
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar

October 2024


Please come to Boston Chicago for the spring time…

More info on the upcoming Catch Wrestling Seminar (and protein wisdom readers retreat, if people show any interest in such a thing, outside mere idle talk), including a word from Tony Cecchine, here.

You can reserve a spot by ordering here (Chicago Weekend Seminar).

Limited to twenty spots. (For the actual seminar; if you come to meet other PW folks, no limit. Those of you who sign up for the seminar will have the honor of having me buy you a drink. Which doesn’t happen much, trust me.).

All told, we should be able to get 12-14 hours of actual training in — which, as any of you who’ve attended other seminars will know, is about 2 to 3 times the training time that you’d normally get at one of these things.

In addition to catch submissions, throws, takedowns, transitions, escapes, and takedown defense, you’ll learn about strength training and nutrition from world power lifting record holder Brian Klaus; conditioning for fighting from world fitness record holder Paul Dodds; tips on training the tendons, grip, neck, and abdominals to give you an edge in any fighting encounter; and striking styles that blend fluidly with the wrestling base used by American Catch Wrestling fighters.

In short, you’ll learn more about real American Catch Wrestling in one weekend from Tony and his instructors than you would from months of training regularly with some others who claim to be teaching catch wrestling. And that’s a fact.

Also: Tony Cecchine is offering a 3 Day Sale, thru Feb 28, on all his DVD and CDs: 20% off plus free shipping.

Visit the store here:

Most people interested in catch wrestling already know about Tony’s “The Lost Art of Hooking” Series. Equally valuable is the “Wristlock Seminar,” which covers in great detail a number of the high percentage armlocks favored by catch.

But there is more to American catch than submissions. Learn Ripping, Standup wrestling, conditioning, etc — as well as which moves are being taught on other instructionals that are merely “show holds,” and why these moves will fail against a seasoned fighter.

To take advantage of the 3 day sale, enter this code at checkout: web2209

124 Replies to “Please come to Boston Chicago for the spring time…”

  1. BumperStickerist says:

    fwiw, Tony’s revamped site looks good.

    If you have one of these gigs in the mid-Atlantic I’d go – it’s been a while since I’ve had to pay to have my ass kicked. But that’s a different story, for a different website.

  2. Jeff G. says:

    Everybody is always talking about a pw get together. Here’s a chance — and yet there seems to be little interest.


    At least I tried.

  3. lee says:

    I’m afraid I won’t be able to make it to the “retreat”…giggle…but I hope any of you slackers that can, have the compassion to live blog the events.


  4. Jeff G. says:

    And for my troubles, I’ve been blocked from writing on people’s walls by facebook.

    I’m about through with the internet.

  5. happyfeet says:

    I can’t get to Chicago cause I have a Texas trip for March booked already. oh. Facebook is a fad to where it’s even worse than tattoos I think. It’s simply not for individuals I don’t think but more a way of expressing how very much you are a we I think. This is why it’s so interesting to marketers.

    I’m very grumpy today.

  6. Screw Facebook, it’s where the Shiny, Happy People go.
    If Tony brings that down to Texas, let me know Jeff. I’d love to learn some new asskicking methods…;-)

  7. SarahW says:

    You can’t write on my wall? What’s up with that?

    FWIW, I love Chicago but I am more of a bollywood dance class sort of strength level. I thought the invite was for the catch-wrestley man types.

  8. SarahW says:

    I don’t believe in tatoos. But FB is so much easier than Twitter.

  9. happyfeet says:

    If you go Sarah then Carin might could go. Y’all could drive over together like Thelma and Louise and have adventures.

  10. SarahW says:

    Plus today I put up a fabulous link of a kitty who knock a phone off the receiver. Facebook is awesome.

  11. SarahW says:

    knocks, rather.

    T&L ended on a high note if I remember.

  12. BumperStickerist says:

    Well, Jeff – keep in mind that the clamor for a PW meet-up is mostly a function of your being perceived as a witty bon vivant conversationalist par excellance.

    Now we find out that you’re versed in the martial arts, a trained killer perhaps almost, and there is fear that you might snap our necks like those little plastic swords that you find in cocktail fixin’s.

