
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2007


November 2007

US: 1.5% Drop In Nocturnal and Diurnal Emissions [Dan Collins]

The United States cut greenhouse gas emissions by 1.5 percent in 2006 in the fight against global warming, the first decrease since 2001, the Energy Department said Wednesday. BUT  U.S. emissions of 7.08 billion tons of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2006 marked a 15.1 percent gain from 1990, the baseline year for the Kyoto Protocol global pact to combat climate change.Developed nations that signed the pact have to reduce their

Internet Killed the Video Star [Dan Collins]

The story of the young woman who disappeared in Kansas, whom I posted about yesterday, gets odder:  A missing Kansas college student believed to be the victim of foul play apparently led a double life as an Internet porn star by the name of Zoey Zane.Nude photos of 18-year-old Emily Sander appeared on a Zoey Zane Web site before she vanished, and investigators are looking into whether her modeling had anything to

Caption Contest [Dan Collins]

Because I’m lazy, uninspired, under the weather, and bored.

SarahW on . . . NPR? [Dan Collins]

Is it right for someone who’s not a professional journalist to use her judgment regarding whether or not to reveal information regarding a person in a news story?  Well, apart from the way she stirred up an ornery mob of pitchfork wielding, torchbearing non-NPR donors to commit outrages against . . . oh.  She didn’t?  Anyway, I think it’s funny the way the interviewer insists on continually referring to her

Liz Stephans and Todd Butcher [Dan Collins]

interviewed by Ed Driscoll on Pajamas Media Political, talking about the future of Breitbart.TV, webcasting and blogs.h/t Reynolds 

She Just Sank to Edwards Territory [Dan Collins]

in my book: Signs Hillary Will Tap Clark as VP

Prostitutes, Drag Queens, Druggies, Corpse Dancing [Dan Collins]

Liz Stephans back from vacation and that guy she works with, the new Breitbart Vcast is up!

What Do You Get When You Cross [Dan Collins]

a penis and a potato? A dick-tater! Jammie Wearing Fool: Here’s a stunner: After labeling opponents traitors last weekend, Communist goon Hugo Chavez is threatening opponents of his scheme to make himself President Dictator for life. The Venezuelan president, Hugo Chávez, today threatened to strip the country’s industrialists of their assets if they continued to oppose his indefinite presidency. Chávez faces a vote at the weekend on his proposals to

Braining Cats and Dogs [Dan Collins]

Legal? Illegal?

Honky Jive [Dan Collins]

Caught on tape, white man misbehaving: A diversity training video has drawn a complaint from a Denver city employee who claims its unfavorable portrayal of whites amounts to “institutional racism.” A city official said Tuesday it was suspending use of the video. The video titled, “Laughing Matters — Think About It,” features a white, blue-collar worker named Billy who’s portrayed as racist, sexist, and clueless while illustrating inappropriate humor. “Diversity,