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June 6, 2002

Further Proof That Universities Are The Last Places On Earth To Go For An Education These Days

Yippee! Divestiture idiocy moves to the west coast! The Mercury News is reporting that “More than 140 University of California professors have signed a petition urging the university to divest in American companies that sell arms to Israel, and similar faculty petitions are circulating at Harvard, MIT, Princeton and Tufts. “The divestment drive borrows a page from the popular anti-apartheid campaigns of the 1980s, when students and professors persuaded universities

Homeland Security Made Simple?

From FOXNews: “Bush to Announce Anti-Terror Agency“: President Bush will address the nation Thursday night to unveil a major homeland security program, including the creation of a new anti-terrorism intelligence agency. Bush will propose creation of a Cabinet homeland security office that will draw from eight current agencies in what spokesman Ari Fleischer said is the biggest government restructuring since the Truman administration. […] Fleischer said the new agency will

Taliboy Update

Amen to this: “For the first time, federal prosecutors explicitly accused John Walker Lindh on Tuesday of being partly responsible for the slaying of CIA agent Johnny ‘Mike’ Spann during an Afghan prison uprising in November. “In a bluntly worded 32-page motion, the prosecutors said the Marin County man accused of participating in a conspiracy to kill Americans overseas and of providing material support for terrorists can be blamed directly

The More the Merrier

The Wall Street Journal’s Richard Tofel (himself a Democrat) urges Democrats to seize the mantle of the true War Party: Such a policy would entail criticizing the administration’s policy toward Iraq not for excessive bombast, or lack of enthusiasm for multilateralism, but for insufficient results. It was widely mentioned, beginning about eight months ago, that we had about one year before Saddam Hussein would pose a mortal threat to our

YasserMan, YasserMan, Does Whatever A Yasser Can…

In the aftermath of yet another suicide bombing… Wednesday, Charles Johnson at LGF asked: “Is Arafat a goner at last?“ The Israelis are back in Arafat

YasserMan, YasserMan, Does Whatever A Yasser Can…

In the aftermath of yet another suicide bombing… Wednesday, Charles Johnson at LGF asked: “Is Arafat a goner at last?“ The Israelis are back in Arafat