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November 2007


November 2007

America’s Newspaper Mentions PW at YAF [Dan Collins]

Democracy.  Whiskey.  Sexy.

Join Facebook! [Dan Collins]

And you can have an exciting life, just like Blog Personality Dan Collins! I want to ask you a really personal question, so don’t feel compelled to answer. All right? Well, here goes: What’s your favorite thing about me? Please try to be brief. November 15th 2007 No one has answered yet Do you have to do some Christmas shopping for anyone really Celty and earthy and maybe a little

Radical Olympia Protesters Punked by AoS Morons [Dan Collins]

Heh, heh, heh! Lyrics to the Hole song “Olympia” beneath the fold.

Rainmaking [Dan Collins]

Well, shit. After Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue and his ilk prayed for rain Tuesday to end the state’s drought, the Atlanta region was drenched through Wednesday night. How many tears did God pour out? According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, overnight rainfall totals were .14 inches at one airport, .21 inches at another airport and .28 inches at an air base. It’s still unclear whether Jesus blesses other things besides airports

Sometimes a ho is just a ho

Yes, friends, it’s come to this: When kids hear Santa Claus bellow, “Ho, ho, ho,” is their first thought prostitution? That concern has prompted an attempt to gag the traditional greeting, and many Santas are now fighting back. I’ll leave it to you to conjure your own images of outraged Santas “fighting back”; for me, I picture some sweaty street person in a dingy rental suit hurling a quarter bottle

“Eureka”: Get It? [Dan Collins]

Perhaps it was one of those eureka moments, when the scientists realized they had discovered a new dinosaur with mouth parts designed to vacuum up food. They’re calling it “Nigersaurus,” though I personally like the idea of “Skankasaurus” or “Hooversaurus.” Speaking of striking appearances, here’s the World’s Most Beautiful Man (move over, Damon) critiquing Condi’s looks.

passing thoughts on being a “neocon” (before I head off to MMA class)

Not wishing to be lumped in with the petit bourgeois keepers of the ruling progressive status quo, I burst into a Starbucks in Santa Barbara this weekend and demanded a “coffee, black, with cream and 2 packets of Equal. “Oh. And some sort of donut, too.” — And man, did I ever feel friggin’ invigorated when the Santa Barbara pigs hauled me off in their Range Rover after securing my

“Spitzer to pull driver’s license plan”

Seems that a 87% disapproval rate (source: some poll I saw on CNN while sitting in an airport bar) will take the starch out of even the most boneheaded ideas being pushed by certain Democrats. From The Times Union: Struggling with widespread opposition to his driver’s licensing policy, Gov. Eliot Spitzer is scheduled to huddle with New York’s congressional delegation today in Washington and disclose that he is ditching the

Enforced Fatherhood [Dan Collins]

An excerpt from Amy Alkon’s piece at PJMedia: Jennifer Spenner for the Saginaw News and Kathy Barks Hoffman for the AP wrote about a Michigan man who recently challenged being forced to pay child support for his girlfriend’s baby — despite what he alleges were her assurances that she couldn’t get pregnant because of a medical condition, and her knowledge that he didn’t want a child. He made the point

9 most notorious pizza toppings / imperialist endeavors

Canadian bacon salmon eggs (tie) spinach / Benjamin Disraeli’s thieving opportunism in acquiring the Suez canal from indebted Egyptian leader Ismail (1875) ground beef (tie) British colonial rule in Ireland and India, as analyzed by Marx in Das Capital; Lenin, Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism (1916); anchovies ham and pineapple meatballs The McKinley Tariff (1890) (tie) US in Iraq under George W. Bush; southwestern chicken