    It’s a bit of a paradigm shift, no?

    Maybe if you agree to wear a pastel oxford and some chinos for the get-together …

  13. BJTexs says:

    Don’t forget the penny loafers…

  14. BumperStickerist says:

    I’m pretty sure that Jeff could maim two, maybe half a dozen, people with the pennies. Maybe he should wear something less potentially harmful – like deck shoes.

  15. cranky-d says:

    SarahW, you don’t need to go around shooting people and stuff. You can have adventures without that. I think.

  16. alppuccino says:

    Depending on the surface, a Roller-Boogie outfit complete with the tassels on the skates can chill the mood for ass-kicking. A matador hat and jacket can also neuter even the hardest core bad mofo.

    I still have pretty decent foot-speed so it matters not to me.

  17. Patrick says:

    I’m not into the whole grappling scene, but I’ll be glad to join you for a nosh and a beverage after or whenever. I have cleared my dance card.

  18. Obstreperous Infidel says:

    I wish I was near Chicago at that time, but I’m heading down to GA that week. Have fun to all who attend. I wish I could make it.

  19. dicentra says:

    I have to save my vacation days for The Family Vacation this summer. Besides, I already told y’all that I’m a total wet blanket when alcohol is involved. When someone in the room is abstaining for religious reasons, it puts a damper on the festivities.

    Besides, within about 30 minutes y’all would be laughing at stuff that is funny only to those who partake. I’d be bored out of my skull.

    Otherwise, I’d love to meet y’all! No, really!

    FINE! It’s because I have the social skills of an earthworm and I’m not fit for human company!


  20. kelly says:

    I love to come as well. It’s just that pesky bench warrant thingie…

  21. McGehee says:

    As I said before, I don’t have a heavy enough coat for Chicago during corruption season. Besides, I never know the right amount to bribe.

  22. BJTexs says:

    20% unless a Senate seat is involved. Then … sky’s the limit…

  23. kelly says:

    Corruption season?

  24. happyfeet says:

    oh. It’s April 10-12 2009. You should put that in your post. I just remembered I have to go to Chicago for training in 2Q or so. It’s been over a year I think since I been there. They have to get back to me with a date cause of how hard approval for travel and stuff is getting and they might could tell me to be there in April. Unlikely but maybe.

  25. cranky-d says:

    Anyone who hasn’t been to Chicago should try it some time, especially when you can hang out with locals. Sure it’s corrupt as hell, but it doesn’t touch you much, and as a visitor, pretty much not at all.

  26. cranky-d says:

    Plus by April the weather will be pretty nice.

  27. SDN says:

    Jeff, I’d love to, but my travel is limited to the weekly commute on my project…. which isn’t within reasonable driving distance.

  28. RR Ryan says:

    I can’t go to Chicago, and frankly have no interest in wrestling, other than the prurient type. However, if you come to LA, the drinks are on me. I live a block from the strip in West Hollywood, so at least it will be lively. In a good way. You just never know when Billy Idol will walk by.

  29. happyfeet says:

    I saw Billy Idol once at a Rite-Aid in the Valley. My friend T had to point him out. He had a blue little Rite-Aid basket what had his stuff he was getting in it. It was very wrong.

  30. Squid says:

    If out-of-towners were interested in hanging out with our good host, but less interested in physical exertion with him, where might they procure lodgings so as to be near the after-class festivities?

    Oh, who am I kidding? I’ll just sleep on the floor at O’Hare like I do every other time I travel through Chicago.

  31. happyfeet says:

    oh. You don’t hyphenate Rite Aid. They don’t have those where I’m from. Or Sav-On’s either. Sav-on you do hyphenate I’m pretty sure.

  32. happyfeet says:

    oh. Jeez. And you either do or don’t capitalize the O.

  33. happyfeet says:

    ok. Sav-on looks right.

  34. malaclypse the tertiary says:

    Now I know why you wouldn’t respond to my friend request on facebook, hf.

  35. geoffb says:

    The Museum of Science and Industry is nice if they haven’t “PCed” it too much since I last saw it. The Shedd Aquarium is great too.

  36. geoffb says:

    Hotel list from Tony’s site.

