April 1, 2010
We’re All Racists Now
From Michael Moynihan, “Red America, White Power: Is the Tea Party movement motivated by race hatred?”, Reason: On November 9, 1938, in the Tyrolian city of Innsbruck, Richard Berger, president of the local Jewish community, was snatched from his home and beaten to death with rocks and rifle butts, his body deposited in a nearby river. On the same evening, in an apartment building on Gänsbacherstrasse, Karl Bauer, of whom
April fundraiser: now in its final days!
Thanks to all who’ve contributed. I’ll be sending out personal notes at the end of the fundraiser proper, which will go through tomorrow evening (and maybe Tuesday morning). Hope you all had a great weekend. Which, I don’t know how that’s even possible, given the obscene proliferation of giant pink blowup bunnies you people have pegged to your lawns. Oh well. Jesus wants what Jesus wants, I guess. And who
Thursday morning riddle
Q: Why did the counter-protesting “anarchists” cross the road? A: WE REFUSE YOUR “DEMANDS” FOR A PROPER PUNCHLINE, RIGHTWING PIGS!* My. And yet some people find those who peacefully protest government overreach “alarming.” Priorities, people. (h/t JHo)
Shannon Elizabeth comments on the realization that there really ARE two Americas, just not in the way, say, John Edwards would’ve had you believe
Elizabeth: “Several years back, right after we finished principle shooting for American Pie 2, I think it was, I visited that other America. Montana. For a week. “Can’t say that I remember too too much about it offhand — except for lots of horses, gorgeous cowboys, and really really good steak. Oh. And that Sean Astin didn’t keep showing up at every bar I went to, or send me blurry