
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar


June 2002

Hot Child in the City

Reports of smoke coming from the Capital Building in Washington. Evacuations in progress. Fire ladders being run to the 4th floor (House side). More firetrucks on the way. Developing… [update: t’weren’t nuttin’ serious, it turns out — Kennedy was showing Byrd his “blue-flamed pants rocket” trick and inadvertantly set ablaze a stack of cocktail napkins. Luckily, he was able to douse the flames with a double Glenlivet over ice. Though

The Case Against Tenure (and for Mercy Killings)…?

Found this on Campus Nonsense: A few definitions: The Government 30* syllabus from Dartmouth includes terms you need to know, such as: “Left — favoring a greater degree of equality (social, economic, political) Right — favoring a greater degree of inequality, believing that a select few should have power based on birth or merit Radical — favoring fast, large changes toward equality Liberal — (the narrow, modern definition) favoring slow,

The Case Against Tenure (and for Mercy Killings)…?

Found this on Campus Nonsense: A few definitions: The Government 30* syllabus from Dartmouth includes terms you need to know, such as: “Left — favoring a greater degree of equality (social, economic, political) Right — favoring a greater degree of inequality, believing that a select few should have power based on birth or merit Radical — favoring fast, large changes toward equality Liberal — (the narrow, modern definition) favoring slow,

Holy Shit! (If I can still say “holy,” that is…)

Blow Hard, bless his vigilant little ass, sent me the link to this…this…this…Gggghah! Just ggghah! “A British theater company has dropped the word hunchback from its stage adaptation of the classic novel ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’ to avoid offending disabled people, newspapers reported Friday. Oddsocks Productions has renamed its touring production ‘The Bellringer of Notre Dame’ after discussions with a disability adviser raised the possibility of offending people with

Holy Shit! (If I can still say “holy,” that is…)

Blow Hard, bless his vigilant little ass, sent me the link to this…this…this…Gggghah! Just ggghah! “A British theater company has dropped the word hunchback from its stage adaptation of the classic novel ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’ to avoid offending disabled people, newspapers reported Friday. Oddsocks Productions has renamed its touring production ‘The Bellringer of Notre Dame’ after discussions with a disability adviser raised the possibility of offending people with

The Will of the people

So, er, tell us, George — how do you really feel about yesterday’s Supreme Court decision backing school vouchers…? In the most important case concerning equality of opportunity in the 48 years since the school desegregation decision, the Supreme Court ruled that Cleveland’s school-choice program, which empowers parents to redeem tuition vouchers at religious and nonreligious private schools, does not violate the constitutional prohibition of ‘establishment’ of religion. It was

…Oh yeah?  Well grab a bat, runt!

I had no idea Tatum O’Neal was once a Heroin addict. John McEnroe has “rage issues” and used steroids during his playing days, you say? — sure, that I can believe. But Amanda Whurlitzer gettin’ chippy with the Smack? Damn that Kelly Leak! Some cold water splashed all over my nostalgia this morning, brah… You can see the whole Barbara Walters’ interview with Tatum O’Neal tonight on 20/20. Great curveball,

…Oh yeah?  Well grab a bat, runt!

I had no idea Tatum O’Neal was once a Heroin addict. John McEnroe has “rage issues” and used steroids during his playing days, you say? — sure, that I can believe. But Amanda Whurlitzer gettin’ chippy with the Smack? Damn that Kelly Leak! Some cold water splashed all over my nostalgia this morning, brah… You can see the whole Barbara Walters’ interview with Tatum O’Neal tonight on 20/20. Great curveball,

I am Hours, Only Lonely…

The Who’s bassist John Entwistle died today in Las Vegas. He was 57.

I am Hours, Only Lonely…

The Who’s bassist John Entwistle died today in Las Vegas. He was 57.