
Jeff's Wish List

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October 2024


Packers Hangover [Dan Collins]

A group of displaced Wisconsinites in Vermont yesterday prevailed on me, after 2 years of bugging, to accompany them to a sports bar in Essex Junction to watch the Packers-Vikings game. The deal was, in addition to a beer a quarter, we had to drink a shot of schnapps everytime the Packers scored. They scored a lot. I’m hung over. I’m guessing Sinner and Moronpundit may be, as well, today.

15 Replies to “Packers Hangover [Dan Collins]”

  1. Carin says:

    Schnapps is the work of the debbil. Too much sugar=yucky hangover.

    The cheaper (and sweeter) the crap, the worse the hangover. What do heavy drinkers usually gravitate to? Vodka and Scotch. There’s a reason for that.

    (this message brought to you by the PW bartender)

  2. Rob Crawford says:

    That’s nothing compared to the stunned silence and shell-shocked faces here in Cincinnati. The Bengals actually won a game.

  3. EasyLiving1 says:

    I hope you didn’t have to suffer that schnapps without a chaser!

    Also, if the Wisconsinites invite you to a cheese eating contest, you’d best get some fiber in your system beforehand.


  4. JD says:

    That is nothing compared to the pain we are feeling in Indy right now. We expected VanderFucker to miss those kicks. Not Vinatieri.

  5. Andrew says:

    You know, I really wish the Vikings would just decide to suck and commit to it, not taunt me with 300-yard record-setting games by Peterson only to come back the next week and suck the shit out of a dead dog’s ass.

    I fucking hate it when they lose to the Packers.

  6. serr8d says:

    Yeah, JD, bad day in Titansland yesterday, as well. I did get some mahvelous pics of the Veteran’s day stuff, tho…

    Next Monday night, the Titans are in Denver. I wonder if Jeff wants to bet a house payment? ;D


  8. thor says:

    Brett Favre is the anti-Christ.

  9. the wolf says:

    And I thought watching the Packers was punishment in and of itself.

  10. thor says:

    Having to drink schnapps everytime Brett Favre extends his arms after a score is a special kind of hell.

  11. JD says:

    Having to hear “How bout them Cowboys” is a special kind of hell as well. I do not know why the NFC even bothers to play their games.

  12. thor says:

    Comment by maggie katzen on 11/12 @ 10:55 am #


    They were in a NY state of mind. They not only took Ely’s lunch money, they drove off in his car.

    How ’bout them Cowboys!?!

  13. thor says:

    Comment by JD on 11/12 @ 4:12 pm #

    Having to hear “How bout them Cowboys” is a special kind of hell as well. I do not know why the NFC even bothers to play their games.

    Because you play the game to win. Hello! You play the game to win!

  14. JD says:

    The NFC is fighting for the chance to get embarassed by the AFC yet again. The best teams in the NFC would not likely crack the top 4 or 5 in the AFC.

  15. catbat says:

    One beer per quarter? That’s nothing, and I’m a girl. Well, a girl from Wisconsin.

    Shoulda been a pitcher per half, anyway.

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