“…if you notice, you are making War-On-Women™!” Or so is the conclusion of Left-feminists all a’twitter over a rather the hapless tale of NY state senator Marty Golden, a Republican representative of working-class South Brooklyn who dared offer his female constituents a class on career development Republican state Sen. Marty Golden’s office was planning career-development classes for his “female constituents,” where participants will “‘refresh’ their knowledge of what’s new in
war on women
May 17, 2012
“Thank you for your conformity” [Darleen Click]
Probably not the best ad I’ve seen … I would prefer a more mocking tone. But it absolutely hits it out of the park when it comes to demonstrating how the Left considers any woman who dissents from its dogma as “inauthentic.”
April 14, 2012
Backfired [Darleen Click]
And, to add to what I’ve already pointed out: The real threat that the Ann Romneys of the world represent to the statist Left (via Instapundit) I am the counterweight to the state. Therefore, I am dangerous. I am subversive simply by existing. My love for my children is a dominant force that works its way into their psyches and that trumps the state-run schools and the state complicit media