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October 2024


Our friends the Saudis, Chapter 13

“Saudi Arabia announced its first al Qaeda-related arrests since September 11 yesterday, saying it was holding 11 Saudis, an Iraqi and a Sudanese man who told authorities that he had fired a surface-to-air missile at a U.S. military plane taking off from a Saudi air base,” The Washington Times reports.

Gee. 9 months, and they’ve managed to find 13 suspected terrorists in all of Wahabbi Central — to make 13 arrests in a country where you can’t chuck a fig without hitting a half dozen bad guys busy sipping sweet tea and plotting the destruction of something or other.

I’m creaming myself. No, really. I’m creaming myself.

On Sunday, Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle said Saudi Arabia was not doing everything it could to fight terrorism and urged President Bush to take a tougher stance with the kingdom.

‘I think we can get a lot more help from the Saudis in so many ways. We’re not getting that kind of help, and I’m disappointed,’ the South Dakota Democrat told ‘Fox News Sunday.’

Well this sure oughta show him. Doubting infidel.

2 Replies to “Our friends the Saudis, Chapter 13”

  1. Will says:

    Isn’t it interesting how people who hail from all over the increasingly meaningless left/right political axis are critical of appeasing the Saudis and other terrorist supporting entities.

  2. Will says:

    oops… didn’t finish….

    And isn’t it more interesting that the administration seems hell bent on kissing Saudi ass and rewarding the Palestinian murderers with a state of their own.  Does the administration really know THAT much more than we in the public do- so much more, that they’re willing to push immoral policies contradictory to American and Western ideology?  What do they hope to gain in terms of the national interest?  With today’s globalised oil market, an embargo wouldn’t work.  So why is Bush behaving like the arabs have a knife to his throat?

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