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October 2024



Pej points and drools. Me, I’m just stunned. And sickened. And a bit annoyed, frankly.

I mean, thank Christ this kind of rationalizing bookhumpage wasn’t charged with defeating Nazism. Getting too much to bear, is it dear? No problems. Just pen some wistful, world-weary words (a few fat paragraphs ought to convince people of your sincerity), strain a few analogies, and then its off to Starbucks to share a Caramel Macchiato and a rasberry scone with your pathos. (Or, if you’re feeling particularly melodramatic, you can maybe hide out in a neighbor’s attic or something and write journal entries until the world is dusted in irradiated ash — or until the Stoli vanilla runs out, whichever comes first).

Jesus. Just fall on your pen already. Get it over with.

15 Replies to “Aspara-schlock”

  1. Moira says:

    Hey, I followed the link and I was so moved…so moved…I was moved to ask….mind wandering…flicking out a speck of dirt spied under my pinkie-nail…moved to ask…hey Jeff, what <i>is</i> that a picture of underneath the “wisdom” in your site banner?  Always wondered about that.

  2. Jer Olson says:

    Full agreement on that post.

    Moira, good question.  What is it Jeff?  It looks like a HR Giger version of the internal body cavity.

  3. Jeff G says:

    It’s a hemoglobin protein.

    Either that, or a close up of one of my shirts from the eighties.  I was into paisley and rasberry berets…

  4. Toren says:

    The admiration some people have for “Asparagirl” has baffled me since I started blogging.  I guess she’s supposed to be some kind of great writer or something.  Folks, Lileks is a great writer.  Asparagirl is just another blogger, like me.

  5. Eric Olsen says:

    Am finishing up an overview of this mess. Needless to say, we are in agreement.

  6. I didn’t “point and drool.” I merely said that it is compelling writing. For the record, I don’t agree with the substance of her remarks, but I think she made her point well. I’m hardly the first person ever to make a distinction between the substance of an argument, and the style with which it was presented. And I hardly call that “drooling.”

    Jeez, what is it with people around here? First Moore trashes me, and then Goldstein? Is it too much to ask that disagreements be phrased in a somewhat more civil manner around here? Or has the Blogosphere turned into one big giant USENET group?

    Maybe my opinion isn’t worth much to you, Jeff, but I expected a little better than this. Feel free to take down the link to my site if you don’t like my “point[ing]” and “drool[ing].” I might do it some more in the future (although I just call it “commentary”) and I’d hate to think I was keeping you up at night, enraged beyond measure.

  7. Jeff G says:

    I think my saying you pointed and drooled is in keeping with the tone of MY blog, don’t you?  You know—quippy and earthy, colloquial, etc.

    I was hardly “enraged” by your pointing and drooling (which incidentally was quite in keeping with the fact that you <i>yourself</i> make playful quips about pining after Asparagirl, even in the comments section of the VERY post I referenced!) On the other hand, I was kinda cheesed by the content of Asparagirl’s post, which I think I made clear.

    Obviously you’re entitled to do whatever you wish, but I don’t think you should take anything I wrote as an attack on you personally.

    P.S.  I’m hung like a Clydesdale.

  8. Brian Linse says:


    Agree with you 100%. But I, too, am disappointed in you. Why did you show so much restraint? You were much kinder than I’d have been if I had blogged it. Pej needs to buck up and thicken up the old hide if he’s going to endorse pathetic drivel like a-girls’ post. Or maybe they should just fuck and get it over with already. Hopefully a-girl brought her strap-on home…

  9. Mitch says:


    You say it perfectly.  Sorry I just now got around to your post.

  10. Moira says:

    Huh.  Hemoglobin.  And all the time I’ve spent crossing my eyes over that image, trying to make out the Magic Eye naughty bits.

  11. slickvguy says:

    Good call, Jeff, re: ‘Aspara-shlock’

    Pej, calling that drivel ‘compelling writing’ is an insult to the many good writers out there. Also, I have a feeling if a male had written it, you would have been all over him.

  12. Melissa says:

    Quippy, earthy, and hung like a Clydesdale, huh? 

    Remind me not to write something that pisses you off or get in your way at a urinal.

    Make at least some allowance for the fact that she is young.  Time of the month can also be decisive.  I read it this morning, too, and thought it odd, out of character, and ultra depressing.  But it’s just an opinion at one moment in time.

  13. Jeff G says:

    I know.  But I read it, got angry, vented, then felt better.  She can have her opinion at one moment in time, I can have mine. 

    I have nothing whatever against her personally.  That post—coming as it did on the heels of two horrible attacks—just ticked me off.

  14. Martin says:

    I didn’t agree with her post, but after terror attacks I usually feel the same kind of despair.  That’s why I often wait a few days before commenting.  I thought Asp wrote a good post (even though I disagreed with her thesis).  She pushes my emotional buttons.

    I liked Jeff’s reply too.  As Lileks says, this is a conversation, not a lecture.

    The rest of you need to chill.

    If you think Asp is overrated then go read something else.  I hear that Patio Pundit is very good.

    Also, I have heard that Howard Stern is also hung like a Clydesdale.

  15. baliku says:

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