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June 2002

Currying Favor

Suman Palit (of the always informative Kolkata Libertarian) writes his ode to Israel. Well, it’s more of a list than an ode, really. But if you ignore the numbers, and excuse the fact that nothing much rhymes, and can convince yourself Suman wrote it while sporting a black turtleneck and a beret and sipping a Dry Riesling…it’s a friggin’ ode.

The Greener-Than-Thou Clan

“The days of standing behind your nation may be behind the times. In this new era radicals bolstered by their own sense of self-importance consider their cause more significant than national security.” So begins NYU Professor Herbert London’s latest column in The American Prowler. Dr. London continues: Take as an example the Greenpeace plan to post a color map on the Internet showing how a terrorist attack on the Kuehne

Hugs and flowers and whale noises and frisbees

Are “soft values” — “sensitivity, subjectivity, tolerance, self-esteem, a therapy-based view of behavior, relativism, and nonjudgmentalism, all replacing the ‘hard’ values of individual responsibility, objectivity, self-control, patriotism, strong social expectations, and commitment to moral judgments” — adequate to the job of fighting terrorism? John Leo ponders: If you think soft values are adequate for the job, the behavior of Johnelle Bryant should set off bells. Bryant, a Department of Agriculture


Pej points and drools. Me, I’m just stunned. And sickened. And a bit annoyed, frankly. I mean, thank Christ this kind of rationalizing bookhumpage wasn’t charged with defeating Nazism. Getting too much to bear, is it dear? No problems. Just pen some wistful, world-weary words (a few fat paragraphs ought to convince people of your sincerity), strain a few analogies, and then its off to Starbucks to share a Caramel

Soccer?  Okay. But I’d really rather Grope Her…

“Why are the Koreans rooting for Germany in the World Cup? Because they hate us, of course!” …At least, so argues the Indepundit… My take? Who cares? It’s freakin’ soccer. Speaking of Koreans, though — did I ever tell you guys about my final minor league game, for Modesto in 1993? We beat Albuquerque 8-2, and I had a pair of doubles and a homerun — the homerun and one

Soccer?  Okay. But I’d really rather Grope Her…

“Why are the Koreans rooting for Germany in the World Cup? Because they hate us, of course!” …At least, so argues the Indepundit… My take? Who cares? It’s freakin’ soccer. Speaking of Koreans, though — did I ever tell you guys about my final minor league game, for Modesto in 1993? We beat Albuquerque 8-2, and I had a pair of doubles and a homerun — the homerun and one

Excess Baggage Charge

“Southwest Airlines will start charging larger passengers for two seats on its 2,800 daily flights starting June 26,” The Washington Times reports. The airline, which operates out of 58 U.S. cities and is the largest carrier at Baltimore-Washington International Airport, will begin charging ‘persons of size’ for two seats if they think they may not fit comfortably in one. Persons of size? What the hell is that? [update: The Olsen

Opening Night, Nyla

“Lesseee…. I’ll have a large Diet Coke, curly fries, and a big plate of boobies, please. And you may as well supersize ’em for me.”

Ed Said What?

Here (for those interested) is a link to the latest billious twaddle emanating from Eddie Said’s lying hole (printed in Al Ahram Weekly). Quick summary: “Blah blah Zionism evil blah blah blah Sharon butcher blah blah blah Palestinian victims blah blah blah Three throws for a dollar? Cool! Six rocks, please blah blah blah Otherness blah blah.” Okay, okay. I’ll play fair. Said in fact does use this space to

Our friends the Saudis, Chapter 13

“Saudi Arabia announced its first al Qaeda-related arrests since September 11 yesterday, saying it was holding 11 Saudis, an Iraqi and a Sudanese man who told authorities that he had fired a surface-to-air missile at a U.S. military plane taking off from a Saudi air base,” The Washington Times reports. Gee. 9 months, and they’ve managed to find 13 suspected terrorists in all of Wahabbi Central — to make 13