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October 2024


Scenes from the Reagan Ranch Tour, 2

me: “Reagan famously noted that hippies ‘look like Tarzan, walk like Jane, and smell like Cheetah,’ correct?”

YAF tour guide: “That’s true. But he was being flip. I don’t think he had anything against the long hairs individually –”

me: “– Sure. Whatever. Fuck the hippies. My point is — again we get Reagan with the chimp references. See where I’m going here –?”

YAF tour guide: “– For the last time, sir, there are no stuffed monkeys hidden on the Reagan ranch that I am aware of, nor is there any mention of a stuffed monkey in any of Reagan’s personal records or memoirs.”

me: “I see.”

me: “So that’s like, another non-denial denial, then?”

YAF tour guide: “If you say so, sure.”

me: “Well.”

me: “There you go again.”

23 Replies to “Scenes from the Reagan Ranch Tour, 2”

  1. JD says:

    I don’t think he had anything against the long hairs

    Would those be the ones originating from the nostrils, or the ears?

  2. BJTexs says:

    Again I say if you had just snuck away from the tour and checked out the sewing room…

    Jane Wyman! The Horror!!!

    Cause, you know, that Nancy was just a tad overprotective…

  3. mojo says:

    That’s because he obviously meant something completely different when he referred to “stuffing the monkey.”

    I’m betting Jane Wyman was involved somehow. That little tramp.

  4. McGehee says:

    Ghost of Cheetah: “‘Stuffing the monkey?’ You too, huh?”

    Ghost of Bonzo: “That guy’s a little off-target, actually. It wasn’t the Gipper, it was ‘Skipper.'”

    Ghost of Cheetah: “Can’t say that surprises me. Not that there’s…”

    Ghost of Bonzo: “Yeah.”

  5. N. O'Brain says:


    You better be careful, because before you know it, you’ll be obsessing about evil monkey ninjas.

    Then you’d morph into Frank J.

  6. BJTexs says:

    Mojo Rono?

  7. happyfeet says:

    Ron Jr. totally stole the stuffed monkey one day without really thinking it through. I know cause one day he was sobbing like really really violently and he looked at me and you could see the pain and he looked down and in a soft choking voice he said that it was always the monkey it was never me. I just wanted him to look at me. So we got some ice cream and then he was all like now what the hell do I do with this monkey and we laughed. He might still have it but you could tell it wasn’t something he really wanted to have around.

  8. happyfeet says:

    Did you know Ron Jr.’s middle name is Prescott? Just like Jeb’s kid. What’s up with that?

  9. B Moe says:

    Can you still be a Junior if you have a different name? That seems kind of like cheating.

  10. PC14 says:

    Ron Reagan Jr wants to know if there’s anything wrong with stuffing the monkey.

  11. happyfeet says:

    Good point. Wikipedia does not give him the Junior. I got that from Google’s search suggestion thinger. Kind of sloppy, huh? On the east coast it’s after five. Apropos of nothing, that.

  12. Cheeta says:

    Comment by McGehee on 11/16 @ 1:47 pm #

    Ghost of Cheetah: “‘Stuffing the monkey?’ You too, huh?”

    Ghost of Bonzo: “That guy’s a little off-target, actually. It wasn’t the Gipper, it was ‘Skipper.’”

    Ghost of Cheetah: “Can’t say that surprises me. Not that there’s…”

    Ghost of Bonzo: “Yeah.”

    It’s Cheeta you pathetic inbred Homo sapien imbecile and I’m still alive.

  13. McGehee says:

    Yeah, you are. Cheetah’s been dead since he took the brown acid back in ’67.

  14. McGehee says:

    Or didn’t they tell you you were like the second Darren?

  15. jon says:

    You haven’t toured the Alamo yet, have you? Well, you should, because Dan Collins’ respectability is hidden in its basement.

  16. JD says:

    Unsportsmanlike conduct. Late hit. Unoriginal. Off-topic. 15 yards and an automatic first down.

  17. jon says:

    Off-topic? Asking silly questions of tour guides isn’t off-topic. And what has been stolen from Jeff? Not his bicycle.

  18. jon says:

    And I wasn’t trying to be original. That’s kind of the point when making an allusion. Now do something with those yards, since the goalposts haven’t moved any.

  19. happyfeet says:

    But you ripped your allusion from Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure, didn’t you? That’s just sad.

  20. jon says:

    Allusions to tour guides and stupid questions just aren’t found in standard fare, which is why I immediately though of Mr. Reuben’s Opus.

    Now that was a sad allusion. That movie was almost Robin Williams-esque.

  21. Dan Collins says:

    Oh, look. Would that be Jon? How about a link, there, buddy?

  22. Dan Collins says:

    See, credibility all resides in your bizarre interpretation of civility, doesn’t it jon? Where it doesn’t reside is in the truth.

  23. Dan Collins says:

    Meade, Jon (’03)

    Librarian II
    Arizona State Prison Complex- Tucson
    Santa Rita Unit
    Work Phone: (520) 574-0024

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