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October 2024


The MOVEMENT speaks

Via Hot Air, “Berkeley, California, to vote on Bush impeachment”:

The municipal council in the liberal California city of Berkeley plans to give voters a say on a measure calling for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, the mayor said on Wednesday.

A number of local governments across the United States have pressed resolutions urging impeachment, but the Berkeley city council’s goal is to be the first to put the issue directly to voters, Mayor Tom Bates said in an interview.

“This is basically giving the people a chance to talk, to join the debate,” Bates said. “The issues go way beyond impeaching the president. They go to safeguarding the Constitution. This administration has run roughshod over the Constitution.”

Well, glad to see the Mayor is keeping an open mind, at least.

Quips Allah, “Gee, I wonder if it’ll pass.”

Hmm.  Interesting question.  Let us gaaaazzze into the future, shall we…


(Image courtesy Sobekpundit; used without Jerome Armstrong’s permission.  But then, his being a prognosticator and all, I’m sure he saw that coming).

59 Replies to “The MOVEMENT speaks”

  1. Mark says:

    Will they be using Diebold machines for their vote?

  2. Paul says:

    We’re thinking about repealing the income tax at our homeowners association meeting next week.

  3. mojo says:

    Hey, what’s 10 grand in OPM if it guarantees the MSM a blurb about another meaningless Berzerkley resolution?

    Mind over Reality!

    SB: seem

    normal, but then…

  4. kyle says:

    Great idea!  While we’re at it, let’s hold a gay marriage vote in Provo. 


  5. <a href=”” target=”_blank”>Well, there is precedent for this.  In the past, the Berkeloids have asserted jurisdiction over all of outer space.

    …load’a bored housewives, if you ask me…

  6. dimpled chad says:

    all your crystal balls are belong to us!

  7. *sigh*

    Here, already.

    Turing = help

  8. LionDude says:

    I think they should spend more time doing something about their own city.  Can’t they even give the flabby “Breasts Not Bombs” protesters a clean place to frolick?

  9. Defense Guy says:

    Eh, at our next block party we are going to vote on whether or not to go to war with the next street over.  The fact that they don’t return their trashcans to the sides of their houses as fast as we do after collection cannot go unanswered.  I’ve also heard rumors that some of them don’t always pick up after their pets dookie.  Which, clearly can. not. stand.

    It’s amazing that you can actually get a high quality education in Berkeley.

  10. phreshone says:

    Let the show trial begin!

    TW: What’s the purpose?

  11. TODD says:

    No dimples in the Berkley chads I bet…..

  12. Eric says:

    Ah, yes, the People’s Republic of Berkeley.  This is the city that voted itself a “nuclear free zone”, where strategic bombers in the city’s airspace are in violation of municipal code.

    And we all know how effective that’s been.

  13. M.Scott says:

    No doubt the Berkeley AF routine patrols its airspace to enforce the no-fly rule.

    What a bunch of… civic masturbation.

  14. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Ah, yes, the People’s Republic of Berkeley.  This is the city that voted itself a “nuclear free zone”, where strategic bombers in the city’s airspace are in violation of municipal code.

    And we all know how effective that’s been.

    Sure. But in fairness, it’s tough to bring down a military jet with a hackey sack or a paper mache puppet head hurled into the sky in righteous anger.

  15. LionDude says:

    Defense Guy,

    Don’t you dare rush to war and squander the positive relations you have had with the other streets in your neighborhood.  When you arrive at the next street armed with your riding mowers, rakes, and handsaws only to discover all trash cans put away and only a few leftover “yard steamers” from pre-1991, don’t blame me if someone calls you a Zionist liar.

  16. a4g says:

    Kudos, Berkeley.  A brilliant piece of existential warfare, like a cold carp across the smug face of BushCo. For one shining frozen moment, the whole machine will stop in place, reeled back by the force of ideological purity, as the penetrating lips of Truth whisper “Gotcha” into the corpulent ear of Power.

    Damn, it’s gunna be a memory to savor

  17. LagunaDave says:

    Sure. But in fairness, it’s tough to bring down a military jet with a hackey sack or a paper mache puppet head hurled into the sky in righteous anger.

    But we can only stand in awe of the bravery of those who defy the odds by trying.

  18. Jim in KC says:

    Sure. But in fairness, it’s tough to bring down a military jet with a hackey sack or a paper mache puppet head hurled into the sky in righteous anger.

    Well, yeah, but that’s mainly a problem with the targeting system.

  19. McGehee says:

    Are there any WMDs* in Berkeley?

