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October 2024


When it rain, it pours

Man.  Is Glenn Greenwald having a bad day or what…?

Maybe he should have had his chart done.  As a Towhouse premium club member, I hear you get a 20% discount—though that’s probably just another of Zengerle’s vicious RIGHT-WING LIES!


53 Replies to “When it rain, it pours”

  1. equitus says:

    re: “people-powered”

    It just occured to me, wasn’t The Matrix people-powered? Jacked-in to human metabolism, that’s today’s Democratic party!

    (OK, I’m going to try this PW tradition for the first time)

    tw: “set”

    as in, “Game, Set, Match.”

  2. David Block says:

    Good job, equitus!!

    But I’ll have to sign out before I’ll get a TW.

  3. Rick Moran says:

    If we’re very lucky, his head will explode and we won’t have to read his hysterical screeds any more.

  4. Sean M. says:

    Why are you guys picking on Greenwald?  I mean, we’re not supposed to say anything bad about fellow “conservatives,” right?




    Sorry, I couldn’t keep a straight face.

  5. dicentra says:

    This is really getting hard to unravel:

    First, Jason Zengerle at TNR writes a column in which he quotes three Townhouse e-mails: one from Mike Stark, one from Glenn Greenwald, and one from Steve Gilliard. He claims that he received all three e-mails from three different sources, sources who, I assume, are on the Townhouse e-mailing list.

    Greenwald then accuses Zengerle of having fabricated the Gilliard e-mail. He says:

    It is highly unlikely (to put it mildly) that three different sources would send Zengerle the same fabricated e-mail and falsely tell him that it was sent by Gilliard to the Townhouse list. And it is equally unlikely that three different sources would confirm that Gilliard sent an e-mail that he, in fact, simply never sent.

    Greenwald says that he knows that the e-mail was fabricated because he is on the Townhouse mailing list and he never received that e-mail. He contacted other Townhouse members and said that they said that they didn’t receive it either.

    Gilliard says, of the e-mail:

    I have no record of sending such an e-mail to the Townhouse list, Kos, Armstrong, who did not participate in any of the discussions, or anyone else. I didn’t send any e-mail with that phrase at all. There’s a similar phrase sent to Hubris Sonic a month before on an entirely different topic…

    To be fair, I told Glenn I disagreed with the characterization of it being false, because I may have express some kind of sentiment close to that. The issue to me is not that Zengerle created it out of whole cloth, but if he got it from a source that he was too lazy and sloppy to confirm it with me.[sic] Let me be clear, I didn’t deny writing the e-mail. I said that I had no record of writing such an e-mail with that phrase, to the list on that day.

    Oh, and this is the disputed e-mail:

    I dont see how this can be ignored. We should all write in defense of this once we know the facts. Jerome?

    I guess the damning aspect of that e-mail is that it implies that the lefty bloggers wanted to write about Ko$ola but then Markos told them to deprive the story of oxygen, and behold, the lefty blogs remained silent on the issue.

    So the following explanations come to the fore:

    1. Zengerle invented the Gilliard e-mail out of whole cloth to make the lefty blogosphere look like Kos’s zombie army.

    2. Zengerle’s three sources, who are in cahoots with each other, invented the e-mail–or lifted it from an unrelated source–and sent it to him.

    3. Zengerle’s three sources are really one source and two sock-puppets, who invented or misrepresented the origin of the e-mail.

    4. The e-mail was indeed sent to the Townhouse e-mail list, and both Greenwald and Gilliard are lying.

    5. The e-mail was indeed sent to the Townhouse e-mail list, but not all members received it, and Gilliard lost his record of the e-mail.

    6. The e-mail was indeed sent to the Townhouse e-mail list, Greenwald is lying, and Gilliard really did forget he sent it.

    There are probably other permutations, but I’ll leave off for now.

    Occam’s Razor suggests that number 1 is the most likely, it being the simplest. But I’ve seen some pretty weird things happen on the Internet, and like Dr. House says, “Everyone lies.” So I can’t rule out any of the above.

    But as fun as this all is, it’s really a tempest in a teapot. Who cares if the lefty blogosphere marches to Kos’s tune? That’s their problem.

  6. ahem says:

    On Greenwald’s site, someone actually claims Kos is a Republican!

    Later, some sad little moron writes this:

    If Markos got thrown in jail for some heinous sin, someone else would step up and take over the blog. As he has repeatedly said, he doesn’t matter. His work is done. He has given us a collaborative model that empowers engaged citizens. That model transcends any particular blogger’s work.


