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October 2024


UN Would Make “Defamation of Religion” (read Criticism of Islam) Illegal in Member States [Dan Collins]

Fuck the UN, and fuck Islamists and their fucking enablers. I can’t put it more judiciously than that.

UN out of US.


81 Replies to “UN Would Make “Defamation of Religion” (read Criticism of Islam) Illegal in Member States [Dan Collins]”

  1. Silver Whistle says:

    The countries agreeing to enact this bullshit would provide you with a very useful list of “Shitholes you would not want to move to”.

  2. happyfeet says:

    Dear Dan,

    Please advice to me. The shameful talkings and cloths of my wife are shameful to me. If to remove the head would I be to defame the Islam? I wait here for you to say.


  3. Silver Whistle says:

    I’m kind of hoping the UK and US aren’t on that list, but these days – who knows?

  4. JHoward says:

    Try a little tolerance, Dan.

    Because the State said so.


  5. Benedick says:

    In the immediate aftermath of the election, I indulged in a fantasy that one day the middle-class dupes who voted for Obama would wake up, realize what they’d done, and angrily punish the Democrats in the next election.

    Now I’m starting to worry about armed insurrection.

  6. pledgepolish55 says:

    Does this mean that the next time someone uses NEA money to make a poop sculpture of Jesus, they’ll go to prison?

  7. Techie says:

    I don’t care what The World thinks.

    Most of “The World” is a cesspool of corruption, tribal warfare, backwards superstitions, and despotic governments. Tell me again why I should give a damn?

  8. Sdferr says:

    Tell me again why I should give a damn?

    Because a non-trivial number of them would like to see you dead, that’s why.

  9. Sigivald says:

    Funny thing about the UN demanding that something be made illegal.

    Countries just ignore it whenever they see fit, which is all the time.

    Like the US would anytime the UN demands something that violates the Constitution (as the US noted when ratifying the UDHR).

    The UN is a paper tiger. Except it’s not even a tiger on paper. It’s more of a paper housecat, that occasionally makes ineffectual swipes at you with paper claws.

    (And all of that assumes a binding (notionally) resolution rather than just wanking from the General Assembly, which means less than nothing.)

  10. Rob Crawford says:

    Does this mean that the next time someone uses NEA money to make a poop sculpture of Jesus, they’ll go to prison?

    No, because Christianity doesn’t qualify as a religion under the New Regime.

  11. Sdferr says:

    See Jawa’s analysis of polling of the Muslim world, for instance.

  12. Techie says:

    I’m reminded of the old Cold War joke:

    A Russian and an American are sitting in an airport waiting for a flight. They both get to talking and inevitability, the topic turns to politics. The American is trying to explain the concept of Freedom of Speech, which the Russian insists that he has as well.

    The American goes “For example, in America, I can go right up to the White House gates and yell at the top of my lungs “Ronald Reagan is a son of a bitch!” and nothing will happen to me”.

    The Russian nods and says “Ah, we have freedom of speech as well. I am able to walk to the center of Red Square and yell at the top of my lungs “Ronald Reagan is a son of a bitch!” and nothing will happen to me either.”

  13. steveaz says:

    Sdferr, @ 11,
    Scaaary, dude. No matter what we do for these people, we’re “hated.”

    They give us no quarter in Palestine, for example, and yet here we are gifting them with $900M!

    (Is this because they’ve been such good global citizens of late?)

    One of the ancillary goals of Gramscian schemes is to, whenever possible, get the sheep to fleece themselves. In this, post-modern Italian communists think just like the Islamo’s: just one more cross-link between the progressives and their scary religionist analogs.

    Can you say “pincer-action?”

  14. Mossberg500 says:

    They can’t define terrorism, but have no trouble determining what constitutes hate speech. So I can cut off someone’s head as long as I don’t defame his religion. Bitching! Now where did I put my sword.

  15. Ella says:

    Now I’m starting to worry about armed insurrection.

    Comment by Benedick on 2/26 @ 11:38 am

    Really? Worry? I’m kind of hoping for it.

  16. Sdferr says:

    Mossberg500, Jawa’s got one for that too.

    An interesting sidenote to this is that yesterday we found a number of prominent jihadi forums hotlinking images of gruesome beheadings. The comments were all positive.

