
Jeff's Wish List

Archive Calendar


June 2002

Fill in the blanks

I agree, Blow Hard. I mean, just frickin’ say it, you know? Criminy! Like anyone really gives two poops, anway. Am I right? Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a blog bash to shave for…

A few final thoughts on this whole Pledge dustup…

In my house, the Pledge has become indispensible. “Under God”? Fine, whatever. But howsabout “under a layer of dust so thick it could choke an aardvark?” Coffee tables get filthy, end tables attract grime, wood paneling gets that kinda gritty, oily, dusty schmutz all over it…. These are facts. Sure, Murphy’s oil soap and a rag might do the trick just as well — maybe even Endust, if you can

A few final thoughts on this whole Pledge dustup…

In my house, the Pledge has become indispensible. “Under God”? Fine, whatever. But howsabout “under a layer of dust so thick it could choke an aardvark?” Coffee tables get filthy, end tables attract grime, wood paneling gets that kinda gritty, oily, dusty schmutz all over it…. These are facts. Sure, Murphy’s oil soap and a rag might do the trick just as well — maybe even Endust, if you can

Wanna know why vouchers are a good idea…?

….Well, because they can save kids from socially engineered micromanagement like this (courtesy of Jim Caple, writing for ESPN’s Page 2): If you thought some schools went overboard when they banned dodge ball last year, consider this: A Santa Monica elementary school principal recently banned tag, saying the game can only be played under the strict supervision of physical education teachers and not at all during the lunch hour recess.

Wanna know why vouchers are a good idea…?

….Well, because they can save kids from socially engineered micromanagement like this (courtesy of Jim Caple, writing for ESPN’s Page 2): If you thought some schools went overboard when they banned dodge ball last year, consider this: A Santa Monica elementary school principal recently banned tag, saying the game can only be played under the strict supervision of physical education teachers and not at all during the lunch hour recess.

ACL-U-gotta lot of ’splainin’ to do…

The ACLU (predictably) reacts to the Ninth Circuit Court’s Pledge decision this way: As today’s decision recognizes, the United States, with more than 1,500 different religious bodies and 360,000 churches, mosques, and synagogues, is the most religiously diverse nation in the world because of, not in spite of, the fact that we do not allow government to become entangled in religion. Great argument, guys. Now, would you mind explaining to

ACL-U-gotta lot of ’splainin’ to do…

The ACLU (predictably) reacts to the Ninth Circuit Court’s Pledge decision this way: As today’s decision recognizes, the United States, with more than 1,500 different religious bodies and 360,000 churches, mosques, and synagogues, is the most religiously diverse nation in the world because of, not in spite of, the fact that we do not allow government to become entangled in religion. Great argument, guys. Now, would you mind explaining to

On Ashcroft, Liberty, and the Police State

Writing for the editors of The Weekly Standard, David Tell asks, ” If it is true that John Ashcroft has assaulted our rights by arresting innocent people willy-nilly and detaining them ‘indefinitely’ without basic procedural protections, then surely one such person — among the thousand-plus the federal government has detained since September 11 — would by now have been identified. Where, after all this caterwauling, is the archetypically sympathetic victim

Just A Reminder…

…for those of you who’ll be attending the Rocky Mountain Blog Bash tomorrow evening: We’ll be in the pool room, which is up the stairs. If you can’t find the group (how hard can it be? — we’ll be the one with laptops, reference books, and life-sized cutouts of Steven Den Beste), just ask the hostess — who’ll look confused momentarily before snapping to and saying, “Oh, you mean those

Just A Reminder…

…for those of you who’ll be attending the Rocky Mountain Blog Bash tomorrow evening: We’ll be in the pool room, which is up the stairs. If you can’t find the group (how hard can it be? — we’ll be the one with laptops, reference books, and life-sized cutouts of Steven Den Beste), just ask the hostess — who’ll look confused momentarily before snapping to and saying, “Oh, you mean those