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October 2024


Rainmaking [Dan Collins]

Well, shit. After Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue and his ilk prayed for rain Tuesday to end the state’s drought, the Atlanta region was drenched through Wednesday night. How many tears did God pour out? According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, overnight rainfall totals were .14 inches at one airport, .21 inches at another airport and .28 inches at an air base. It’s still unclear whether Jesus blesses other things besides airports in Georgia.Perdue told the AJC that he’s not gloating about his prayer’s success. We won’t get into the semantics of “gloating,” but we will criticize him for being an fuckwit:

“As we do all we can from a conservation standpoint, virtually all of us know we are dependent on rain. I am just a person who believes it comes from God,” Perdue said.

Wow, God really must love him, eh? One other thing, though: They have on most local news shows, as well as on the Internet, this thing called an “extended weather forecast” that can tell you when a major “cold front” bringing “moisture” is coming. Did God direct Perdue to that, also?

Cold front brings rain; Governor calls it an ‘affirmation’ [AJC]

Well, you know, I’m not going to disagree with the basic premise here (even though I’m one of those believers in the power of prayer), but in a way it reminds me of the way certain blogs regard their effects on elections.

33 Replies to “Rainmaking [Dan Collins]”

  1. JHoward says:

    The greatest proof there is no God is found in the blinding realization that consciousness is really a biological process. MRI = no God.

    Enlightenment like that sears out entire eyeballs, so be careful.

  2. happyfeet says:

    Stupid keeps falling on my head

  3. Jeffersonian says:

    Praise Washington, DC, from whom all blessings flow…

    And they think faith in God is stupid…

  4. wishbone says:

    “Next up, Sonny Perdue prays for locust swarm on Wonkette.”

    See-if THAT were the case, then one has a beef–otherwise one is griping about people praying…for a good thing. And that, I believe, is the generally accepted definition of fuckwit.

  5. Ninjapirate says:

    The greatest proof there is no God is found in the blinding realization that consciousness is really a biological process. MRI = no God.

    Enlightenment like that sears out entire eyeballs, so be careful.

    Talk about a “blinding realization”.

  6. danny says:

    atheism is not falsifiable.

    iow: if it hadn’t rained it would have prove there’s no God – to an atheist.

    that it did rain proves nothing to an atheist.

    ergo: atheism is false.

    i do not believe in atheists.

    atheists do not exist.

  7. Techie says:

    The dude(s) who “write” “Wonkette” can fuck off. So the Gov. had a prayer vigil and it rained, and this has made them angry?

    They are in the position that to be affirmed, it’d have to not rain, thus potentially crippling my state’s agriculture and economy further. They were actively rooting for no rain, so they could “teach a lesson to those dumb Godbothers…”

    For all I care, they can go fornicate themselves with an iron stake. Except they probably get off on that.

  8. Sticky B says:

    How much runoff do you get from a quarter inch? God must be holding out for some better prayers. Or some fried chicken.

    I’d bet dollars to donuts that the douche who wrote this shit checks in with her astrologist at least weekly for an update on the old chart.

  9. Techie says:

    Pardon my French.

  10. JohnAnnArbor says:

    Wonkette focuses so much on trying to be cool that they haven’t noticed they’re elitist schmucks.

  11. Sticky B says:

    I didn’t see any French. Unless it was the word “fornicate”. It sounds a little delicate. Not all macho and shit like “fuck”.

  12. McGehee says:

    How much runoff do you get from a quarter inch? God must be holding out for some better prayers.

    I think He just didn’t want to make it rain so much that pseudo-Wonkette’s head would explode.

    Because that, like the Babel fish, would have been a dead giveaway, proving He doesn’t exist by proving that He does.

  13. Donald says:

    The whole local and national press is railing against our newly (In the last 5 years) republican heavy government. Sonny and Glenn didn’t create the resevoirs, or do anythng to create the ABSOLUTE EXPLOSION of growth that has made Georgia and ecomnomic juggernaut. But they are destroying the state in their effort retain a larger portion our states resources, AND ELIMINATE the state property tax. For that, they must be buffoons (Trust me, it is public opinion gold), and children haters. Because face it, every single one of you cocksuckers reading this hate the children. Except the democrats. Me, I got a well, a full aquifier, and no children. There, If feel better.

  14. JohnAnnArbor says:

    Me, I got a well, a full aquifier,


  15. psychologizer says:

    I am just a person who believes it comes from God

    I cannot even begin to imagine how utterly insane and brick-skull fucking stupid someone has to be to believe that. And he’s lying. Both.

    I’ve avoided reading Hot Air today, knowing that the commentariat’s take on this story would be a painful reminder, as the comments Allah’s posts tend to be nowadays, that Christians are, with very few exceptions, a bunch of evil retarded jerks.

    Thanks for wrecking my day a little anyway, Jeezholes.

  16. happyfeet says:

    I am going to have to get a bigger pedestal so you and maggie can share.