    When we replaced those images with softcore porn, the forum users were horrified.

    Images showing Mujahideen beheading civlians: praise Allah! Images showing a little cleavage: shock, horror, and outrage!

  17. Silver Whistle says:


    Tell  your friend “Mo” that there is an encyclopaedic amount of good online advice on morals, marriage and purity. I’m sure there is a correct way to remove the offending body part without transgressing.

  18. Benedick says:

    Perhaps I’m less sanguine about armed insurrection in light of my recent, Dan Collins-guided study of “Julius Caesar” and Elizabethan Era English politics.

  19. Old Texas Turkey says:

    Now I’m starting to worry about armed insurrection.

    Comment by Benedick on 2/26 @ 11:38 am

    Really? Worry? I’m kind of hoping for it.

    That is really starting to become the relevant question.

    Will the USofA go quietly or not?

  20. AJB says:

    I don’t care what The World thinks.

    Most of “The World” is a cesspool of corruption, tribal warfare, backwards superstitions, and despotic governments.

    Wow. This “World” place sounds a lot like the good ol’ America. Why do you hate it so much then?

  21. happyfeet says:

    oh jeez SW with the purity one. That’s so not right and it just goes on and on and on with the fluids and the liquids and the discharges. These people ooze an uncommon amount I think.

  22. Silver Whistle says:

    Well hell, happy, you wouldn’t want to have impure discharges now, would you?

  23. happyfeet says:

    ohnoes. Careful, you guys. Don’t walk into AJB’s cunning trap.

  24. happyfeet says:

    Durban 2 should definitely culminate with a statement about the rights of the oozey people I think, SW. Instead of being treated as if they were impure and oozey I think they should be embraced as capriciously leaky. I think this would help them feel better about themselves. Root causes, I’m thinking.

  25. Silver Whistle says:

    What, sort of “Exudate – Movement of a people”?

  26. TheGeezer says:

    It is a wonder, the link the world’s elite have sought always with dictators and their ilk. It’s a control thing, I know. But just how they escape the icky part of their deals with the devils?

  27. Sdferr says:

    It’s almost as if purity were undertaken in religious doctrine for the purpose of covert comedic effect. Wonder whether the Prophet had a hidden sneaky sense of humor? Nah, it’s too hard, nevermind.

  28. Ted 360 says:

    Just so I know, after one month of the Obama presidency, three commenters here threaten treason against the elected government of the United States and this treason draws the condemnation of….well, no one since it’s far more entertaining to make fun of other people’s superstitions.

    Treason = acquiesced
    bigotry toward other religions = cool
    Outlawing that bigotry = anger
    bigotry toward our religion = holy rage
    Protein Wisdom = strange place

    PS on the record of Armed Insurrection. It worked for Shay and his friends. Good luck. I’m all for it for you guys….it would be like pruning the tree of liberty

  29. Old Texas Turkey says:

    Ted360. Islamist is not a religion. FYI.

    Now get back to your hole.

  30. Benedick says:

    Yes, Ted. Clearly the denizens of Protein Wisdom are threatening to overthrow the United States government. Your grasp of nuance is formidable.

  31. Jeffersonian says:

    Ted’s funny.

  32. nikkolai says:

    Does Ted hang with parsnip and thor?

  33. Benedick says:

    Not yet, nikkolai, but when the revolution comes . . . he will.

  34. happyfeet says:

    from the tree of liberty?

  35. BJTexs says:

    So, Ted, you’re on board with the idea that nations should pass laws that allow arrest and prosecution for someone who writes about the fact that the vast majority of terrorism performed around the world is initiated by self confessed Muslims?

    Do tell!

  36. Wewonsuckit says:

    I’m sorry, we weren’t advocating overthrowing the United States Government ?

    On an unrelated note, the Obamas just withdrew the canine candidate for first pet- apparently, he had not had his shots and his license fee was unpaid.

    Improperly vetted say I.

  37. BJTexs says:

    Methinks the ACLU is going to issue an ass whoopin’ on ole Ted 360.

    BTW: The US position was stated as opposed to the resolution and, even if it’s passed, the US can file an exception, which is what will probably happen.