  37. happyfeet says:

    oh. Sorry, mal … I haven’t logged in there in forever. Also I still have some email I need to respond to I think. I will do that now.

  38. iowahawk says:

    Dang, I’m in Austin that weekend (ironically among the Armadillos). Would have otherwise offered to be your Chicago sherpa.

  39. I’d love to come, but I’m several latitudes and one time zone away. Hoist one for me, though.

  40. router says:

    it might be fun to ride the capitol limited west. beside baracky just gave amtrak a billion so i’m sure the service will be top notch.

  41. Squid says:

    Why don’t you just offer us the use of your house while you’re away, Hawk? What could possibly go wrong?

  42. happyfeet says:

    I love Amtrak. It’s loaded with subsidized goodness. It’s very comfortable but you should bring your own food. After I quit smoking it should be even more comfortable I bet, but I don’t have anything planned. I mostly use it when I have to go to Orange County. But remember the food thing cause that part is key. And I don’t mean get food at the terminal. Take the food thing seriously and you will have a very nice journey I promise.

  43. McGehee says:

    Corruption season?

    I think it runs Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, but there’s been talk of extending it.

    Sure it’s corrupt as hell, but it doesn’t touch you much, and as a visitor, pretty much not at all.

    Unless you’re renting a car.

  44. router says:

    but that’s the california amtrak, the rest of us eat the microwaved “burgers” and other stuff.

  45. router says:

    i love how the chicago vibe is going nationwide theses days.

  46. happyfeet says:

    The microwaved burgers aren’t bad but also they are not very wholesome I don’t think. oh. Baracky is saving jobs right and left. I feel bad inasmuch as my afternoon has been decidedly less productive.

  47. JD says:

    I am in Chicago as we speak. Maj/LtC John and I are going to dinner tonite.

    Jeff G – I will be there for part of the event, just not sure which days yet. I will let you know once I know.

  48. I’m in Chicago right now, got my ass kicked by a fish sandwich. I think wrestler guy might kill me.

    Seriously though, I might be up here again that weekend.

  49. JD says:

    For those of you looking for a good deal on a new hotel, the W chain has a new hotel near the airport, called aloft, where you can get a neat room for under $100.

  50. JD says:

    LMC – Join us for steaks tonight, if you wish.

  51. serr8d says:

    I fly to Chicago on bidness every year; but this year bidness is cutting travel. And salaries. And freezing hiring. And laying off a hundred souls. So, my for-pleasure travel isn’t going to be to Shytown, this year.

    I’m holding out for the NRA Convention in Phoenix, in May. Also my home town, Phoenix, so there’s that going-home feeling too..

    But, if anything changes, or I get a wild hair, who knows? Friday, Saturday, Sunday, in mid-April? ROAD TRIP!!!1!1!!!

  52. JD says:

    Gibsons on River Road in Rosemont, by O’Hare. Reservations at 7:00

  53. cranky-d says:

    Mr. McGeHee, I would not recommend driving in Chicago. I just take public transportation. The one time I drove there, I parked my car in a long-term lot for the whole time. The other two times it was plane and then a very clankety-clank train. All part of the fun.

    Of course, I have no idea of the relationship between Tony’s gym, downtown, and the L so I guess I’m not a good source of info after all.

  54. geoffb says:

    I on the other hand living only 200 miles or so from Chicago always drive there when I go. Traffic, to me, seems less crazed than Detroit. I’m not talking about rush hour, weekends or off hours.

    I and my wife would love to go. She worked in Chicago before we married and I have had relatives there all my life. The date is no good for us. That is Easter weekend. Western Easter to be exact, our Orthodox Church Easter is the next weekend but we still celebrate on both days. Sorry, it would be a nice weekend trip.

  55. I know exactly where that is, I used to work out of those ugly triangle buildings on Bryn Mawr. (just like I used to work out the hairy triangles at Bryn Mawr College)

    I’m in evanston, JD. Nursing Mrs Cookies. She just had both boobs cut off. I’d love to go, but I’m getting death threats. (Not really, but Christ I feel guilty.)

