
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


Further Proof That Universities Are The Last Places On Earth To Go For An Education These Days

Yippee! Divestiture idiocy moves to the west coast! The Mercury News is reporting that “More than 140 University of California professors have signed a petition urging the university to divest in American companies that sell arms to Israel, and similar faculty petitions are circulating at Harvard, MIT, Princeton and Tufts.

“The divestment drive borrows a page from the popular anti-apartheid campaigns of the 1980s, when students and professors persuaded universities to sell millions of dollars worth of holdings in companies that did business with South Africa.”

‘Apartheid is one form of occupation and domination, and what’s happening in the West Bank and Gaza is also occupation and domination,” said L. Ling-chi Wang, a professor of ethnic studies at the University of California-Berkeley. But critics say that comparing Israel to South Africa under apartheid is deeply disturbing, and fear the ‘South Africanization” of the Palestinian cause will widen the already volatile gulf between pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian student groups on many college campuses.

Not to mention that inflammatory statements like Dr. Wang’s (how apropos, that name!) are historically and semantically inaccurate. “Occupation” begs the question. And “domination” is an absurd charge post-Oslo (which, incidentally, was a decade ago!) — unless by “domination” Doc Wang is referring to the familiar specter of Arafat’s bloodsoaked, autocratic bootheel planted squarely on the throat of those Palestinians genuinely seeking peace.

You know what? I’m fed up with all this garbage. It’s time to gut the humanities entirely. “Ethnic Studies,” after all, means nothing, academically. It’s a divisive and highly politicized pseudo-discipline, and it’s time to call it such.

That unthinking buffoons like this Doctor Wang are able to build tenured nests in our universities absolutely sickens me. I mean, shouldn’t the freakin’ Director of an academic department be required to show at least some historical proficiency before he’s allowed to design courses and lecture to paying students?

There’s a name for the kind of teacher-student transaction Wang’s engaging in here: Fraud.

He’s an embarrasment to his profession. And he’s not alone.

One Reply to “Further Proof That Universities Are The Last Places On Earth To Go For An Education These Days”

  1. Doug Dever says:

    You’re real popular with the university administration, aren’t you? wink

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