  38. kelly says:

    Treason = acquiesced

    Huh? No, really. Huh?

  39. kelly says:

    Improperly vetted say I.


  40. .38+P says:

    I don’t think there’ll be any armed insurrection until Obama tells us he regrets he’s going to have to confiscate our guns – for our own safety, of course. Down here in Texas that’ll be like telling us he’s going to outlaw football – it’ll prove somewhat unpopular. I suggest he practice confiscating guns in the candy-ass, liberal states like Massachusetts or California before he tries it in Texas. We have more guns and ammo down here than the Army. Ban the sale of assault weapons? Hell, everybody I know already has one.

  41. BJTexs says:

    Of course, in a hopey world, the US should file an “ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR F%&*NG MINDS, BITCHES?!?!” but I’ve grown far less hopeful of the change.

  42. Silver Whistle says:

    I am so not going to invite that Ted round for drinks and nibbles. He seems a little simple.

  43. serr8d says:

    From Silver Whistle’s link @ 17:

    In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

    Assalaamu `alaykum waRahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

    It is not permissible for males to chat unnecessarily and joke with females. As you have correctly stated in your query, there are established rulings in fiqh which prohibits males from even responding audibly to the greetings of females and vice versa. This clearly shows how much more necessary it would be for members of the opposite gender to abstain from chatting and joking with each other. In fact, we have been informed that some forums even allow private messaging between the members. Many members exploit this and end up flirting with members of the opposite gender.

    We do acknowledge that in order to curb this, a few forums have set up a brothers and sisters section; however, the moderators should be more vigilant on the general threads and should not allow any unnecessary chit chats between men and women. The other members should also play their part. Remember, the devil is playing his part.

    Related question: if a Muzzie female is online and chit chatting, shouldn’t she be wearing a burhka?

  44. Silver Whistle says:

    That’s a hard one, serr8d. Let’s ask Ted.

  45. Old Texas Turkey says:

    serr8d –

    Doesn’t sound gracious or merciful in the least.

    Sounds downright facist and cruel.

  46. kelly says:

    Yeah, Ted. I’m still waiting on the “noun = verb” mystery. Surely someone possessed of your deep intellect could deign to explain it to us.

  47. Patrick says:

    The countries agreeing to enact this bullshit would provide you with a very useful list of “Shitholes you would not want to move to”.

    The list of countries one could consider moving to is actually pretty short.

  48. BJTexs says:

    Oh, I don’t know, Patrick. I hear that Lebanon has some great beaches and the Kevlar vests are in all of the cabanas.

  49. Old Texas Turkey says:

    improperly vetted

    Open mike night’s suck

  50. Jeffersonian says:

    I wonder what Ted thinks of Christianity. Maybe he can open up for us.

  51. N. O'Brain says:

    Comment by AJB on 2/26 @ 1:10 pm #

    I don’t care what The World thinks.

    Most of “The World” is a cesspool of corruption, tribal warfare, backwards superstitions, and despotic governments.

    Wow. This “World” place sounds a lot like the good ol’ America. Why do you hate it so much then?”

    Dear AJB, FOAD.

    Thank you.

  52. SDN says:

    Now, Ted, the left has had 60 years of us acquiescing to treason. Surely you could give us 6 weeks?

  53. DarthRove says:

    serr8d –

    Are the female posters also trying to purchase cucumbers online? ‘Coz that makes them dirty whores.

  54. serr8d says:

    Oh, Ted 360, just in case you’ve not completely crawled back into your cave. Your list of outrages!..

    Treason = acquiesced
    bigotry toward other religions = cool
    Outlawing that bigotry = anger
    bigotry toward our religion = holy rage

    ..might be easily cured.

    We just have to aquire the right sauces..

  55. Old Texas Turkey says:

    I want Ted to tell me how many times heavier than a mouse, is an elephant.

  56. happyfeet says:

    Baracky likes his soldiers dead and picturesque. I guess cause they’re more usefuller like that.

  57. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    OTT – Nice. I imagine the only thing equal to ted’s stupidity is his cowardice. He really is a hit-n-run kind of troll.

    Anyone who equates criticism to bigotry deserves shunning. Shun ted now.

