
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


Up Mine?  Well, right back at ya’, honey.

The Strawberry-Blond Force of Disquieting Perkinesstrade; over at Up Yours has posted her interview with VodkaPundit’s Stephen Green. The interview itself is a rambling affair, chock full of sexual innuendo — more, in fact, than you can shake a (fleshy and engorged) stick at. Or if you prefer, enough to choke a seasoned Bangkok hooker — one with a mouth like a grouper. In other words, lots.

Worth checking out.

A revelation from the interview: evidently, Steve thinks I’m “meaner” than he is. Me. Meaner.

To which I say: Whatever. You little pickled prick, you.

[update: He knows I’m kidding, Mom. Christ, just because somebody’s got a Jewish-sounding name doesn’t mean I “have to be more civil” to him/her.

And I am not a “disappointing waste of a difficult pregnancy,” whatever that means…]

8 Replies to “Up Mine?  Well, right back at ya’, honey.”

  1. I meant that with love and you KNOW it!

    Goddamn pointy-head ivory tower bastard-type person.

  2. Jeff G says:

    “Pointy-head”?  That’s not very nice.

  3. Dawn says:


    Explain perky – cause I haven’t sent any full body shots yet, but you are right I am perky when and were it counts, you grumpy little man.

  4. I felt like I was reading Truman Capote interviewing Bianca Jagger at the Hamptons circa 1975.  All that icky name dropping and fawning over each other…

    “Oh, Bianca, you and that darling Mick are thoooo thexy together, and he’th thuch an great thinger.  Why, Dick Cavett and I were talking to Gloria Vanderbilt about that yethderday at Vidal Thathoon’th beach houthe.  We made Andy Warhol giggle like a little girl!”

    “You darling man, you, you’re such a marrrrrvelous writer too.  I loooooove those seersucker trousers, you old scamp.”

    I am glad I am not in the “in” crowd.  I fart too much and my politics are just icky.  Plus, Lord strike me down, that Instapundit guy looks like a toad.

  5. Jeff G says:

    Capote… He wasn’t the voice of Underdog, was he?

    Or am I thinking of Wally Cox again?

    Christ, I gotta stop thinkin about Cox all the time.  It’s so…what’s the word?  <i>Untoward</i>…

  6. Best you leave thinking about Cox to Dawn, Jeff – she does it so well.

    DT, I’m starting to appreciate you. You’re still no-account vermin, mind you, but even no-account vermin has its place in the world.

  7. Dawn says:

    Cox, like Courtney Cox, oh I like her she is soooo pretty.  Friends is such a great show, do you remember the episode where Rachel and Ross get back together and there was the monkey, that was so funny.  Oh Dickey, maybe you can come over and we can have a friends party.

    Perky D!

  8. Jeff, grab your skates and meet me in Hell!  Richard Bennett praised me, so I am sure the underworld has just frozen nicely into a skating rink.  We’ll get Caligula to drive the Zamboni, and you and I can fight over who gets Tonya and who gets Nancy.  Woohooo!

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