
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2007


November 30, 2007

Root Cause Hunting [Dan Collins]

 Anne Elk:  Netherlands authorities are commissioning a study to determine why Moroccan men target gays in Amsterdam, considered one of Europe’s most gay friendly cities.Amsterdam has experienced a growing number of attacks on gays and lesbians, Der Spiegel reported Friday. In 2006, the Dutch metropolis registered 32 hate crimes directed at gays, but during the first half of 2007, 26 had already been counted, the newspaper said. Mayor Job Cohen

Evel Knievel [Dan Collins]

jumps successfully to the other side. Isn’t all of life kind of like a Snake River Canyon?  In a nefarious episode, my brother Tim and I sneaked into the attic when Mom and Dad weren’t around, to get a sneak peek at what Christmas was like to bring.  One of the most exciting discoveries was one of these.  As fortune would have it, the open hatch to the attic was the perfect place to test

Patterico vs LA Times, Round 231 [Dan Collins]

Experimentation bleg.  I’m sure he won’t mind if I post it: Dear reader, I am making a personal appeal to you (well, as personal as including you on a list of undisclosed recipients can get), to encourage you to participate in my project of seeing whether the L.A. Times Readers’ Rep blog is willing to publish comments critical of the paper.I am collecting examples of critical comments that don’t get published. 

The CNN/YouTube debacle, Pt. 4 [Karl]

As noted in Part 2, all sorts of folks noted that CNN seemed fond of questions that reinforced CNN’s stereotype of the GOP, instead of the issues which most concern Republicans… or other voters, such as those gathered at The New York Times, who noted that questions on major issues like health care, education, energy and Iran, etc., were not asked of the candidates. It turns out that the suspect

The CNN/YouTube debacle, Pt. 3 [Karl]

The latest leftward response in support of CNN’s curiously Democrat-flavored GOP debate is not really a defense.  But as Dan Quayle once said, the best defense is a good offense: Googling: A Synonym For ‘Stalking’ Well, at least I’m assuming that’s the definition in the netroots handbook because Todd Beeton of MyDD today accused conservative blogger Michelle Malkin of stalking for daring to use Google to fact-check CNN. The National

Why Am I Not Posting? [Dan Collins]

Because I’m busy, thanks for asking.  So, what’s going on?  Anything I should complain about when I get home, tonight? BTW, serr8d gets a shout out on the Liz and whoever show from a couple nights ago.   Hey, I actually got a shout out there, too! 

The CNN/YouTube debacle, Pt. 2 (hey!) [Karl]

CNN defends vetting of debate questioners: “It’s interesting to see our critics really focusing on the questioners, but not really focusing on the questions. You haven’t heard them say that these were not useful questions.” Stephen Green (VodkaPundit) at PJM: Mostly what I noticed wasn’t the bulge of their holsters, but the obviousness of CNN’s agenda. Other questions were just plain silly. “Richelieu” at The Campaign Standard: So, a good