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November 2007


November 2007

9 numbers between 1-20 that, for my own personal reasons, I’ve come to despise, dislike, or regard with studied indifference

6 14 19 2 8 11 16 18 (tie) 13, 7

Awkward moments in animism, 4

“Sorry. But for a pie, you really did give off a kind of ‘come hither’ look…”

If a slaughterhouse falls in the forest, and no one is there to see it…

…do the terrorist butchers who ran those places really even exist…? Looking through the comments, the answer from some on the left is that evidently they don’t — meaning that at least this representative sampling of “progressives” (who, remember, love the troops — sometimes so damn much that they create stories about how the troops commit atrocities in an effort to have those troops pulled from theater before they really

Scenes from the Reagan Ranch Tour, 2

me: “Reagan famously noted that hippies ‘look like Tarzan, walk like Jane, and smell like Cheetah,’ correct?” YAF tour guide: “That’s true. But he was being flip. I don’t think he had anything against the long hairs individually –” me: “– Sure. Whatever. Fuck the hippies. My point is — again we get Reagan with the chimp references. See where I’m going here –?” YAF tour guide: “– For the

When Did Star Trek Jump the Shark? [Dan Collins]

That is the important question posed at Tech Republic. The Borg Queen single-handedly diminished the Borg from a personification of everyone’s secret fear of the dehumanizing power of technology and conformity run amok into two-bit techno-zombie henchmen of everyone’s un-fondly remembered codependent ex-girlfriend. (It’s worth noting that in First Contact, the Borg assimilate you vampire-bite style, rather than through the slow, tortuous process seen in “The Best of Both Worlds.”

Cremains of the Day [Dan Collins]

Some Disney watchers said park-goers said people smuggling in the cremated remains of their loved ones and then sprinkling ashes on rides has been going on for a while. They said it started at the haunted mansion, but now the “Pirates of the Caribbean” ride is growing in popularity. Al Lutz, who runs, told KABC that it is not unusual for people to scatter a loved one’s remains at

So, I Looked Up an Ex [Dan Collins] – UPDATED (Jeff)

online, and [redacted; not to be bruited far and wide on the intartubes!] this is what I found. She was a lot of fun, and a very nice girl in a polymorphously perverse way, and I’m sorry for her troubles. I hope she’s all right, and if she’s staying away from drinking whole bottles of sweet vermouth straight up, I’m sure that’s a good start. But I’m serious about my

Dear God, We’re Ruthless [Dan Collins]

Surprise: Goodbye, Mr. Bush The Republican will to power remains ferocious. It will take a dauntless Democratic leader to win back the White House and restore dignity to the Constitution. Editor’s note: Sidney Blumenthal is joining the Hillary Clinton campaign as a senior advisor, and this is his last column for Salon. By Sidney Blumenthal Edwards to walk picket line The Edwards campaign confirms that he’ll be walking the Writers

House of Filth Story [Dan Collins]

Notorious MILF: For some reason, Breitbart has this labelled as Second Woman Found Dead In Home Layered With Animal Feces, but unfortunately the clip doesn’t tell us anything about the dead people. Warning: Graphic Pot-Bellied Pig abuse Related: Cops Crack Down on Hallucinogenic Toad Licking Trend Bitch, Bitch, Bitch

BREAKING: Barry Bonds indicted on felony obstruction of justice and perjury charges

From ESPN: Baseball superstar Barry Bonds was charged Thursday with perjury and obstruction of justice for allegedly lying when he said he did not use performance-enhancing drugs. The indictment, unsealed Thursday by federal prosecutors in San Francisco, is the culmination of a four-year federal probe into whether he lied under oath to a grand jury investigating steroid use by elite athletes. The indictment comes three months after the 43-year-old Bonds,