  17. BJTexs says:

    Feeling a little down on the Godbotherers today, psych man? I’ve had numerous experiences being smeared and labeled in an en mass sort of way but I can honestly say that this is the first time that some public official praying for rain and crowing about it a little bit translates into people like me (with very few exceptions) being “a bunch of evil, retarded, jerks.”

    Well, the fact that I’m locked in with jertks like Dan, River, the Geezer, JD and others is a balm for my wounded soul, I guess. EVIL RETARDED JERKS UNITE! You have only to shed your albs amd miters!

    Well it’s good to know that one can be universally labeled even anonymously on the net. It’s also good to know who the bigots are and exactly what brews their coffee, so to speak.

    Beware of albino monks in the night…

  18. happyfeet says:

    See now everyone has bad feelings but mostly the important thing is that we all understand evaporation and gravity. That’s a foundation we can build on, together.

  19. B Moe says:

    The only real action Atlanta could take right now would be to send State Police or National Guard to Lake Lanier and physically eject the Corps of Engineers to prevent the release of water. At this point, I prefer symbolic rituals of hope, however primitive and unenlightened, to an attempted coup.

  20. Donald says:

    But you know BMOE that it would be delicious if he did. Think of all the press! “Jesus Freaks On Rampage!”

  21. Wind Rider says:

    Hmmm…seems God didn’t love ’em too much…less than an inch?

    That’s just messin with them.

  22. Kresh says:

    What do I have to do again to be an “Evil Retarded Jerk?” Sounds like a good time to me!

    Or am I over-reacting and over-generalizing? You know, like calling people who believe… oh, it’s not even funny anymore. Just really, really sad.

  23. happyfeet says:

    It’s not like that. Really. I think you can read psychologizer really easy as a defense of a Christianity he doesn’t want to see become kind of Fisher-Pricey and then defended on those sort of diminished terms. It’s all very King Lear really in a way. Not exactly, but kind of.

  24. RW says:

    As a Georgian I can tell you that the extended forecasts have been incorrect constantly throughout the drought and the front that finally brought the rain was measuring a 30% chance as recently as Monday. BTW, it was also 30% on Tuesday, & we got no rain (and the athiests all chest-thumped).

    BTW, I doubt God is a micro-manager, but any Christian who reads the bible realizes that all things come from God so someone saying it shouldn’t offend any more than someone saying that their kids are the greatest in the world (technically, meaning they’re better than YOURS). A little less mockery would be nice, guys. We’re really not all moralizing preachers….

  25. BJTexs says:

    would be a painful reminder, as the comments Allah’s posts tend to be nowadays, that Christians are, with very few exceptions, a bunch of evil retarded jerks.

    Happyfeet: Exactly how do you reconcile the above statement with this?

    I think you can read psychologizer really easy as a defense of a Christianity he doesn’t want to see become kind of Fisher-Pricey and then defended on those sort of diminished terms.

    Perhaps the use of the word some or many might have mitigated the intent but I don’t think I’ve misconstrued his intention in any way.

    Normally I’m a “turn the other cheek” kind of guy when nit comes to this sort of broad brushed labeling but I’m on a 48 hour grump train.

  26. McGehee says:

    I took psychologizer’s comment — admittedly after a number of moments greater than one — as a case of satire done only too well.

  27. jredline says:

    Let me get this straight. A bunch of people earnestly pray for rain and it rains. Instead of thanking God, it’s @$#@ing Christians? That’s really messed up.

  28. happyfeet says:

    Yes. I mean his post doesn’t actually say what I’m wanting to spin it as, but it is anchored in criticism of Perdue, which seems fair to me, and well, and respectfully really, I think his point about the commentariat stuff – evil, retarded etc. – I think that’s kind of a hyperbolic comment on what kind of seems to me a case of seriously defining persecution down. Rallying around the defense of believers in a God whose grandeur is expressed in at most a quarter inch of rain is, well, I mean, I have trouble really going there. Maybe if it was closer to Christmas I could sort of go with that, but there are some real hints of Old Testament wrathfulness in the reactions of the commentariat psychologizer criticizes. Also I just woke up, but sometimes I get this feeling that Team Christian is on the field and it’s almost half time and they’re down 21 points and the referee is getting death threats and the cheerleaders, they are crying and their mascara is running and they don’t know how they could possibly be expected to go out there and dance, cause the people in the stands are so mean.

  29. happyfeet says:

    C’mon people now, smile…

  30. BJTexs says:

    Smiling is hard when you are an evil, retarded jerk. Hurts the face, ya know.

    Oooooooo … fresh brewed coffee! Smiling now!

  31. In the time I’ve been in Atlanta (15 years), the Atlanta metro area has gone from 5, to 13, to 28 counties, and the population from 2 to 6 million.

    It’s an amazing place. an amazing, dry, place.

  32. Kresh says:

    “Smiling is hard when you are an evil, retarded jerk. Hurts the face, ya know.”

    So, I’m not supposed to have this rictus smile? Back to the Jeezhole drawing board. *shrug*

  33. happyfeet says:

    That’s not how you start the healing, Kresh.

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