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October 2024


You’re Not Smart Enough, You’re Not Good Enough [Dan Collins]

and goddamnit, you’re an asshole.

The Society of St. Pius X has distanced itself from Williamson’s remarks and removed him as the director of its seminary in La Reja, Argentina.


11 Replies to “You’re Not Smart Enough, You’re Not Good Enough [Dan Collins]”

  1. N. O'Brain says:

    Um, why is he “an ultraconservative bishop”?

  2. Dan Collins says:

    Because his society is opposed to the Vatican II reforms, and ultra-orthodox just doesn’t cast the right aspersions.

  3. cranky-d says:

    If you don’t agree with the progressive agenda, you are ultra-conservative. One size fits all.

  4. mojo says:

    “Could you come to the Vatican and bring everything in your desk?”

  5. Techie says:

    “Ultra-orthodox” would confuse the issue, to be honest, what with the Orthodox Churches being separate from the RCC.

  6. Joe says:

    Do you think this Williamson has his own agenda? Mel Gibson’s dad is always looking for a padre, although this guy might be too liberal for him.

  7. Joe says:

    The Vatican stepped into this one. They should have told Williamson to get stuffed.

  8. pdbuttons says:

    if i had a picture
    of me and Father McFeely
    we’d be in the cups

  9. Mikey NTH says:

    I don’t think this bishop has ever been in the Vatican’s good graces. He was excommunicated for getting consecrated without permission. That is a major no-no in a hierachical organization like the Catholic Church.

    Now he goes off and says this nonsense. Sounds to me like he’s in a world of trouble.

  10. TheGeezer says:

    The lifting of excommunication was only a first step in the attempt to reconcile Williamson to the RCC. The article doesn’t sound like the pope is any too happy with Williamson, and for good reason.

    Dan, I don’t think “ultra-orthodox” is a fitting term for this man. He is anything but orthodox as a member of SSPX. “Ultraconservative” doesn’t fit either, of course. Maybe “screwy”?

  11. Mikey NTH says:

    And if I understand it rightly, excommunication is far more grave than being defrocked. A defrocked priest or bishop becomes a member of the laity (more or less) and cannot (unless needed) exercise a priestly function (a defrocked RCC priest can perform extreme unction if no other priest is available). Excommunication means that most sacraments (such as communion) are barred to the excommunicant.

    This bishop was so far out of the church that he couldn’t even receive communion – that makes his opinions pretty unreliable vis-a-vis church doctrine.

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