
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2007


November 27, 2007

Prostitutes, Drag Queens, Druggies, Corpse Dancing [Dan Collins]

Liz Stephans back from vacation and that guy she works with, the new Breitbart Vcast is up!

What Do You Get When You Cross [Dan Collins]

a penis and a potato? A dick-tater! Jammie Wearing Fool: Here’s a stunner: After labeling opponents traitors last weekend, Communist goon Hugo Chavez is threatening opponents of his scheme to make himself President Dictator for life. The Venezuelan president, Hugo Chávez, today threatened to strip the country’s industrialists of their assets if they continued to oppose his indefinite presidency. Chávez faces a vote at the weekend on his proposals to

Braining Cats and Dogs [Dan Collins]

Legal? Illegal?

Honky Jive [Dan Collins]

Caught on tape, white man misbehaving: A diversity training video has drawn a complaint from a Denver city employee who claims its unfavorable portrayal of whites amounts to “institutional racism.” A city official said Tuesday it was suspending use of the video. The video titled, “Laughing Matters — Think About It,” features a white, blue-collar worker named Billy who’s portrayed as racist, sexist, and clueless while illustrating inappropriate humor. “Diversity,

Boston Looking to Ban Spanking

Great news for willful tots, presumptuous nannystaters, and the majority of Teddy Kennedy’s Hooter’s waitresses; bad news for parents, families, and Teresa Heinz-Kerry. — Who, I guess, will just have to go back to cutting off Johnny Swiftboat’s allowance when he gets all Brahmany. Which is something of a shame, given that rubber diamond-studded novelty whips don’t just grown on trees, you know… (h/t STACLU)

Things to do in Denver when you’re dead, #22

Well, a visit to the Denver Zoo is always nice. Just don’t let your being dead convince you that you can enjoy a leisurely stroll through the tiger cages unharassed. Unless, that is, one of the things you wish to do in Denver while you’re dead is have your lower torso pulled apart by an 800 lb. cat — something a dead acquaintance of mine found out recently when a

Ride, Swiftly Ride [Dan Collins]

An 18-year-old community college student has been missing since Friday, and authorities said they suspect foul play in her disappearance.Emily Sander was last seen at the Retreat, a bar east of El Dorado, leaving with Israel Mireles, 24, police said. Her car was found the following day at the bar.El Dorado Police Chief Tom Boren said Mireles is the last person known to be seen with Sander.On Saturday, authorities searched

All Right, Fellas . . . Let’s Go!

Drag Queens Throw Down with Tire Iron, ‘Wet Floor’ Sign Inside McDonald’s Mmmmmmmmmmmojado!

A Canticle for Caric [Dan Collins]

 I think that I shall never see A god as wonderful as Me.  A god whose librul mouth is prest Against the state’s sweet flowing breast; A god to gaze on Me all day, And lift its num’nous arms to pray; A goddess that in Frisco wears Garlanded flowers in her hair; Upon whose mirror bosom shows A Caric visage, Caric nose. Such gods are made by fools who lie; The only God who’s real am I.