  56. And Jeff, forget Facebook, all the (us?) hepcats are on Twitter.

  57. JD says:

    LMC – Tell the Mrs. that our thoughts are with her, and you.

  58. happyfeet says:

    oh. My best to Mrs. Cookies. My friend T’s mom just had a breast cancer thing and when she was first diagnosed I remember she said “Second opinion? Let’s get the ball rolling. I’m done with ’em.” She just ended up having a lumpectomy cause they caught it so early, but I know somewhere down the road I’ll be a braver person for having heard her say that.

  59. router says:

    chicago school of economics

    one side goes up and

    one side goes down

  60. We’re actually pretty excited about the new foobs. Streamlinin’ see? Modern design.

  61. happyfeet says:

    It’s violent, router. Baracky isn’t just smearing his dirty socialisms all over everything. Our once proud little country is Rihanna to Baracky’s Chris Brown I think. It’s a horrific beating our little country is taking. God help her.

  62. happyfeet says:

    My mom did a reconstruction and she said it was sort of uncomfortable. Ok she said it hurt something awful. Something about how they do it is they have a saline thing they fill to stretch things back into the right sort of shape and it was after saline injections she would be uncomfortable I think. But then everything was fine.

  63. router says:

    i’m thinky baracky is like that enraged chimp who ripped its owner face off but i won’t go there

  64. happyfeet says:

    it’s okay to go there. It’s violent, what Baracky is doing. So many people are not gonna have the lives they were supposed to. The lives what they worked so hard for. It’s heartbreaking as murderous monkey pets I think.

  65. Sdferr says:

    He’s just the more or less empty vessel of the hate though. It took many tens of millions of poor decisions to get him where he is and the country along with him.

  66. Carin says:

    Lost My Cookies – I hope your wife is feeling better ASAP. Oye, not fun.

  67. router says:

    i’m thinking “debt monkey” bumper stickers. but i’m concerned that the chicago way will result in a scratched surface.

  68. Tony C says:

    Hi All,

    I’m the jazz accordion playing wrestler that Jeff is writing about. Seriously, if anyone wants to come out and meet Jeff and you need any information about hotels or whatnot, feel free to drop me an email. I’ll help out anyway I can. Just do us all one favor. Keep Jeff away from Guinness and Jaegermeister. You have so totally been warned!

  69. DCLex says:

    LMC, best wishes to Mrs Cookies and you. Thoughts and prayers are with you both. And if attitude is half the battle, you’re well on the way to victory.

    Hope all who make it to the PW event in ChiTown have a Way Large Time. The rest of us will gaze wistfully from afar, and dream of future times.
    Good luck, Mr.Cecchine!

    I was lucky to spend New Years Eve 1999 in Chicago…the memories are fuzzy to say the least…

  70. Cowboy says:


    I’ll be there. Probably Friday night, maybe Saturday. Most likely I can’t participate in the wrestling (“rassling” as we say in Indiana), because I only have the use of one arm, but I would love to meet any other PW’ers.

    JD, what say to a carpool?

  71. RTO Trainer says:

    Gah! I’m still trying to figure out if I can make it!

  72. Ed says:

    You know? just my luck…I’ll be in Pueblo on the 8th to the 10th, doing a family thing with my dad and stepmonster. They paid for the plane fare, so I can’t skip. I’m not frequent here, but I’d love to meet y’all (especially you Happy)

    Jeff? If you ever come to MA, I’d probably be in CO, so…

  73. JD says:

    Cowboy – No problem. Good idea.

    Just got done breaking bread with Major/LtC John. Good man. Good meal. I have never seen a person eat that much dead cow in one sitting. Good Allah, that time in the sandbox gave that boy an appetite.

  74. happyfeet says:

    Hi Ed. I’ve never met anyone from here. That would be … I see why alcohol always comes up. ohnoes. Tax cheat boy is “deeply offended.”

    n an interview with PBS television’s “NewsHour” program, Geithner said he was “deeply offended by the quality of judgments we’ve seen in the leadership of our nation’s financial institutions.”

    “They’ve created a deep hole of public distrust and anger which is enormously damaging, and they have a huge obligation to try to restore that basic trust and confidence. And we’re going to make sure they do it by making sure that our assistance comes with conditions,” he said.

