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October 2024


SarahW on . . . NPR? [Dan Collins]

Is it right for someone who’s not a professional journalist to use her judgment regarding whether or not to reveal information regarding a person in a news story?  Well, apart from the way she stirred up an ornery mob of pitchfork wielding, torchbearing non-NPR donors to commit outrages against . . . oh.  She didn’t? 

Anyway, I think it’s funny the way the interviewer insists on continually referring to her by her full name and pointing out that she lives in Virginia: “Isn’t that right, Sarah Wells who is reporting live from our studios in Richmond, Virginia?” h/t Bluemerle.  

Also, Dia al-Kawaz’ family unkilled in Iraq 

17 Replies to “SarahW on . . . NPR? [Dan Collins]”

  1. CochinoMarrano says:

    The story on that page seems to be about a person known as “dog poop girl”.

  2. Dan Collins says:

    Oh, Dog Poop Girl! Sorry.

    I love that story. Reminds me of South Park’s “Nigger Guy” episode.

  3. Dan Collins says:

    In fact, I think I’m going to go over to Facebook right now and start a gae-ttong-nyue (dog shit girl) fan group.

  4. Jeffersonian says:

    Thank you for posting the Megan Meier tormentor’s name, SarahW. You made the right call.

  5. RonnieBobbyRicky&Mike says:


  6. happyfeet says:

    RonnieBobbyRicky&Mike think that Neal Conan is in need of being anally raped, forsooth.

  7. happyfeet says:

    oh crap. that sucks. somehow my name came up wrong, but I, RonnieBobbyRicky&Mike, stand by my comment at #7.

  8. Oswald_Spengler_Was_Too_Weak says:

    About the Iraq story. Wow. The media got suckered. Wotta laugh. At least with Media Matters, you *know* that suckering’s gonna happen. Same with FOX. But the MSM? Well, just goes to prove Oswald’s Maxim: Never underestimate human stupidity, you will always be disappointed.

  9. happyfeet says:

    ok whatever.

  10. happyfeet says:

    Sorry. I am still on comment restriction until I finish my “goals” sos I can get my “bonus.” But I had wanted to be sure to spress how classy SarahW was on the NPR, and also how much the host was abjectly pleading for a rambunctious anal raping I thought.

  11. happyfeet says:

    Also bluemerle should have a link no? So the pipples can see is not a cybervigiwhatever at all but just charmingness.

  12. JD says:

    Lori Drew should be ashamed. But, alas, that is not likely to be an emotion that she is in possession of.

  13. Merovign says:

    To the left, and by extension the MSM, hypocrisy is only something that OTHER people do.

    And equivocation is a way of life.

    Not that these are new observations, but there you are.

  14. NPR is running the same excerpt from that Daniel Solove book that I posted in my Pub post last week. So that makes me a journalist just like Steve Inskeep & the gang on Morning Edition!

  15. MayBee says:

    Oh! I missed SaraW, how sad for me!
    The story I heard on NPR this morning was about how despite the seemingly good news out on the economic growth, it is really all very “depressing”. Everything could get worse.
    I wish I would have heard SaraW instead.

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