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October 2024


The Seventh Deadly CNN

Reader Jacques — who has some connection to Vermont maple syrup that I’m interested in exploring — sent along a link to this Jerusalem Post story: “CNN chief: No more airtime to bombers’ families“:

“CNN will no longer give airtime to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers ‘unless there is a compelling reason to do so,’ Eason Jordan, CNN’s chief news executive and news gathering president, has told The Jerusalem Post.

“Jordan said he issued the directive last week.”

‘We want to make sure there is no suggestion of moral equivalence between victims and perpetrators [of terrorism],’ he explained yesterday.

The change in policy was prompted by an incident three weeks ago, when CNN broadcast less than a minute of an extensive interview with the wounded Israeli woman who lost her mother and daughter in an attack in Petah Tikva and then spent several minutes talking about the plight of the suicide bomber’s mother.

To make sure this did not happen again, said Jordan, ‘we put safeguards in.’

Jordan was in Israel to meet with Communications Minister Reuven Rivlin, who last week called CNN’s news coverage ‘evil, biased, and unbalanced.’ The satellite broadcaster YES recently added Fox News to their daily broadcast schedule to give their subscribers an alternative to CNN, and the cable companies are considering following suit.

So. Just like those 50-or so prominent Palestinians who took out an advertisement asking for a “reconsideration” of the use of suicide bombings as a negotiating tool (not that such attacks were immoral, mind you — but rather counter-productive to the “cause”), CNN is beginning to recognize that there are consequences to backing an increasingly unpopular horse.*

But has CNN really changed it’s mindset? Have they come to see the light?

Hell no. They’re just getting their asses kicked by FOXNews and so are making the appropriate changes in order to compete.

Journalistic integrity my ass.

*[Those clever wags among you have already mumbled something or other about the righteousness of backing “apes and pigs” instead, so no need for me to belabor the point…]

3 Replies to “The Seventh Deadly CNN”

  1. timekeeper says:

    <i>Reader Jacques—who has some connection to Vermont maple syrup that I’m interested in exploring</i>

    Too much info, Jeff.


  2. timekeeper says:

    All kidding aside, I think that CNN might be concerned that Israeli cable companies are seriously considering dropping CNN for their pro-Palestinian bias. Ted Turner opening his yap again didn’t endear his company to the Israelis either.

  3. Jeff G says:

    Likud supporters are gonna like Fox a bit better, ‘s my guess….

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