perhaps we can compromise? To wit: “I’ll start with the curried tofu, waiter — firm, over a bed of cabbage and bean sprouts, please. With the arugula salad (poppy vinegrette on the side) and the wild-rice pilaf. And for dessert, I’d like the New York Strip — blackened, rare — a baked potato, and two of them fried Twinkees.

Oh, and do you have milkshakes…?”

When I lived in Ocean City, Maryland — a beachfront resort town on Marlyand’s eastern shore — one of the places I loved to eat was a hamburger / hotdog place called the Alaska Stand. The “A-Stand” deep-fried their burgers and dogs and fries (all in the same basket, I believe), and to this day, I don’t think I’ve ever tasted a better burger than a triple A-Stand cheeseburger with diced onions.

Because let’s face it: You could deep fry a severed foot and it’d taste good (once you managed to debone the fucker and put it on bun with cheese, I mean…)

2 Replies to “That Golden Plunge”

  1. Moira says:

    What kind of puss worries about the bones?  Moses White’s Barbecue, Tampa, Florida (may it rest in peace):  Barbecue chicken sandwich – chicken breast complete in its state of grace as God made it – bones, skin, and all – slapped between two pieces of Wonder Bread.

    I leave the boner jokes to you.

  2. Jeff G says:

    Why, Ms. Breen.  I can do high brow, too, you know…

    (In fact, I did this sweet little red-headed librarian on my lunch break just the other day…)

    Thank you.  I’ll be here all week.

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