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October 2024


She Just Sank to Edwards Territory [Dan Collins]

in my book:

Signs Hillary Will Tap Clark as VP

32 Replies to “She Just Sank to Edwards Territory [Dan Collins]”

  1. BJTexs says:

    Oh, for the love of cranberries!

    Clinton’s 2002 vote to authorize President Bush to use force in Iraq has haunted her, but having a former military general as a running mate could boost her foreign policy credentials on the campaign trail.

    Oh, yea! Because nothing says solid military and foreign policy credentials than a guy who was consistantly wrong about the outcomes of the last two wars and is almost univerally loathed by combat professionals!

    It’s way too early for this stuff.

  2. TheGeezer says:

    It’s way too early for this stuff.

    About seven months too early.

    How’s your flu? I’ve either got it or a severe cold.

  3. JD says:

    This would have to be the olive branch to the antiwar folks, ‘cuz Clark is just batshit crazy.

  4. JD says:

    Cranberries tend to put me under the weather too.

  5. TheGeezer says:

    This would have to be the olive branch to the antiwar folks, ‘cuz Clark is just batshit crazy.

    Didn’t Clark call for bombing or shelling of Russiian troops in Kosovo?

  6. BJTexs says:

    Geezer: The flu is slowly getting better. MUCINEX ROCKS, DUDE!

    Clark’s claim to fame, other than his reputation as a paper pushing computer soldier, was the shameless performance he put on before both Gulf War ’91 and Iraqi Freedom. He was so consistantly wrong about casualties, tactics and the end result that it was positively mind blowing to understand that this guy was running NATO.

    I wish Major John, RTO and wishbone would way in on this. I’ll see if i can’t tweak RTO to give us a rant about General Paperclip.

  7. mojo says:

    Weasley demands his 20 drachma…

  8. Andrew says:

    Did anyone follow the link to his little op-ed on the next war?

    “Take it from a general who won…”

    Too precious!

  9. Swede says:

    Poor Wes. He burned his bridges with the Army long ago, so I’m not sure what his name on the ticket would get her. Possibly more scorn from the military. I’m not sure that’s possible but hey, we’re all about giving 110%.

  10. JD says:

    Didn’t the Dems think he was too crazy, even for them, last time around ?

  11. steph says:

    I have to say that it is premature to concern ourselves about who Hillary’s running mate will be in 2008. I really do not think she will get the nomination. It worries me that all of my republican friends think that her nomination is a fait accompli. And from them I receive countless emails that are jokes or cartoons or the like about Hillary. Save your energy to go after the nominee once she or he has been determined.
    … but maybe I feel that way because I have a cold too. Must be something going around Philly these days.

  12. BJTexs says:


    Maybe it’s the Nutter virus? (inside joke)

  13. ducktrapper says:

    No. I don’t think even Edwards is that … idiotic at least not that dangerously idiotic because unlike Clinton, he has little chance of winning. Putting Clark within a heart beat of the oval office is … pretty close to inconceivable.

  14. Mikey NTH says:

    steph and others – that cold has been going round and it is a bad one. I picked it up before Thanksgiving, didn’t think anything of it at the time.

    I’m still dealing with the detrius of this cold. It well and good kicked my tuckus.

  15. Swede says:

    Oh, and for you wussies on Mucinex: kick your filthy little drug habit, homos.

    Got a runny nose? That’s what yer fucking sleeves are for.

  16. daleyrocks says:

    How do the Joooish money people feel about Clark again?

  17. JD says:

    Theraflu humidifier

  18. SarahW says:

    Malaises and chills seem to be the rule…I’m nursing the folks at home who caught mine. So it’s hard to tell if the chill up the spine is the news of Clark or some leftover virus.

  19. RC says:

    Not exactly a rant but the best thing the SOB did for the Air Force when I was in and he was chief of staff was to change our service dress uniforms so we looked like airline pilots or swabbies. That was the very best of his efforts.

  20. RTO Trainer says:

    I hope she does nominate him. If I have to do it myself, this should be the question asked of him in a live, nationally televised event.

    “General Clark, how did it feel to have the British Commander in Kosovo tell you, essentially to get stuffed, that he wouldn’t start World War III for you, when he refused you order to fire on the Russians? Do you think this episode reflects at all on the judgement you would display as a potential Commander in Chief and advisor to the Commander in Chief?”

  21. Jeffersonian says:

    I’m excited by the prospect of a Veep that will secure and keep safe all of America’s precious bodily fluids.

  22. TheGeezer says:

    Jeffersonian, now I am scared. Indeed, a strange love.

  23. Rusty says:

    Not to worry. She doesn’t have a chance of getting elected.

  24. RTO Trainer says:

    But adding Clark would help assure that she wont get elected. He’s such a soft target, and no one seems to know it.

  25. JD says:

    Oh, for the love of cranberries!

    BJ – I have never seen nor heard this phrase before. Is that the rated-G way of saying “For fuck’s sake” ?

  26. steph says:

    BJ – Nutter virus? Perhaps. Nutter is the epitome of nannycityism, in my mind. What a truely f’d up city we live in. But until WE kick out the Mehans (inside joke?) we’re stuck with the “best and brightest” (or so states our nasal-challenged mayol elect, if you saw today’s daily snooze) that the dems can offer. Mhe, I’m moving to Skippack.

  27. Andrew says:

    Hold up.

    Clark is Air Force?

    Why did I think he was Army?

  28. McGehee says:

    Why did I think he was Army?

    Because he was. I think RC has Weaselly confused with this guy.

  29. Theresa, MSgt (ret), USAF says:

    RC, mcpeak fucked the Air Force. clark just fucked the military as a whole with the kosovo quagmire. billy boob klintoons legacy lives on.

  30. Andrew says:

    I didn’t think he was Air Force. Do Air Force guys ever get to be Supreme Commander of NATO?

  31. mojo says:

    Dunno about NATO C-in-C, but they get to be Chairman of the JCS…

  32. JD says:

    Forget Clark. I think Hillary will pick that General from the CNN debate as her running mate.

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