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November 2007


November 12, 2007

Mind-Forged Manacles [Dan Collins]

Michelle Obama urges Black America to wake up and smell the black coffee on The Morning Grind: “I’m completely confident: black America will wake up, and get [it]. But what we’re dealing with in the black community is just the natural fear of possibility…You know, there’s always that doubt in the back of the minds of people of color. People who’ve been oppressed and haven’t been given real opportunities. That

It Takes a Potemkin Village [Karl]

Hillary Clinton’s campaign has admitted to planting questions with audience members in Iowa and pointing out the plants to her (though it was also news to her, somehow).  Rival candidate John Edwards pounced on the scandalette, saying the practice is “what George Bush does.” Edwards — and the press which relayed his attack — have short memories. Others may recall that in 1992, President-elect Clinton held an “economic summit” in Little

Back in Colorado

Our flight out of Santa Barbara — a nice 1:52 direct shot to DIA — was canceled yesterday afternoon when some kind of warning light flared up during taxiing for takeoff. So instead of getting home at a reasonable hour, my wife and I were obligated to visit the airport in San Jose, and from there, catch a flight back to Colorado. All of which has left me exhausted, particularly

Moron Global Warming [Dan Collins]

In an excellent piece at The American Thinker. If there’s one thing I want you to take away from the article, it’s that pirates are to blame for rising temperatures. It also suggests a cool new team name for my alma mater.

Uber-Nerds [Dan Collins]

Brendan’s birthday is on Wednesday, so as part of the festivities we’re doing a little father-son bonding today, and driving down to Boston (Framingham) for the following: The Sci Fi Channel, in partnership with Microsoft, will unspool a special two-hour episode of “Battlestar Galactica” in movie theaters in eight major cities two weeks before it premieres on the network. The episode, “Razor,” kicks off the final 22-hour season of the

Hippocrisy [Dan Collins]

I just love Degas. Kyle Smith: Apparently Nimoy’s book advances something called “the fat acceptance movement,” and Nimoy chastises us all–how dare we be attracted to the attractive?–in the book by noting that “the average American woman weighs 25 percent more than the models selling the clothes.” And a few women, apparently, weigh 300 percent more than the models selling the clothes. Warning: not safe for anything (h/t Hot Air)

Packers Hangover [Dan Collins]

A group of displaced Wisconsinites in Vermont yesterday prevailed on me, after 2 years of bugging, to accompany them to a sports bar in Essex Junction to watch the Packers-Vikings game. The deal was, in addition to a beer a quarter, we had to drink a shot of schnapps everytime the Packers scored. They scored a lot. I’m hung over. I’m guessing Sinner and Moronpundit may be, as well, today.