
Jeff's Wish List

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March 25, 2011

cease and desist letter for serial harassment and unhinged rantings, state of receipt (update 8)

Still nothing. I blame Bush.

"Senate GOP Demand Balanced Budget Amendment for Raising Debt Ceiling"

Boehner may be cowering heap of heavily tanned fail, but at least McConnell seems to be heading in the right direction of late. Human Events: The Senate Republicans are preparing to tell President Obama that they want a Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA) to the Constitution passed in Congress in exchange for raising the statuary debt ceiling above $14.2 trillion. “My hope is that we would force a vote on a

"CBO Sees Benefits in Taxing Motorists Based on Miles Driven"

Me, I see the benefit of telling them to get bent. Or get rid of the gasoline taxes that are already supposed to be paying for highway maintenance and the like. Our freedoms are being taken away one new “mandate” at a time. From CNS: A new Congressional Budget Office study says taxing motorists based on the number of miles they drive would be a fair and “efficient” way to

Beinart: Obama's ostensible failures PROOF of his genius and solicitousness

No, really: Obama is what you might call a roundabout Jeffersonian. Jeffersonians, to borrow Walter Russell Mead’s phrase, believe that preserving America’s economic and political solvency requires reining in American empire. Presidents usually become Jeffersonian in times of economic crisis, public exhaustion, and unpopular war. The problem is that Jeffersonianism—which in different ways both Richard Nixon and Jimmy Carter embraced as a result of Vietnam—is perilous politics. Retrenchment can look

"Muslim Brotherhood gains power in Egypt"

FREEDOM! The Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamic group once banned by Egypt, has become a force as the country undergoes a change in government, observers said. Because of its organization and network, the Muslim Brotherhood was expected to have an advantage while the post-Hosni Mubarak government takes shape, The New York Times reported Friday. What is surprising to some are the ties the organization has with its adversary, the military. “There