This? Unhelpful.
April 14, 2011
Roll Call
House: 260-167 Senate: 81-19 According to Alan West (appearing on Levin’s show), only 21 of the 87 freshman voted against; evidently, great pressure was being brought to bear. The good thing is, that pressure separated the diamonds from the coal lumps.
A reminder: this is who "our" leadership is
Thank goodness the Dems came on board. Otherwise the Weekly Standard, Karl Rove, Mike Huckabee, Jen Rubin, and the rest of the “serious” conservatives dismissive of the fringe extremists wouldn’t have gotten this thing passed. From the Daily Caller: With a rush of last-minute votes on the bill to fund the government through the rest of the fiscal year, House Democrats provided the votes to save a spending bill that
A reminder: This is who he is. This is who they all are.
You may not like it — or you may not wish to admit it yourself, for whatever reason — but Obama told us early on who he was and who his supporters are. Believing him was (and still is, even among many “realist” or “pragmatic” “conservatives”) framed as fringe extremism. But the veil is lifting — and in some sense, Obama himself is lifting it. It’s an ideological gauntlet, and
Time’s Joe Klein gets out the Lewinsky kneepads [Darleen Click]
Obama delivers 40 minutes of fail yesterday –- so bad that his chief cheerleader Joe can’t keep his eyes open –- and what is the response out of the Lamestream Media? Say “hello” to “Monica” Klein: Unlike Republican Congressman Paul Ryan’s recent budget plan, Barack Obama’s proposed no radical restructurings or curtailments of brontosaurus-size programs like Medicare or Medicaid. Unlike some of the other plans floating about, and there are
Boehner on Laura Ingraham's show
[paraphrased from the live broadcast. If I can find the audio later I’ll post a link. If someone finds it first, just post it in the comments. Thanks] Q: Were there gimmicks in the budget deal? A: The fact is, we’re going to spend $78 billion less this year than the President wanted to spend Q: What about the CBO number? A: That is NOT an accurate figure. I fought
"Obama's Increasing Federal Debt $1,148 Per Month Per Household—Enough to Buy a Car or Pay Tuition at State College"
Sorry. Not enough. Pay more or else is it demonstrably and undeniably true that you wish to kill off the old people, leave autistic children to fend for themselves (in the wild, presumably, where wolves live!), and are willing to trade the hopes and dreams of an America whose greatness is defined by the reach and tether of its benevolent bureaucracies for your own crass, materialist greed.. The President told
"Obama’s Tax Increase Trigger: Punishing Taxpayers with Automatic Tax Hikes When Politicians Overspend"
Well, now. I’m sure Senator McCain has a perfectly reasonable explanation for this, and would kindly like to remind you to leave Obama alone and shut your stinking pie hole, hater. Big Government: Responding to widespread criticism of his AWOL status on the budget fight, President Obama today unveiled a fiscal plan. It already is being criticized for its class warfare approach to tax policy, but the most disturbing feature
"McCain defends Obama from critics"
Of course he does: GOP Rep. Paul Ryan, who proposed the Republican budget plan and sat in the audience as President Obama attacked it, was quick to criticize the tone of the president’s speech Wednesday, calling him a “campaigner-in-chief.” Saying the “excessively partisan” speech seemed to “pour on the campaign rhetoric,” the Wisconsin Republican criticized Obama for failing to show leadership. “We’re looking for bipartisan solutions, not partisan rhetoric,” Ryan