
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2007


November 14, 2007

passing thoughts on being a “neocon” (before I head off to MMA class)

Not wishing to be lumped in with the petit bourgeois keepers of the ruling progressive status quo, I burst into a Starbucks in Santa Barbara this weekend and demanded a “coffee, black, with cream and 2 packets of Equal. “Oh. And some sort of donut, too.” — And man, did I ever feel friggin’ invigorated when the Santa Barbara pigs hauled me off in their Range Rover after securing my

“Spitzer to pull driver’s license plan”

Seems that a 87% disapproval rate (source: some poll I saw on CNN while sitting in an airport bar) will take the starch out of even the most boneheaded ideas being pushed by certain Democrats. From The Times Union: Struggling with widespread opposition to his driver’s licensing policy, Gov. Eliot Spitzer is scheduled to huddle with New York’s congressional delegation today in Washington and disclose that he is ditching the

Enforced Fatherhood [Dan Collins]

An excerpt from Amy Alkon’s piece at PJMedia: Jennifer Spenner for the Saginaw News and Kathy Barks Hoffman for the AP wrote about a Michigan man who recently challenged being forced to pay child support for his girlfriend’s baby — despite what he alleges were her assurances that she couldn’t get pregnant because of a medical condition, and her knowledge that he didn’t want a child. He made the point

9 most notorious pizza toppings / imperialist endeavors

Canadian bacon salmon eggs (tie) spinach / Benjamin Disraeli’s thieving opportunism in acquiring the Suez canal from indebted Egyptian leader Ismail (1875) ground beef (tie) British colonial rule in Ireland and India, as analyzed by Marx in Das Capital; Lenin, Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism (1916); anchovies ham and pineapple meatballs The McKinley Tariff (1890) (tie) US in Iraq under George W. Bush; southwestern chicken

BREAKING: Al Gore Destroys German Economy!

…Well, what was left of it, anyway. Up next for the once proud Germans? A Toureg hybrid, a Mercedes Benz that runs on Rauchbrau, and a German Army that, when it next marches into Poland, will literally be asked to march the entire way in uniforms made from hemp fiber. And the V2 rocket? Propelled by a giant air pump and, upon impact, releases millions of superballs (all of which

Signs of the apocalypse, #41

Kos lands gig at Newsweek. Evidently, belching out “screw ’em” when American contractors are torched, torn limb from limb, and strung up from a bridge, doesn’t carry quite the same stigma as it used to. Nor, evidently, does organizing a top down, orchestrated talking points campaign (codeword: “Townhouse”) designed to “unify the narrative” on left-leaning blogs (while simultaneously starving negative stories of oxygen, and demonizing those who stray from the

Scenes from the Reagan Ranch Tour, 1

me: “So I hear they’ve got that chimp stuffed and stored here somewheres. Can we see him?” YAF tour guide: “Chimp?” me: “Yeah. The monkey Reagan starred with in Bedtime for Bonzo. Rumor has it he’s kept in a secret chamber, along with the uniform Dutch wore when he played Grover Cleveland Alexander.” YAF tour guide: “There’s no stuffed monkey here.” me: “Well, that’s what Reagan told the Soviets, sure.

Hosed [Dan Collins]

Abashed Firefighter Convicted for Showing Penis to Flirtatious Nude Sunbather (the penis was his own) People Votes Matt Damon Sexiest Man (Alive) I guess he’s cute in an Eddie Munster kind of way.  He was pretty good in Team America, too. Tsk.  So gauche.