    Maybe Jerome is a cad, a thief, a grifter who stole from widows and orphans…

    It doesn’t matter. The model is what matters, and the model is bullet-proof. That’s why TNR is frothing.

    Ah, it’s the cause, not the people that compose it that matters–like issues being true in essence despite being false in facts…

  7. gahrie says:

    Who cares if the lefty blogosphere marches to Kos’s tune? That’s their problem.

    I do. For several reasons. First it provides yet another example of leftwing hypocrisy. They claim to be all independent actors fighting against the vast rightwing conspiracy. Well there is no comparable rightwing, secret mailing list in use to coordinate rightwing bloggers. At least there is no evidence of one. However, no one is even trying to deny the existence of a (formerly) secret leftwing mailing list used to coordinate leftwing bloggers. Secondly, this particular incident is an example of a prominent leftwinger clearly attempting to kill a story that reflects badly on an associate and business partner, and potentially himself. If Markos or another leftwinger had exposed a similar e-mail by a rightwinger, it would not only be seen as a huge internet story, but would probably have migrated to the MSM by now. Lastly, the exposure of this “Townhall” list will hopefully motivate the more ethical and reasoned leftwing bloggers to show some independence, and provide an alternative to the deranged hordes currently on the leftwing of the internet.

  8. Great Mencken's Ghost says:

    If Markos got thrown in jail for some heinous sin, someone else would step up and take over the blog. As he has repeatedly said, he doesn’t matter.

    I look forward to watching him prove this…

  9. Ah, it’s the cause, not the people that compose it that matters–

    unless of course, they’re eeeeevil rethuglicans.

  10. Mark Wilson says:

    Or Gilliard is one of the sources and forgot that he hadn’t sent the message to the Townhouse list when he gave it to Zengerle …

  11. Wyatt Wingfoot says:

    If Kos is imprisoned for this, do not despair for him, he is quite looking forward to “dropping the soap.”

    He is already enrolled in a Summer community education class teaching the fine art of making wine in the toilet.

  12. B Moe says:

    If Markos got thrown in jail for some heinous sin, someone else would step up and take over the blog.

    They have plenty of royal jelly.

  13. Spiny Norman says:

    I find this all very amusing. Various left-wing “progressive” internet kooks are having a pissing contest and now they’ve hauled out the heavy artillary: the dreaded “neocon” and “ReThug” epithets. Does the lefty blogosphere resemble more than anything a elementary schoolyard, or is it just me?


  14. Kent says:

    Occam’s Razor suggests that number 1 is the most likely, it being the simplest.

    Incorrect.  Given the well-documented history of duplicity on the part of Greenwald:  #4—”4. The e-mail was indeed sent to the Townhouse e-mail list, and both Greenwald and Gilliard are lying.”—would be the simplest, and (therefore) most likely explanation.

  15. Spiny Norman says:

    OT, but in a seeming mirror image of the Left-wing blogs’ hissy-fit, Al-Qaeda and Hiz’ballah are sniping at each other, flinging “Zionist tool” accusations just willy-nilly:

    First came a fiery diatribe from al-Qaida in Iraq leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi — just a week before he was killed by a U.S. airstrike — accusing Hezbollah of acting as a protective buffer for Israel.

    Hezbollah, generally reserved in its comments on internal Islamic issues, began to react: One of its main political figures told The Associated Press it wasn’t his group at all but al-Zarqawi that was the “tool” of United States and Israel.

    Been reading Kos, have they?

    With al-Zarqawi himself gone and despite the vow to carry on his work, Ibrahim Bayram, a Lebanese journalist who follows Hezbollah, said he did not expect the dispute to escalate.

    “Hezbollah is very sensitive about getting involved in a sectarian quarrel,” said Bayram, who writes for the Lebanese An-Nahar daily. “It’s very keen on keeping its image pure where the Sunnis are concerned because of its relations with Sunni groups, like the Palestinian ones.”

    Pure image? Hiz’ballah?  gulp

  16. Ric Locke says:

    dicentra —

    You did leave out at least one variation, upon which permutations could be taken:

    7. There is a restricted list of Townhouse members, and Greenwald isn’t on it but Zengerle’s source is. Greenwald’s evidence is worthless because he isn’t in that particular loop.

    Given Greenwald’s known characteristics (Maguire: ‘…never settles for “shrill” when “hysterical ranting” is within reach’ wink the hypothesis seems sufficient.



    tw: act, as in “Kos needs to clean up his…”

  17. Toby Petzold says:

    The reason Gilliard can’t find that e-mail is because Sandy Bergler hacked his account.

