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October 2024


9 most notorious pizza toppings / imperialist endeavors

  1. Canadian bacon
  2. salmon eggs
  3. (tie) spinach / Benjamin Disraeli’s thieving opportunism in acquiring the Suez canal from indebted Egyptian leader Ismail (1875)
  4. ground beef
  5. (tie) British colonial rule in Ireland and India, as analyzed by Marx in Das Capital; Lenin, Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism (1916); anchovies
  6. ham and pineapple
  7. meatballs
  8. The McKinley Tariff (1890)
  9. (tie) US in Iraq under George W. Bush; southwestern chicken

61 Replies to “9 most notorious pizza toppings / imperialist endeavors”

  1. JD says:

    The meat of dead animals is always good on pizza.

  2. happyfeet says:

    Jalapenos, especially if you plan on eating it cold later / even mentioning Canada

  3. JD says:

    Cold pizza for breakfast is the shit. And, pancakes. And bacon. Lots of bacon. Hear that Achmed? I loves me some bacon in the morning.

  4. kelly says:

    black beans/landing on the moon

  5. JD says:

    Thick-sliced bacon / Killin’ us some injuns.

  6. alppuccino says:

    “black beans/landing on the moon”

    ..which would make a nice title for the little passion play I put on this morning after eating a handful of pomegranate seeds last night.

    ………I’ll show myself to the penalty box

  7. Glen Greenwald says:

    Andrew Sullivan (yummy) / Republicans

  8. Caric says:

    Turds / Non-liberal white attempting to understand the works of MLK Jr.

  9. happyfeet says:

    Persephone got put in the penalty box too for the same deal.

  10. Swamp Rabbit says:

    Cheese/2000 Prez election

  11. N. O'Brain says:

    Pepperoni / Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930

  12. FreakyBoy says:

    Figs / Border Fence

  13. alppuccino says:

    “Persephone got put in the penalty box too for the same deal.”

    Maybe that’s where the expression “If you’re going to eat that, you’d better stay close to home.” came from. Talk about allegory.

  14. memomachine says:


    What? No anchovies/Belgian King Leopold’s insane adventures in the Congo?

  15. Techie says:

    How about pineapple/devious overthrow of Hawaiian monarchy by Big Sugar?

  16. Sticky B says:

    (tie) US in Iraq under George W. Bush; southwestern chickenhawk

    Sorry but that was bugging the shit out of me.
    Looks like the doc was feeling lonely and wanted to come over and play. Unfortunately, he lacks people skills.

  17. Slartibartfast says:

    portabello mushrooms/gift of smallpox-infested blankets

  18. kelly says:


  19. Slartibartfast says:

    Oooooh, KELLY. Three-pointer, at least.

  20. kelly says:

    Way beyond the arc, Slart. Way beyond.

  21. psychologizer says:

    spilled beer / Bay of Pigs

  22. JD says:

    Steak (medium-rare) / Nagasaki

  23. JD says:

    Samuel Adams Beer / Dresden

  24. Jeffersonian says:

    Corned beef / Treaty of Guadaloupe-Hidalgo

  25. BJTexs says:


  26. Melkor says:


  27. JD says:

    Baby seal blubber / Texas

  28. MayBee says:

    Corn / Michigan Ohio War

  29. CelticDragon says:

    Chorizo/Mexican-American War

    You heard me Gringos!

  30. BJTexs says:

    Anchovies/Armenian Massacre

  31. BJTexs says:

    Shittake Mushrooms / The Shah of Iran, 1952


  32. JD says:

    Bratwurst with spicy mustard / German goose-stepping down the Champs-Élysées

  33. mojo says:

    What, no Anchovies?

  34. TaiChiWawa says:

    Yogurt / Clinton’s conquest of Monaco.

    What? Monica? … Never mind.

  35. BJTexs says:

    mojo: Nick Danger, Third Eye?

  36. McGehee says:

    Organic beer/organic beer

  37. Before I developed violent lactose intolerance white garlic sauce and chicken was my favorite pizza, followed closely by canadian bacon and pineapple and junk pizza “put everything on it.”

  38. lordsomber says:

    Anchovia / Rainforest War II, Ugandoid Prefecture 2011

  39. JD says:

    Extra cheese / Illinois’ victory over Ohio State

  40. steph says:

    Dwarves/Kelo et al v. City of New London

  41. mojo says:

    10. Chorizo/Ghengis Khan invades the Middle Kingdom

  42. CelticDragon says:

    Dwarves/Kelo et al v. City of New London

    Wait, are the Dwarves the topping or is Kelo?
    Because Dwarves is crunchy goodness, ask any dragon…

  43. JD says:

    I like the way that steph thinks.

  44. 10. The Townshend Acts / glass, lead, paper, paints, and tea ( dual category winner)

  45. Caric says:

    Tofu and bean sprouts / RACISTSEXISTHOMOPHOBES !!!

  46. lordsomber says:

    Weasel chipotle gastrique / Governor Kodos executing colonists on Tarsus IV

  47. lordsomber says:

    Pamprin / Marcottian Man-Putsch of 2009 (“I question the dining.”)

  48. Swen Swenson says:

    Salmon eggs? Dude, I don’t eat bait.

  49. Swen Swenson says:

    Oh, and extra jalapenos! I always like to be reminded the next morning of what I had for dinner.

    Andrew Sullivan / (yummy) Republicans

    There, I fixed that for ya, Glen(n).

  50. Swen likes the ring of fire :/

  51. Swede says:

    Squid / New Coke

  52. mishu says:

    Goat testicle/McDonald’s first restaurant in Moscow.

  53. JD says:

    Sweat from Michael Moore’s hairy nutsack / Euro Disney

  54. JD says:

    The post-coital wetness from Mama Sheehan and Michael Moore / Seward’s Folly

  55. McGehee says:

    I once ordered a Seward’s Folly pizza from Domino’s.

    It arrived cold.

  56. N. O'Brain says:

    Squid / Calamari

  57. MarkD says:

    N. O’Brain,

    I’ve had that in Japan. With mussels. Still in the shell, and egg and corn and a bunch of other stuff I couldn’t identify. Crust about the thickness of a taco shell. It was actually Ok, just not pizza as we know it.

    Japanese Pizza/the presidential “debates”

  58. happyfeet says:

    I read the other day somewhere that Michael Moore was married. Who knew?

  59. Squid says:

    Black Flies / Basrah

  60. […] I laughed. In fact, I think I hurt something. 9 most notorious pizza toppings / imperialist endeavors […]

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