    (*Weirdoes of Mass Delusion)

  20. Monica says:

    This article was listed in the European section of yahoo news.  Not in the US news section, but Europe news. That’s very telling.

  21. TODD says:

    “This article was listed in the European section of yahoo news.  Not in the US news section, but Europe news. That’s very telling. “

    I guess you did not hear the news, Berkely has become part of the EU

  22. JayI says:

    How many euros is the tuition there now?

  23. phreshone says:

    Speak Truthiness to Power!

    Damn U Dubya!

    KFC Lied, Chickens Fried!

    That isn’t Mellow Yellow, it’s bong water!

    TW:  This is the reality-based community?

  24. oseaghdha says:

    From the minutes of the Berkeley Peace and Justice Commission

    Denying the Historical Truth of Holocaust

    M/S (Sherman, Wagley) that Council directs the City Manager to prepare the attached letters to the Iranian and Egyptian Ambassadors to the United States, collect signatures from all members of the City Council wishing to sign them, and send the letters via facsimile and mail, expressing the profound dismay of the people of Berkeley regarding statements denying the historical truth of the Holocaust.

    M/S/C (Wornick, Sherman) move to table the motion.  Ayes: Kashner, McDonald, Seaton, Sherman, Wagley, Winkelman, Wornick; Noes: Cohen, Freedkin; Abstain: Beltran, Bohn; Absent: Brody, Litman, sorgen.

    Commissioner Beltran abstained because she was not clear on the issues concerning the Holocaust and Israel.

    Commissioner Bohn abstained because she was torn about taking a position on the statements made by the public officials from Iran and Egypt because she wants to make sure we are not taking part in the escalating tensions between the United States and Iran.

    Great ZOT, what a bunch of Intellectual Hemmorrohoids. These are obviously the leading lights of the left.

  25. charlotte says:

    This administration has run roughshod over the Constitution.

    Far better to Birkenstock stomp it into a biodegradable pulpy mass and recycle into protest placards.

  26. MarkD says:

    Let’s make it more interesting, because this is just an empty gesture.

    The city councilors all commit suicide if the measure doesn’t pass.

    OK, too tough.  The city councilors agree to personally reimburse the expenses for this ballot measure if it fails.

    That will be the day.  All talk, no action.

  27. MarkD says:

    Now Harvard put their money where their mouth is.  Of course they didn’t know it, but when they gave Larry Summers the boot, it cost them a cool $115 million.

    I’d have more impressed if they said, “You know, the purpose of the university is to educate the students, not pamper the faculty.  If you don’t like it, see if Yale will take you.”

    That would have been impressive.

  28. Master Tang says:

    Oseaghdha, please tell me that was a parody.  Because if not, I don’t think I can take any more of the reality the reality-based community is fostering.

  29. 6Gun says:

    safeguarding the Constitution.

    Uh, safeguarding the Constitution?!

    Gas to drive down and get your freebie abortion.  $5.

    Clown suit and boltcutters to go apeshit on a nuclear installation.  $95.  (No-bra savings.  -$22.95)

    Bail.  $500.

    State subsidized rent on your Berekely studio apartment (70’s refrigerator, meth residue in the tub, heroin addicts in the vestibule) over the liquor store.  $1790.

    Marxists invoking the Constitution.  Priceless.

    tw:  Works for them.

  30. oseaghdha says:

    Master Tang

    Alas, no it’s not parody.

    Peace & Justice Commission

    I was reading some of the agenda and minutes, but had to go outside and pop off a few rounds to cleanse my soul. unfortunately, no hippies in sight.

    TW: corps As in, God save the United States Marine Corps.

  31. JayI says:

    Despots of the world, harken and despair. The “profound dismay of the people of Berkeley” will surely lead to the dreaded “U.N non-binding resolution.”

    And if that doesn’t work, then we will give your email addy to lo ping.

  32. random m says:

    Kyle wrote:  Great idea!  While we’re at it, let’s hold a gay marriage vote in Provo. 

    Provo, Utah, right?  Howdy neighbor!

  33. rls says:

    Well, I for one, have had enough of the bungling, ineptitude of the government and have declared myself “Dictator for Life” over the one city block that I own.  I have an army of one with several WWI Enfield rifles and a “small” tactical nuclear weapon I bought through the mail from some Nigerian.

    Since I have “Neighborhood Nuclear Superiority”, I don’t think there will be any problems.  No more taxes.

  34. Ira says:

    Wasn’t the name ‘Berkeley’ once associated with philosophy and intelligence?

  35. M.Scott says:

    Sadly, the name Berkeley is also associated with one of my offspring – and it’s MY fault.  I often ask myself “what the hell was I thinking?” Today is one of those days.

