Mock draft (without trades). I expect several teams to move up and down in the first round. However, for the purposes of this mock, I’ll just pretend that won’t happen. Feedback welcome.
April 21, 2010
9 best discarded “Rules for Fight Club”
Never talk about never talking about Fight Club, lest somebody figures out that all your talk about not talking about Fight Club proves that there is, in fact, a Fight Club. No cups / bras. You can slap, but only if the slap is accompanied by the interjection, “You are sooo not fabulous!” “The third rule of Fight Club is no salty foods. BECAUSE OF THE (POTENTIAL FOR) HEART DISEASE!”
“The Taxing Power of Obamacare”
Is it me, or does it seem like many “attacks” on “liberals” these days are coming not exclusively from bitter clinging Jesusfluffers, as the left would have you believe (and mark my words: this administration is looking for better ways to silence the opposition, now that the cries of “racism” and “hate” have become diluted by overuse and so have lost much of their power), but rather from libertarians and
Institute for Global Economic Growth chairman and senior Cato fellow Richard W. Rahn asks, “Could the U.S. become Argentina?”
— to which protein wisdom confidently responds, “Oh, I rather think such a name change highly unlikely at this point, what with all the money we’ve spent printing forms and such. “Although I will concede that, from so ridiculous a premise, Mr Rahn does manage to make some nice points…”