    Timmy the Tax Cheat is not exactly a teeming font of the basic trust and confidence himself. I don’t think you could even trust him to wear a condom as he bends your little country over and slams it to her with no small disregard for her comfort I think.

  75. Blitz says:

    That was supposed to be from me…not my idiot sockpuppet not my real name type thinger….

  76. happyfeet says:

    you should have a link for that

  77. happyfeet says:

    Ed is Blitz?

  78. Blitz says:

    That’s why it’s you HF…NOBODY could have said that more accurately or succinctly as that without losing the *giggle* factor

  79. Blitz says:

    Yes, Ed is Blitz HF

  80. Blitz says:

    If I had the cash? I’d fly all of you out…God knows I could use the diaper changing help…LMC? Sorry sir, I’ll say a prayer for the Missus, and for you.

  81. JD says:

    I don’t think you could even trust him to wear a condom as he bends your little country over and slams it to her with no small disregard for her comfort I think.

    Epic, hf. Simply epic.

  82. happyfeet says:

    oh. Hi. I was kind of wondering who Ed was but that was the nicest thing I heard all day almost. ohnoes. We hit the sell by date on the withdrawing the combat troops promise.

    Some of the U.S. forces likely to remain in Iraq after President Barack Obama fulfills his pledge to withdraw combat troops would still have a combat role fighting suspected terrorists, the Pentagon said Wednesday.*

    He’s just determined to be a joke I think, our pezzydent.

  83. router says:

    i blame blitz for the soiled diapers of our nation.

  84. JD says:

    hf – If you think that is bad, you should have seen Biden this morning trying to explain how this is consistent with their campaign promise(s).

  85. cynn says:

    So all of you are huddling around the cafeteria table plotting your next sortie. How fuckin’ funny.

  86. JD says:

    cynn appears to have gotten in to the boxed wine again.

  87. happyfeet says:

    oh. Jeez, JD. I looked for Biden and found this

    Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) praised the man who beat him in the 2008 presidential race for an “excellent speech” that laid out challenges “and yet gave Americans a sense of strength and optimism that we will get through this.”

    This douchebag might could have been president. It’s frightening.

  88. JD says:

    happyfeet – you were right on target about McCain from Day 1. And the lobster pot hoochies.

  89. geoffb says:

    I think sending Biden out to explain things is a great strategy. When the actions make no sense, send out your “no sense guy” to talk the non-sense.

  90. happyfeet says:

    Sort of. I really did get behind McCain at some point against all reason cause Baracky was obviously anti-American and angry and damaged. But I think Soros and the dirty socialist media explained the nominations of both of these socialist toadies. I remember I promised MayBee I would cut out the McCain invective after he got the nomination and I mostly did. She went away anyway. She was commenting at Jake Tapper’s blog today.

  91. router says:

    al sharpton is a failed chimp

  92. JD says:

    I miss MayBee.

  93. cynn says:

    Yeah, happyfeet, any port in a storm. I get you despise Obama. I get you despise this country and want it to fail out of spite. But it’s a little country, so what’s the harm?

  94. router says:

    jesse jackson sold his chimp works to jesse jackson jr who sub leased it to blago who tried to sell it to burris but daily wanted jarret and the O! is untouched by it all.

  95. happyfeet says:


  96. JD says:

    cynn may have skipped the boxed wine and went straight to the twist-top bottles, MadDog 20/20, NightTrain, Boone’s Farm …

  97. router says:

    I get you despise Obama.

    Did you despise bush asshat?

  98. geoffb says:

    Purest projection.

  99. router says:

    whos the guy in Il who said he had an O! senator?

  100. happyfeet says:

    I wouldn’t wish Baracky’s success on anyone, even Democrats.

  101. router says:

    i think baracky has an internaional problem by summer. i hope a city hasn’t been nuked.

  102. cynn says:

    Look, happyfeet, I don’t know what to make of your comment. Obama has an impossible task and I think he’ll fail. The end, over and out.