  36. Next, they should vote on whether American Idol sucks or not, then they can vote on whether the homouusious clause is valid or not.  As long as they are holding elections about things they have no say or power over.

  37. equitus says:

    I find living in the Bay Area is bad enough, but at least I don’t have to live in Berkeley.  I’m just over the ridge in Orinda…

    …within spitting distance…

    …a very convenient distance to be, by the way.

    tw: …and so it’s no surprise that my dinky little house is worth nearly a million by now.

  38. Major John says:

    Sure. But in fairness, it’s tough to bring down a military jet with a hackey sack or a paper mache puppet head hurled into the sky in righteous anger.

    Thanks for that – now I have something to send to every Air Defense Artillery officer I know!

    By God, that is good.

  39. Tom W. says:

    it’s tough to bring down a military jet with a hackey sack or a paper mache puppet head hurled into the sky in righteous anger

    Can military jets be brought down with a fog of body odor and smugness?

  40. Defense Guy says:

    Peace and Justice Commission

    Regular Meeting North Berkeley Senior Center

    September 24, 2001



    The meeting convened at 7:02 p.m. with Anne Wagley, chairperson, presiding.



    Elliot Cohen, John Lavine, Mark McDonald, Steven Freedkin, Anne Wagley


    Stephen Glatt


    Frances L. Hillyard, BFUU-Social Justice Committee, regarding strong anti-war statement and actions.

    Ann Fagan Ginger, Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute, regarding 9-11 and Conscious Objector, Congresswoman Barbara Lee and the United Nations.

    Margo Shafer, BFUU, regarding a Resolution by Council in support of Barbara Lee.

    Leif Agmot, regarding the events of 9/11/01.


    M/S/C (Wagley, Cohen) adopt a Resolution (Attachment A) supporting Agenda Item 24 of the September 25, 2001 Council agenda commending Congresswoman Barbara Lee for her courageous vote in opposition to the War Powers Resolution on September 14, 2001.  Ayes: Unanimous; Absent: Glatt.

    M/S/C (Wagley, Freedkin) adopt a Resolution (Attachment B) supporting Agenda Item 27 of the September 25, 2001 Council agenda establishing the City of Berkeley as a Hate-Free Zone.  Ayes: Unanimous; Absent: Glatt.

    The next regular meeting will be on Monday, October 1, 2001 at 7:00 pm in the North Berkeley Senior Center. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 pm.

    Coincidentally enough at around the same time I also designated my backyard as hate-free zone.  Where i diverge with the council is that I also designated my front yard a free fire zone.  Where they are limited by their small mindedness, I have the best of both worlds.  And way less hippies begging for their pet causes.

    Which I would gladly give to if they could ever figure out how to negotiate the mine field.

  41. topsecretk9 says:

    Coincidentally enough at around the same time I also designated my backyard as hate-free zone.  Where i diverge with the council is that I also designated my front yard a free fire zone.


    I am just the opposite…it’s all nicey in the front but as I type this I got to young ( 11 and 13) boys who begged to go hunting rats in the backyard (live next to a river and have fruit trees)…good, normal and fully public school PC trained boys…all they wanted was the peanut butter and the safety! And I am in California!!!! And really what’s mom to say? NO?

  42. Sean M. says:

    I moved out of Berkeley (after living there for seven years) a week before 9/11.  I thank my lucky stars for that–I’d surely be dead by now, my head having asploded at some point.

  43. mojo says:

    Nothing surprises me about Berkeley, especially the City Council. Buncha yammerheads, typical city pols but out of a constituency that’s about 70% major loonville.

    I left in the early 70’s, right after I saw a naked guy sitting in a tree in broad daylight, and nobody so much as looking at the pathetic freak.

    Went back once, in the late 80’s and he was still there, so I left again.

    SB: medical


  44. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    Major John — There was an old Playboy cartoon of a Phantom nose down in a rice paddy, as the angry crew confronts a loincloth’d farmer.

    Farmer:  No! No!  It was not I who brought down the screaming great bird!  Someone else throw rock!

    Can we tell North Korea they can test their Taepodong 3 missile in Berkeley.  Talk about a contribution to world peace…

  45. MayBee says:

    Just like Cronkite with Vietnam. Once you’ve lost Berkeley, you’ve lost The Nation.

  46. Spiny Norman says:

    Can military jets be brought down with a fog of body odor and smugness?

    I don’t know, Tom W., but the Smug Storm on South Park was pretty specatular.