  58. JHoward says:

    Treason = acquiesced

    Duly noted. And nicely played, Ted. Like a 16 yr old single malt it is.

    bigotry toward other religions = cool

    Well Ted, either that or you’re promoting official standards for thought and behavior. Are you advocating official standards for thought and behavior or can I dislike you and you I just like the good old days?

    Outlawing that bigotry = anger

    Oh, answered it already, I see.

    bigotry toward our religion = holy rage

    How about “bigotry” toward Bigotry = a good idea. Like debunking you thusly is a good idea.

    Protein Wisdom = strange place

    For you, I’d tend to agree. Fallacy much, do we?

  59. RonF says:

    This is a good idea. By all means let the U.N. make criticism of religion illegal. That will help push the U.S. out of the U.N.

  60. B Moe says:

    Al-Qa’eda has lost credibility for enforcing a series of rules imposing their way of thought on the most mundane aspects of everyday life.

    They include a ban on women buying suggestively-shaped vegetables, according to one tribal leader in the western province of Anbar.

    Sheikh Hameed al-Hayyes, a Sunni elder, told Reuters: “They even killed female goats because their private parts were not covered and their tails were pointed upward, which they said was haram.

    “They regarded the cucumber as male and tomato as female. Women were not allowed to buy cucumbers, only men.”

    How could anyone be bigoted against that?

  61. Swen Swenson says:

    Images showing Mujahideen beheading civlians: praise Allah! Images showing a little cleavage: shock, horror, and outrage!

    That’s why they hate us: We prefer cleavage to cleavers. There’s just no accounting for tastes..

  62. BJTexs says:

    I’m thinking that Ted spent hours crafting that big assed pile of obtuse and moral equivalency. It had to be deflating to see 30 comments in about 60 minutes mocking his work and the [complete lack of] intelligence behind it.

    Ted needs himself a bIg ol bailout … and quite possibly some stimulus. ROWRRR!

  63. Techie says:

    Ted and AJB forgot you should never go full retard.

  64. BJTexs says:

    Somebody needs to back a big pickup truck up to the local convenience store and buy them out of ice for Ted’s bruises. The poor boy’s well on his way to auditioning for Elephant Man; The Musical!

  65. Mossberg500 says:

    Ted, what’s your worldview on corporate water?

  66. Akatsukami says:

    Most of “The World” is a cesspool of corruption, tribal warfare, backwards
    superstitions, and despotic governments.

    Wow. This “World” place sounds a lot like the good ol’ America. Why do you hate it so much then?

    Because it was like that even before Obama was elected President.

  67. Mossberg500 says:

    Comment by Techie on 2/26 @ 4:34 pm #

    Ted and AJB forgot you should never go full retard.

    Techie, you make it sound like they have a choice.

  68. JD says:

    AJB and Ted are foooking mendoucheous asshats. Good Allah, stoooooooooooopid that pervasive should be visibly painful.

  69. geoffb says:

    So the UN will make it illegal to criticize Al Gore and his church of the AGW?

    Benedick, who will be Cromwell/ Augustus?

  70. alppuccino says:

    C’mon guys. Let Ted speak………

  71. alppuccino says:


  72. serr8d says:

    Ted sounds much like a cricket song, no?

    (OT, but the Rocky Mountain News folds after Friday. buh-bye~!)

  73. btenney says:

    Amen and fuck Eric Holder.

  74. pledgepolish55 says:

    Amen and fuck Eric Holder.

    I had rather not.

  75. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    (OT, but the Rocky Mountain News folds after Friday. buh-bye~!)

    The San Francisco Crock-o-shit-nicle looks to be on its way out, too.

  76. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Trying link again.

  77. Rusty says:

    Wrong insurection , Ted. Earlier, say 1775. What was that about, by the way, Ted?

  78. pdbuttons says:

    just waiting for chinatown[12-15 est][turner classic movies]
    she’s my sister
    she’s my daughter
    she’s my sister and my daughter
    only one head to identify!
    makes honor killing easy
    don’t worry jake, it’s only….

  79. […] a vehicle for Jew-hatred.” That is true, although she left out the corollary–Islamist supremacy. Posted by Dan Collins @ 7:35 am | Trackback SHARETHIS.addEntry({ title: “The Consequences of the […]

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