  103. router says:

    Obama has an impossible task

    let us dig a deeper hole b/c i never run a lemonade stand

  104. happyfeet says:

    I don’t know what to make of your comment. Baracky’s impossible task is to spay and neuter the free enterprise and individual liberty what abound in our detestable nation what he hates and hates. I think he can do it.

    President Barack Obama on Tuesday called on Congress to send him legislation that places a market-based cap on U.S. carbon polluting emissions and pushes the production of more renewable energy.


    As for Obama’s call for capping U.S. carbon emissions, Kilduff said buying and selling the permits among companies and industries to spew the emissions “could become a new boom for the financial services industry…that could rival foreign exchange trading and oil trading itself.”*

    Baracky thinks buying and selling air will make wealthyness? He went to Harvard I thought. He’s not stupid he just hates us.

  105. router says:

    I think he’ll fail.

    let me be perfectly clear …(aka nixon is the one)

  106. JD says:

    I am going to open a retail store for carbon credits.

  107. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    So all of you are huddling around the cafeteria table plotting your next sortie. How fuckin’ funny.

    No, what’s fuckin’ funny is that you thought Obama was going to steal money from everybody else and give it to you.

    Turns out that the second part of that is inoperative. You’re “everybody else”, cynn. You and every one of your family members have $20,000 more in debt than you had a couple of weeks ago. You sold your own kids into slavery.


  108. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Obama has an impossible task

    Bullshit. Unless you mean that it’s impossible because he’s brutally incompetent. Which he is.

    and I think he’ll fail.

    You got that right, honey.

    You voted for the loser. Don’t make excuses for him now.

  109. router says:

    i have a great deal on Obama dollar wheelbarrows.

  110. router says:

    what is the fixed priced of an O! silver dollar @ 2/25/09?

  111. geoffb says:

    How much do you think it will cost to breathe? Every living being in the animal kingdom spews CO2. Plants eat it. They then spew O2. The cycle works and continues to work.

    All this AGW and Carbon Credits is, is a scam to take away freedom. The dirty, scum sucking, power addicted, socialist bastards are the only ones who stand to benefit.

    And even that is a delusion, do to their inability to get outside their little dream of utopia, that buzzes in the space in between their ears. We all get to go down so that they can for a little while longer chase that will o’ the wisp.

  112. JD says:

    Not to rub it in, but having dinner with LtC John makes all of the douchebaggery from our dirty little socialists a little more tolerable.

  113. B Moe says:

    I’m the jazz accordion playing wrestler that Jeff is writing about.

    For real? You play accordion? Find a bar we can jam at and I will bring a guitar Saturday night no fucking shit. Its only a 12 hour drive.

  114. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Hey, cynn, not content with the trillion dollars he stole from your kids last week, O! has a new plan to steal another trillion.

    So, bets on how long you think he can keep spending a trillion dollars a week?

  115. Spies, Brigands, and Pirates says:

    Oh, and I love this part:

    Hospitals with high readmission rates would be paid less.

    Yes, let’s give the hospitals a financial incentive to deny readmission.

    Nothing could possibly go wrong with that, right?

  116. happyfeet says:

    either that or they never let you go home

  117. -Ed. says:

    I was told there will be no math. Can you confirm/

  118. geoffb says:

    “So, bets on how long you think he can keep spending a trillion dollars a week?”

    If he hires Mugabe as an economic advisor, years. After the first couple a trillion will be pocket change. Pocket change we can really believe in.

  119. Jeff G. says:

    Actually Tony is a very accomplished jazz accordionist. He’s right about the Jaeger, too.

  120. JD says:

    Jaeger and Red Bull is a brutal combination, or so I have been told.

  121. alppuccino says:

    Obama has an impossible task and I think he’ll fail. The end, over and out.

    Boy cynn, that sounds like a threat. You should be careful about threatening The FAAPOTUS like that. He’ll get you.

  122. LTC John says:

    JD was a really most excellent dinner host. London Broil…aaahhh. So far I scored a chicken sammich out of Karl, a most excellent steak from JD – Scott P sent me some terrific spices and hf sent me a ton of high-octane coffee drink. PW come for the intentionalism, stay for the gustatory fun!

  123. LTC John says:

    Oh, and Friday the 10th is a possibility.

Comments are closed.