  18. They have plenty of royal jelly.

    Okay, no one else has said anything, but I thought that line was hysterical.

  19. marcus says:

    Since most of these lefty bloggers are white, can we refer to them as the “Townhouse Crackers”?

  20. alppuccino says:

    Here was the funniest Gilliard quote to come out of this:

    Now, I could have claimed to have not written it, and then say I forgot if it came up, but I’m not going to play that way. I was taught journalistic ethics at NYU, and I still practice them.

    Was the Journalistic Ethics class right after Sambo Photoshopping 101 or before?

  21. MarkD says:

    Has anyone ever seen Kos and Rove at the same time?

    I think Halliburton’s behind it all.  They’re going to get everyone planting corn for ethanol.  They’ll turn Alberta into an open strip mine, then, wham, gas goes to twenty-five cents a gallon.  They’ll own Canada and the Midwest.

    Some say they already do.

    TW:  thinking.  Not to be indulged in while consuming adult beverages.  Conspiracy theories are more fun.

  22. Phil Smith says:

    The RealityAstrology-Based Community.  Gotta love it.

  23. Verc says:

    Astrology-Based Community. 

    Nice, I’m stealing that one…

  24. MayBee says:

    They have plenty of royal jelly.

    Okay, no one else has said anything, but I thought that line was hysterical.

    Hilarious.  Makes me picture Glenn Greenwald shaking his ass and doing the Bee Dance.  The top secret communication method for members of the TownHive.

  25. Major John says:

    They have plenty of royal jelly.

    Okay, no one else has said anything, but I thought that line was hysterical.

    No fair – I just got on.  I found it top notch.  Who would be fed and turn into the next Queen of the ‘roots?

  26. David Block says:

    An addition to dicentra’s list above:

    Greenwald may have set his account to read messages at the website instead of getting them in his inbox and he missed one.

    Yahoo Groups and Google Groups allow that option.

  27. Yahoo Groups and Google Groups allow that option.

    i don’t know about google, but with yahoo groups, it would be easy enough to search for the original message.

  28. Squatch says:

    People-powered Purple People Eaters? Yeah!!!

  29. Up There says:

    While America fades from the world stage and teeters on the brink of financial ruin, its fascists swarm all over their fellow citizens with all the wit and sophistication found in the plot of Mean Girls

    Humanity looks on, and is frankly, embarrassed.

  30. McGehee says:

    If we’re very lucky, his head will explode and we won’t have to read his hysterical screeds any more.

    Having observed his ilk for some years, I have to question whether this is true. How many times has his head already exploded?

  31. McGehee says:

    Humanity looks on, and is frankly, embarrassed.

    Try putting on some pants.

  32. B Moe says:

    While America fades from the world stage and teeters on the brink of financial ruin…

    Damn dude, you are Up There, aren’t you?

  33. B Moe says:

    Who would be fed and turn into the next Queen of the ‘roots?

    That is the beauty of it, anyone who disagrees in the slightest is booted from the hive, so it really doesn’t matter.

  34. jdm says:

    While America fades from the world stage and teeters on the brink of financial ruin, its fascists swarm all over their fellow citizens with all the wit and sophistication found in the plot of Mean Girls

    Not bad. Not bad at all. Is this the new CheChe? The new Witheld?

  35. – So their fearless Comrade leader is in the tank for the bucks, and his closest advisor is a medium…

    – “Oh the humanities….”

    – Memorable moments in history:

    * 1937 – The horrendous crash of the Hindenburg Graff Zeplin…

    * 2006 – The merciful crash of the “Astrology based community” and its Premier Kossack.

  36. Phone Technician in a Time of Roaming says:

    You know, all snark aside, I’m trying to follow Greenwald’s argument but I can’t beleieve a grownup would buy it…

    1) Three emails were quoted. The quotes are consistent with one another.

    2) Greenwald claims that he never received one of those emails, and that it is therefore forged.

    I’d consider that a weak argument, because it presupposes that Greenwald must have received it in the first place. And frankly, an argument which assumes every email must reach its destination isn’t terribly strong.

    3) The purported author of the contested email refuses to confirm or deny that he sent it.

    4) And this casts doubt on the other two emails … how, exactly? Isn’t this a “the Piltdown Man hoax proves that evolution is wrong” instead of “The Piltdown Man hoax proves that scientists need to be more aware that hoaxes do happen?”

