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January 2025


Search Results for: deb frisch

Frisch Fry, the return [updated]

Comeuppance? You tell me. At the very least, it’s a nice start — and probably a welcome relief to anyone who’s ever been unlucky enough to draw her attention. Enjoy the accommodations, Deb! I’m sure orange jumpsuits and canned beans really bring out your eyes. **** update: I’ll post more info as it comes it, starting with this, via email: “Judge Vogt gave [Frisch] far more [than] the prosecution asked

Fresh Frisch

A reader sends along the following, pulled from a comment by Frisch (now “word warrior”) on her site: Ephu, Count Cockula. Jeff – I really encourage you to have Mrs. Cockula google S*tchel so she can see what you do while she’s at work all day. Trust me on this, Jeff. Cunt Cockula really needs to google S*tchel. Guess Deb isn’t quite done milking her 15 minutes.  This time, however,

A few words on the Frisch matter, presented in convenient list form (updated)

1) I don’t feel victimized.  Debbie Frisch is as nutty as the ring inside a squirrel’s crapper, but I don’t think she’s a threat.  She’s more of an object lesson in having too many cats. 2) I allowed Debbie to continue commenting here because she was threatening to show her ass.  Not that any of us wanted to see such a horrid, rippled thing, of course—but, well, we’re intellectually curious. 

Patrick J. Carroll truly IS a sad, embittered psychopath

Nearly every time Glenn Reynolds links me, this pathetic troll shows up to rehash a grudge he’s carrying from 14 years ago — one for which he was entirely in the wrong, as I’ve proven many times with contemporaneous links. He ignores those links, then waits for the next time I’m mentioned before starting the whole thing over again. Because the world owes Patrick J. Carroll free content for years

Sentencing Victim Statement

Here’s the statement I gave at this morning’s sentencing hearing for our infamous stalker. My wife also gave a victim’s statement, which laid out the specific chronology of the attacks on my family and others. Then she read dozens of Frisch’s vile missives out loud from a number of platforms. The text of my statement follows: Good morning, your honor. In the days leading up to this, the fourth sentencing

And you thought justice was blind… [update]

“Aaron Worthing” / Aaron Walker was arrested after a hearing in MD for violating “peace order” against convicted bomber Brett Kimberlin. According to sketchy early accounts, Kimberlin claimed he’d received death threats as a result of Walker’s blogging about his past crimes and present activities. As some of you will recall, I was able to obtain a legitimate order of protection against serial stalker Deb Frisch, who was posting the

December fundraiser now open: help protein wisdom celebrate a DECADE OF FO-SHIZZLE by throwing it some coin! [sticky; new posts below] [updated]

That’s right: protein wisdom turns 10-years-old this month (Dec 17) — though it started as, wore a pea-green backdrop, was comprised of “several” co-writers (all of them me, though I gave them loaded, tongue-in-cheek names like Dr. Ann D. Kaufmann; recall, at the time I had no readers and there was no such thing, as of yet, as a “blogosphere,” so the format for what a “respectable” political blog

Identity theft?

Los Angeles Deputy District Attorney Patrick Frey has made public statements on his blog claiming that at some point this year I “serially harassed” someone of his acquaintance via email. I maintain that I did no such thing. In fact, I asked that any correspondence purporting to be from me that engages in (as Frey described it) “unhinged” “harassment” be released and reprinted, because I further maintain that any correspondence

Dr Dementia, redux – [UPDATED – thanks so much to SK for gathering up those urls]

First, thanks to all of you who have supported me and my family through our long ordeal with Deb Frisch. We really do appreciate all the kind words. Second, an update. We contacted the Lane County DA’s office, and we were told that, for Frisch’s Oct 25th hearing for probation violation, no evidence can be introduced that doesn’t pertain to that specific case. And so there’s no reason for me

Redundancy [updated x14 (now with extra FRIDAY VILE!)]

Posing as a reporter from a San Francisco newspaper, Deb Frisch — probably by going through the entirety of the Baltimore phone book, cold calling everyone with my last name [update: looks like she paid for the info]– located my mother this evening, and threatened her and the rest of my family over the phone. She mentioned me and my son by name, and spewed a stream of profanities that