    San Francisco, I afraid, has disappeared up it’s own asshole…

  47. Spiny Norman says:




  48. Kent says:

    Fascinating article, re:  the bucktoothed rise (and hysterical slow-motion implosion) of the present-day lunatic left—what Ace refers to, deliciously, as “The John Bircher Left.”

    Inspired excerpt:

    Consider the average member of this group. He (or she) remembers the era of leftist dominance of American politics — and he remembers the beginning of its end, on election day 1980. He is around 50 years old. He is professional living in a coastal enclave, mostly on the Pacific coast or the northeast. His political consciousness was formed by the McGovern and Carter campaigns — and of course the American retreat from Vietnam. He may have grown up in Iowa, or Texas, or Missouri, or Utah — but he went to college elsewhere, and fell in love with the people in California, or New York, or Boston, who were so much more progressive and intellectual than the hayseeds back home. His initial concept of conservatives, which he’s never really abandoned, was formed by Nixonian malfeasance: they’re all crooks and corrupt, in his mind. The ascent of Reagan in 1980, and later the 1994 revolution, came as a profound shock — how could America forget so soon? He is well-off: and the bulk of his working career — and hence the font of his personal prosperity — was spent in the boom markets of the 1980s and 1990s, under Republican national governance in one form or another. He doesn’t think about the implications of that much.

    But for all his generally good circumstances, he’s been on the political and cultural losing side all his adult life. He’s tired of it. And he’s found a website which, at last, makes him feel empowered. He is, in short, the typical member of the so-called netroots: the left-wing movement, organized around blogs, that seeks to “take back” this country from its usurpers. The netroots is a movement born of desperation and a sense of embattlement at being on the losing side of historical forces. It sees itself as the inheritor and the guarantor of true American tradition and identity, and it seeks to restore those things to their rightful primacy in national life. Critically, it choose to not merely fight its foes, but emulate them. It sees the prime virtue of its enemies as their ability to win, and if they can just crack the code — if it can grasp the very methodology of victory — then they will turn the tables, and victory will be theirs.

    Lo Ping… actus… Hamsher… “Pillsbury” Willis… the Broome Community College clown funny car…

    … yup.  And then some.


  49. Sean M. says:

    Can we tell North Korea they can test their Taepodong 3 missile in Berkeley.  Talk about a contribution to world peace…

    I’m all for nuking the place from orbit (it’s the only way to be sure) but only after allowing the world’s best libertarian (yes, you read that right, libertarian) late nite hot dog stand to evacuate, with all their sausages and sweet hot Russian mustard, first.

    TW = There’s a special snap that you feel when biting into an all-beef, natural casing Louisiana hot link at two in the morning.  Or at lunchtime, for that matter.

  50. Some Guy in Chicago says:

    M/S/C (Wagley, Freedkin) adopt a Resolution (Attachment B) supporting Agenda Item 27 of the September 25, 2001 Council agenda establishing the City of Berkeley as a Hate-Free Zone.  Ayes: Unanimous; Absent: Glatt.

    See, that’s a very smart way to fight terrorists.  If a terrorist blows up a building in berkely, they can be arrested for hatin’ on the building.

    Why hasn’t a certain Commander-in-Chimplerburton thought of this?!?!

  51. MarkD says:

    Why don’t they do something impressive, like say abolish cancer and AIDS within the city limits, and provide all residents with a million dollar annual income.

    Jackals barking at the moon, while the caravan moves on.

  52. rwilymz says:

    the Broome Community College clown funny car…

    I wasn’t aware that the Clown Car from my old alma mater had such wide renown.

  53. Chairman Me says:

    Come on guys, it’s Berkeley, America’s creamy nougat center. I’d be dissapointed if they didn’t vote to impeach Bush.

  54. rwilymz says:

    Yeah, it’s Berkeley, but you gotta wonder if they’re at all concerned that Kim has a missile that can ju-u-ust about reach them.

    Also gotta wonder if they even know.

  55. N. O'Brain says:

    Come on guys, it’s Berkeley, America’s creamy nougat center.

    Nougat is made with nuts?

  56. Just like Cronkite with Vietnam. Once you’ve lost Berkeley, you’ve lost The Nation.

    +1 MayBee.

  57. rwilymz says:

    Nougat is made with nuts?

    Nut-paste, butter, sugar …

  58. McGehee says:

    Also gotta wonder if they even know.

    Oh, they know.

    Thing is, they approve.

  59. I’ve always wondered what nougat was.  Seriously, what the hell is that wonderful stuff made out of?  It’s nougaty good.  Learn something new every day.

    At least, I do.

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