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October 2024


A post that explores what life might be like if oatmeal could speak, 7

oatmeal:  “For what it’s worth, breakfast used to be the most important meal of the day. Until they went and let the filthy bagels in, that is…”

32 Replies to “A post that explores what life might be like if oatmeal could speak, 7”

  1. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    Damned imperialist neocon carbohydrates!

  2. oseaghdha says:

    Ah, the four food groups.

    Good Times

    Good times, indeed.

    The beer I had for breakfast tasted good. So I had another for dessert.”

  3. Toby Petzold says:

    I hear that Markos Zuniga’s more of a brunch man.

  4. CraigC says:

    As long as it has a schmutz……

  5. Jack M. says:

    I BLAME THE HONEYDEWS!!!1!1!111one!

    I mean, who eats a melon for breakfast anyway?

  6. Carl W. Goss says:


    Nature’s most perfect food.

    Made even more perfect with creamcheese….lotta creamcheese.

    Goes pretty well with classical music.

  7. alppuccino says:

    I think Heff may have a couple melons every morning.

  8. B Moe says:

    If bagel’s are so great how come Little Debbie don’t make them?

  9. McGehee says:

    If bagel’s are so great how come Little Debbie don’t make them?

    That’s because Seventh-Day Adventists have strange ideas about what’s “kosher.”

  10. Murel Bailey says:

    Criticism of bagels is typically veiled anti-Semitism. And I’ve always suspected I can’t cut a bagel right because I never trained as a mohel.


  11. Swen Swenson says:

    Mmmm, goatmeal!

    Reminds me of hunting on a buddy’s farm down in Kentucky. We were up rattling around in the kitchen at o-dark-thirty when his dad came down, so my bud offered his dad some oatmeal. His dad, who had grown up as a poor black kid on a Kentucky hill farm during the depression, opined that he couldn’t eat “that mush” to this day.

    So.. Enjoy your soul food! But remember, it’s your choice to eat that crap. Give me smoked salmon and champagne (it is Saturday).

  12. – Only at PW, could you have a bris reference with your morning bagel.

    TW: We are f.a.m.i.l.y, just you wait and see-hee….

  13. SarahW (ants breakfast) says:

    Smoked salmon on a bagel with a big slice of summer tomato.

    Scottish oats (stoneground or steelcut) with blueberries and raspberries

    Regis likes one, Chuck Norris the other.  Dick Cheney demands both be left in his hotel suite.  With has some greek yogurt with honey and walnuts on the side.

  14. SarahW says:

    One big slice of summer tomato.

    BTE, that was definately served up at Dick Cheney’s bris. 

    If he’d had one, that is.

  15. SarahW, faint with hunger says:

    BTE, I meant BTW.

  16. oseaghdha says:





    Occasionally cold pizza.

    Is pita bread antisemetic?

    I never understood that Zionist Jewbread. Lox and bagels? What’s that all about?

    Now I’m hungry.

    Yo, where’s my sammich, bitch?

    TW: answer as in Get you own effin sammich!

  17. Dick Cheney’s bris.

    – Hopefully his Rabbi didn’t use a 12 gauge….

    – On the other hand Clinton’s Mohel was obviously left handed….

    TW: life is just a bowl of nougat….

  18. ahem says:

    I’m always thrilled whenever I get up to Skokie, which has the best Jewish bakeries in the Midwest–if not the world. Big, warm bags of soft, fresh bagels of many kinds: plain., egg, onion, garlic, poppy seed, all of the above…smothered with lox or chive cheese. And bialys with poppy seeds–a bit firmer than bagels, but delicious. You’re right about that perfect slice of tomato. And a thin slice of fresh onion. And Nova lox, not Belly… And maybe a small bowl of chicken soup with a light, buttery matzoh ball on the side to wash it all down.

    When I lived in San Francisco in the mid-eighties, I just knew that anyone who opened a restaurant featuring a really good bowl of matzoh ball soup and a good lox and bagel sandwich could really name their own ticket–there wasn’t a decent deli around for miles. (Wonder if that’s changed.)

    Of course, there’s always oatmeal.

    You make me want to come out of my coma and drive up there right now.

    summer: it’s.

  19. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    Call me old fashioned, but I like real salt bagels, the kind with the salt chunks so big you could have used them to deice your driveway… I mean what the hell, everybody’s blood pressure goes down in the end anyway, right?

  20. McGehee says:

    GMG, I like those too, but the ring shape is kind of boring so I twist them into a kind of a butterfly shape.

    Or I used to, until some bastard from Germany threatened to sue.

  21. Jim in Chicago says:

    Bagels weren’t the least of it. Now poor old nativist oatmeal has to deal with Huevos rancheros, and the breakfast burrito.

    Ack, eek, deport those pesky burritos and huevos, and build a big wall to keep them out. With lotso national guard troops on the border! American breakfast for Americans! Who’s with me?

  22. mojo says:


    SB: ready

    to eat

  23. McGehee says:

    But Mojo, Starchists don’t want tuna with good taste, they want tuna that tastes good!

  24. – I’d litterily KILL for a coconut bar…its been 35 years… gawd where does the time go anyway….Oh well… theres always rugala in a pinch….

    TW: Looking for a good Jooo-ish girl that doesn’t HAVE to have a Doctor type hubby…. wink wink

  25. DeepTrope says:

    Wo-o-ah! there, Jim.  Amnesty on the burros and huevos rancheros.  Call it a guest breakfast program or something.  Illegal aliens are another story.

    And another thing, bagels are all well and good, but good grits and red-eye gravy will make even the most recalcitrant armadillo dance.

    Don’t know why nobody’s thought of that.

    tw:  door

    Okay, I know where it is…

  26. N. O'Brain says:

    Give me smoked salmon and champagne (it is Saturday).

    Posted by Swen Swenson | permalink

    on 06/24 at 09:30 AM

    My wife, Scottish Kate and I were just at Trader Joes.

    Smoked Scottish solmon cost $5.00 for a friggin’ 4 ounce package!!!!

    Btw, they do NOT carry Scott’s Porridge Oats.

    Darn them. Darn them to perdition.

  27. Shawn says:

    Oatmeal is clearly anti-semite. First they went after the bagels and no one said anything. Then they went after the lox and no one said anything. Next thing you know matzah ball soup gefilte fish are the enemy and that Quaker oatmeal dude is goose-stepping down Pennsylvania Avenue.

    Hitler loved the oatmeal…what’s that tell ya?

    As an aside, the Brits call sausages “bangers”.

  28. Meg Q says:

    My husband, Polish-Scots now resident in Canada, told me, “This is typical of you Americans. You’re so isolated, you think bagels are only Jewish, when really they’re Eastern European. My Catholic grandfather used to make them in his bakery!”

    To which I, an Irish-German-English American, said, “Feh. Pass the oats, scottie boy.”

  29. Muslihoon says:

    ahem, where are you now? I’m not too far from Skokie.

    I’ve lived in heavily Jewish areas ever since returning to the US close to a decade ago. I don’t know how I’m going to survive if I move and there are no Jews where I move to.

  30. I think bagels were concocted by 19th century European jews as revenge on their goyish oppressors.  I mean, would you eat them if they were called by their true name: “dog biscuits”?

  31. TallDave says:


    I think you meant to say that we should blame the Honeydoooooooooooooooooooos!

  32. mojo says:

    Starchists don’t want tuna with good taste, they want tuna that tastes good!

    Sorry, Charlie.

    SB: consider


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