  37. Rick says:

    2) Greenwald claims that he never received one of those emails, and that it is therefore forged.

    Is guess that’s a Greenwaldian example of “What Would A Patriot Do?”

    Surely, the last refuge of a scoundrel.


  38. How many times has his head already exploded?

    Errr, which one?  And yes, I’m going with #4 as well.

    Doctor!  My brains hurt!

  39. B Moe says:

    Whether Gilliard sent it or not, the question is whether it is accurate.

  40. triticale says:

    Zengerle has taken a closer look, and has acknowledged that the email did not come from Gilliard. Seems his experts checked the headers on the Greenwald and Stark emails, and confirrmed the batch on 2 out of 3.

  41. z says:

    Zengerle admitted it was a fake.  Looks like the jokes on you.


  42. Rick says:

    Zengerle admitted it was a fake.  Looks like the jokes on you.

    Rather, the email was of unknown provenance, and misattributed to Gilliard.  The joke remains Markos I, Divine Ruler of Kosistan.


  43. Lo Ping Wong says:

    –crickets chirping–

    I’m guessing that the server overloaded from all the retractions and “I was wrong” posts sent to this comment thread. How else to explain the silence?

  44. zen_less says:

    Regardless of where the email came from, Zengerle attributed it to Gilliard and built a whole story out of it, and you had the temerity to mock Greenwald for doubting its authenticity. If you had a shred of intellectual integrity, you wsould apologize to Greenwald, but I think it’s been amply shown that you have none.

  45. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Hmm. You’re going to have to show me where I “had the temerity to mock Greenwald for doubting its authenticity.” Because Tom Maguire mocked Greenwald for making it the cornerstone of the story, and Commissar mocked him for taking a different stance on its authenticity than Gilliard did.

    Me, I just linked to them.

    But please, let me say it again, slowly, so that you can understand it:  Greenwald will not succeed in changing the subject. 

    He was on the Kos list.  He is your puppetmaster, zen_less.  How does that make you feel? 

    Wait, did Glenn send you over here to demand an apology on his part?  Did he tell you I have been “amply shown” to have no intellectual integrity?

    Hilarious.  Wonder if he did that on his own or if Kos told him to.

  46. mg says:

    The thread above is fascinating. Why does it stop so suddenly now that the whole thing has been found to be a hoax?


  47. Rick says:

    Ummmmmmmmmmmm…because the fact remains that Moulitsas is seeking to impose the Code of Kosmerta.  “Progressives” being easy to command, and all.

    So it’s embarrassed silence.  Cutting off the oxygen, a genius might say.


  48. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Did I miss something?  Or does “the whole thing has been found to be a hoax” mean the same as “one of the three emails—which only Greenwald himself seemed to make into an issue—was found out to to be wrong, though Gilliard notes that it mirrors his thoughts”?

    But to answer mg’s question, my guess is because this thread is from Saturday and is well off the main page.

  49. Up There says:

    …and that you’re a lying idiot who doesn’t understand the concept of evidence.  So everyone gave up.

  50. dirk says:

    Greenwald will not succeed in changing the subject. 

    He was on the Kos list.

    The subject of Greenwald’s post was the misattribution of words to Gilliard. What does the wronged Gilliard have to say?

    This stoppped being about Kos the minute TNR published an e-mail which they cannot confirm coming to me.Then it became about their ethics and practices.

    And the ethics of those who leapt on this dodgy smear.

  51. Jeff Goldstein says:

    Man. Do you guys let these people go to the bathroom for you, too?

    I don’t care what Gilliard says it’s about.  If they want to pursue that “angle,” let ‘em have at it.  But again, that’s not what the story is about for me.  Never was.  Never cared much about Gilliard’s email. 

    Greenwald never disputed what people were criticizing:  namely, that there existed (exists?) a list of influential bloggers/journos who would discuss which stories to push and how to push them.  Then people like you would hop around repeating what they told you to repeat—even if you didn’t know you were being manipulated like some poor schlub.

    Funny that you’re still doing it now that you know, however.

  52. Phil Smith says:

    Jesus, what a bunch of utter fucking idiots trolling around here. 

    Look, drooling Kostards – ONE email is inauthentic.  Out of THREE.  Can you fucking idiots even count?

    Never mind, you dolts still think Rove is going to be indicted in 24 hours.  Which 24, you won’t say.  Funny, though, how loudly you’re calling for Zengerle to out his sources, when Leopold—who actually pledged that precise action—isn’t being asked for same.

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