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February 2009


February 2009

You’re Not Smart Enough, You’re Not Good Enough [Dan Collins]

and goddamnit, you’re an asshole. The Society of St. Pius X has distanced itself from Williamson’s remarks and removed him as the director of its seminary in La Reja, Argentina. Figures.

Penalizing Charity Not Doled Out By The State [Dan Collins]

Patrick Ruffini: There’s a reason people like me argue that elections have consequences, and it’s because of Barack Obama’s tax and spending proposals announced yesterday. Obama’s massive $315 billion tax increase that violates a basic fairness principle in our tax code: that no matter who you are, we don’t count a dollar of income for taxable purposes once deductions for things like charitable donations and mortgage interest are taken into

Economic Hardship Strikes NFL [Dan Collins]

Haynesworth gets 7-year, $100 deal from Redskins After all those trillions in the news, it’s easy to overlook a few place-holders.

The Consequences of the Israelis = Nazis Meme [Dan Collins]

The estimable Melanie Phillips: And that is why so many British Jews now feel under siege in a country that to their horror and astonishment has now turned against them — which they feel every time they switch on the BBC or read the newspapers or go to the office or stand around over drinks with people they once thought were friends but who now force them to make a

Obama’s Budget Proposal (Updated)[cranky-d]

I made the mistake of listening to FauxNewz and I heard the price of Obama’s budget. He is calling for $3.5 trillion in spending in 2010, with a budget deficit this year of $1.75 trillion. $3.5 trillion. Let that roll around in your head a little bit. It almost sounds like a lot of money, doesn’t it? When I heard that figure, something in my head snapped. I had to

Outrage As Talk Show Host Pens Own Material [Dan Collins]

Comedian Jay Leno was hauled in front of his own union’s trial committee Wednesday to address charges that he broke guild rules during last season’s writers strike, a full year after the alleged violations. The NBC late-night host was a prominent backer of the Writers Guild of America during the 100-day work stoppage, but he alarmed union officials when he announced on the air that he was penning his own

UN Would Make “Defamation of Religion” (read Criticism of Islam) Illegal in Member States [Dan Collins]

Fuck the UN, and fuck Islamists and their fucking enablers. I can’t put it more judiciously than that. UN out of US. Related.

Congress Declines to Probe Links Between Contributions and Earmarks [Dan Collins]

This really ought to be under the auspices of The Office of Oversight Oversight. Well, of course. There were no earmarks in the “Stimulus” package. Obama said so. The bad news, of course, is that majority party Democrats are adamant against having any investigation into whether there are links between campaign contributions and earmarks in bills – which is very interesting, given that they control Congress, and thus can presumably

Totten on Hitch and the Syrian Nazis [Dan Collins]

Michael Totten has up his account of Hitch and the Syrian Nazis. It differs from mine mostly in the wealth of concrete detail. My guess is that certain expletives might also have been redacted. Robert Burton’s speculative piece about the inner workings of Bernie Madoff’s brain is also interesting, and has applications for those who are presently reading Julius Caesar with me. A piece on the brilliant Miss Trimble and

Op-Ed: If Prehistoric Fish Could Have Sex, Why Can’t Ace? [Dan Collins]

Okay, I’m just throwing this out here. Does this seem fair to you? The fossilized remains of two pregnant fish indicate that sex as we know it — fertilization of eggs inside a female — took place as much as 30 million years earlier than previously thought, researchers said Thursday. Scientists from Australia and Britain studying 380 million-year-old fossils of the armored placoderm fish, or Incisoscutum richiei, said they were