
Jeff's Wish List

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November 2024


“Thank you for your conformity” [Darleen Click]

Probably not the best ad I’ve seen … I would prefer a more mocking tone. But it absolutely hits it out of the park when it comes to demonstrating how the Left considers any woman who dissents from its dogma as “inauthentic.”

19 Replies to ““Thank you for your conformity” [Darleen Click]”

  1. mc4ever59 says:

    I gave it two thumbs up, Darleen. More, please.
    Keep an eye out for the add where NOW confronts CAIR about Islam’s views on, and treatment of, women.
    It should be along any….day……now.

  2. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    To push mc4ever59′ s thought… This one had the temerity to drive a car on the street in The Kingdom.

    I’m sure NOW and CAIR will put out a joint statement any second now.


  3. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    To push mc4ever59′ s thought… This one had the temerity to drive a car on the street…in The Kingdom.

    I’m sure NOW and CAIR will put out a joint statement any second now.


    BTW, I’m totally digging this woman’s chili.

  4. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    The double…

    …I don’t know…


    If I could go home and get back in bed right now, I would.


  5. leigh says:

    Hi Lamont! Come back later, y’hear?

  6. happyfeet says:

    the Susan B. Anthony list is just as keen on forcing women to conform to their lifeydoodle dogma as the dirty socialists are about forcing women to conform to their dirty socialist dogma I think – they just don’t have as much power at the moment

  7. mc4ever59 says:

    Lamont, just keep on eye on auto correct and spell check. Yesterday, they activated themselves and randomly messed with my posts.
    They even turned ‘sdferr’ into ‘sufferer’.

  8. Yackums says:

    Two words.



    (Isn’t that still what the kids are saying these days?)

  9. mc4ever59 says:

    Heh, isn’t “oh snap” the box that pops up with the cartoon computer that looks like it was just beat up with a 12 lb sledgehammer?
    Oh yes. I am becoming very familiar with the evil computer gods and all of their minions.

  10. Ernst Schreiber says:

    The problem with moral equivalence for breakfast is that your starving for something more before 9:00.

  11. mc4ever59 says:

    Amazing how quick the ‘tolerant’ left will turn on anyone.
    Blacks who don’t conform? “Uncle Tom!”
    “we support the troops!” Except when they don’t conform. Then they are “traitors!”. See; ‘swift boat’.

  12. Pablo says:

    Man, it’s a good thing we’ve got a Conservative warrior like Mitt Romney doing battle with The One.

    Romney ‘Repudiates’ Conservative Group’s Planned Rev. Wright Attacks

    Meanwhile, Beck has just offered Jeremiah Wright $150K, in cash, for his cardboard box.

  13. mc4ever59 says:

    I’m getting mixed up again as to which one is Romney, and which one is McCain.

  14. mc4ever59 says:

    This is May 17th, 2008, right?

  15. Pablo says:

    Romney’s the tall one with the great hair. Aside from that, they’re damn near identical.

  16. TRHein says:

    Pablo, I thought you meant which one was Romney and which one was Obama.

  17. TRHein says:

    Darleen, given that I am just a humble man… this is one of the best I have seen. Great Find!

  18. SDN says:

    Simple, TRHein: one reflects light and the other generates his own….

  19. geoffb says:

    Say it ain’t so Joe.

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