To anybody who’s ever had a go at the Captains of Crush grippers — or any other brand of heavy duty torsion grippers, for that matter — the kinds of grippers you pick up from, say, a Dick’s sporting goods, just don’t rank. Tonight, looking for an old pair of those retail store grippers to attach to some Lifeline cable (I wanted to make a piece of specialty exercise equipment
April 19, 2011
"U.S. Gov't Agency Plans $2.84 Billion Loan for Oil Refinery—In Colombia"
Of course it does. Honestly. How does Obama’s approval rating stay above, say, 20%? I mean, can he make his disdain for us any more obvious? We’re lost as a nation.
"Sovereign Debt Downgrade Imminent, Time for Balanced Budget Now"
So argues Bill Wilson, Americans for Limited Government: […] relative to other nations whose credit is rated Triple-A, we are fiscally irresponsible. The size and scope of America’s rapidly escalating $14.3 trillion gross national debt coupled with a complete lack of willingness to rein it in, if it continues to grow for long, will not warrant a perfect credit rating. But isn’t the U.S. special and have more room to
"DeMint Threatens Filibuster on Raising Debt Ceiling"
Even as other GOP members are already plotting how best to cave without anyone noticing. Newsmax: Republican Sen. Jim DeMint is threatening to block a vote in Congress on raising the U.S. debt ceiling unless he wins a balanced-budget amendment to the Constitution, according to Fox News. The filibuster threat comes a day after news that GOP leaders had offered private assurances to the White House that they ultimately would
"Charles Manson Reportedly Breaks 20-Year Silence to Talk About Global Warming"
“Everyone’s God and if we don’t wake up to that there’s going to be no weather because our polar caps are melting because we’re doing bad things to the atmosphere. “If we don’t change that as rapidly as I’m speaking to you now, if we don’t put the green back on the planet and put the trees back that we’ve butchered, if we don’t go to war against the problem…”
"Obama to reporter: 'Let me finish my answers' next time"
Don’t mess with Texas. Unless it’s Austin. In which case, just distract them with bags of Funyons. (thanks to Dave O’C)
Fuzzy math?
Tell your hypothetical statistics to shut their racist, extremist pie holes.