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October 2024


Uber-Nerds [Dan Collins]

Brendan’s birthday is on Wednesday, so as part of the festivities we’re doing a little father-son bonding today, and driving down to Boston (Framingham) for the following:

The Sci Fi Channel, in partnership with Microsoft, will unspool a special two-hour episode of “Battlestar Galactica” in movie theaters in eight major cities two weeks before it premieres on the network.

The episode, “Razor,” kicks off the final 22-hour season of the series. The theater showings, which are free, take place Nov. 12 in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Boston, Dallas and Seattle.

So, that’s a lot of driving to see BSG on the big screen, and I had to nab our passes for us a couple of weeks ago, online. In short, I won’t be blogging after about an hour.

17 Replies to “Uber-Nerds [Dan Collins]”

  1. Mike says:

    Many happy returns to Brendan, Dan.

  2. Swen Swenson says:

    Uber-Nerds, eh? How can you be sure until you’ve taken the test? Yes, just How Geeky Are You?

    Okay, I’ll go first:

    Academic Geekiness: Highest
    Internet Geekiness: Moderate
    SciFi Geekiness: Moderate
    Fashion Geekiness: Low
    Geekiness in Love: Low
    Gamer Geekiness: None
    General Geekiness: None
    Movie Geekiness: None
    Music Geekiness: None

  3. cranky-d says:

    That geekiness test? Total crap.

  4. Rob Crawford says:

    Internet Geekiness: High
    Geekiness in Love: Moderate
    Movie Geekiness: Moderate
    Music Geekiness: Moderate
    SciFi Geekiness: Moderate
    Academic Geekiness: Low
    Fashion Geekiness: Low
    Gamer Geekiness: Low
    General Geekiness: Low

    I object to the “moderate” on SciFi and movie geekiness. Fer crissake, I’ve seen “Greaser’s Palace”, “Forbidden Zone”, and “Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things”. Just because I don’t obsess over trailers, they don’t think I’m a massive movie geek?

    Come to think of it, the love geekiness is too low, too.

  5. Swen Swenson says:

    What were you expecting Cranky? Something thorough and scientific? It’s just for fun. Besides, don’t dismiss it until you’ve taken the Muppet personality test.

  6. B Moe says:

    Academic Geekiness: High
    Fashion Geekiness: High
    Gamer Geekiness: Moderate
    Movie Geekiness: Moderate
    Geekiness in Love: Low
    General Geekiness: Low
    Music Geekiness: Low
    SciFi Geekiness: Low
    Internet Geekiness: None

    Most of my geekiness is too archaic for the test creators to ask about. Which may actually mean it is cool, but probably not.

  7. Swen Swenson says:

    Yes, I thought I rated too low in several categories. In love geekiness they didn’t ask the right questions, like: If a woman you’d never met volunteered her spare time to help you dig through musty, 150-year-old land records would you a) Thank her profusely, b) Hire her, or c) Marry her. She already had a better job than I did so I chose “c”.

    In fashion geekiness they didn’t ask about plaid shirts, pocket protectors, eye glasses repaired with tape, and the low-slung, fast draw slide rule! Yes, I was a geek before geekiness was kool.

    And music geekiness? Puleeze. I’ve fallen so in love with a rare and no longer available antique instrument that I made my own. And I know what musical instrument you play without touching*. That’s geeky.

  8. happyfeet says:

    Sometimes geeky is the only defense.

  9. Rob Crawford says:

    Sometimes geeky is the only defense.

    Sometimes geeky is not enough of a defense, especially when she
    matches you in geekiness, and does so in just the right ways.


    I may have to make a batch of homebrew to drink my way through the
    inevitable heart break.

  10. Sweet, geek soap opera hits the big screen. No wait, that was Daredevil first.

  11. happyfeet says:

    Oh. That. I’m big on the whole pining thing. After you get past the pining thing I’ve noticed things tend to start getting very expensive.

  12. JD says:

    Internet Geekiness: Low
    Music Geekiness: Low
    Academic Geekiness: None
    Fashion Geekiness: None
    Gamer Geekiness: None
    Geekiness in Love: None
    General Geekiness: None
    Movie Geekiness: None
    SciFi Geekiness: None

  13. Rob Crawford says:

    Oh. That. I’m big on the whole pining thing. After you get past the pining thing I’ve noticed things tend to start getting very expensive.

    Expensive I can deal with.

  14. JD says:

    Rob – How did it go with the librarian?

  15. happyfeet says:

    Oh. I find I regret the expensive long after I get over regretting the it just wasn’t meant to be part. Mostly cause I have a spreadsheet for the expensive part. I can filter it by name.

  16. Rob Crawford says:

    Rob – How did it go with the librarian?

    Still up in the air. Which, I guess, is better than rejection, but still rather hard on the stress levels.

  17. Dan Collins says:

    I’m glad that your feet are happy, anyways.

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