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January 2010


January 2010

As with the JFK Assassination…

…one day we’ll all be asking, “where were you the day the right wing blogosphere lost its collective shit over a self-important nobody named Ellie Light“? Me, I was at home, watching football, doing my best not to act like some political hyena or wannabe investigative journalist. Unlike most everyone else. But then, I’ve never been much of a pack animal, anyway.

The Everlasting Gobstopper Poem, part 2

Most awkward, however, was when Willy said to young Charlie Bucket, “No, that is not an Everlasting Gobstopper in my pocket, and yes, I am so very happy       to             see                   you.”

from the “Heretics must be punished” files, 2: “Liberals gin up their engines for kamikaze missions”

Don’t say we didn’t warn you. Chris Stirewalt, Washington Examiner: Pundits on the Left are suggesting that the reason Massachusetts voters rejected Martha Coakley — aside from her personal failings as a candidate – is that Democrats in Washington failed to pursue a sufficiently liberal agenda. As Sen. John Kerry and the other leaders of the Massachusetts Democratic Party were still standing on stage, jaws slack and eyes vacant, commentators

from the “Heretics must be punished” files: “Brown win could spark Obama war on Wall Street”

And the best way to punish heretics? Punish everyone, just to be on the safe side. Like, say, by striking a blow against an already troubled economy. James Pethokoukis: Scott Brown’s stunning capture of the Massachusetts Senate seat held for decades by Ted Kennedy was a political black swan, a near-unpredictable event. The result ends the Democratic supermajority in the Senate and leaves key parts of the Obama agenda in

I’m not some historian of election “irregularities” or anything, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but…

…this MA special election is shaping up to be pretty much fucked, wouldn’t you say? Meh. No biggie. I mean, it ain’t like there’s much at stake or anything… **** update: “Fucked,” he reiterated.

“FCC ‘Net Neutrality’ Rules Endanger a Truly Open Internet”

From the Competitive Enterprise Institute: The Federal Communications Commission is planning new rules to dictate how Internet providers can manage the information that flows over their private networks. These rules would foreclose the evolution of innovative, pro-competitive network and business models and, worse, would inject politics into the governance of Internet networks, the Competitive Enterprise Institute warned in a public comment submitted to the FCC today. “America’s challenge is not

Of (abnormally HUGE) arms and the man

The Denver Post’s David Harsanyi forgives Mark McGwire so you don’t have to: Tucked in among the compelling news items focusing on Tigers Woods’ prodigious appetite for female companionship was a nugget relaying how the greatest golfer of all time had visited a Canadian doctor now under investigation for providing performance-enhancing drugs to his clients. Tiger wasn’t alone. Noted Olympic swimmer Dara Torres and other prominent athletes also felt an

Words, “meaning,” and the interpretive community

“Wash. lawmaker wants to banish negative language,” AP: Decades ago, poor children became known as “disadvantaged” to soften the stigma of poverty. Then they were “at-risk.” Now, a Washington lawmaker wants to replace those euphemisms with a new one, “at hope.” Democratic State Sen. Rosa Franklin says negative labels are hurting kids’ chances for success and she’s not a bit concerned that people will be confused by her proposed rewrite


Interesting bit on truth and the media, from the WSJ: There was a time in the former Eastern Bloc when what you read in newspapers was the exact opposite of the truth. Ironically, the Soviet newspaper that was bursting with lies was called Pravda, or The Truth. There was another one, Izvestia, which means The News. The two were so committed to the truth that Russians would say “V Pravde

The “In an effort to glom on to the Twitter craze, I’ve decided to make protein wisdom posts more like Tweets, 1” post

OMG i have 2 many DVDs! selling cases to guy on craigslist, 1000 4 $100!! Need space. Want my NordicTrack? My foosball table? Urs 4 free, pls pickup!!! OMG! I’m such a ***** OMG 2 many characters! As I was saying: I’m such a clutterbug!!1! ps had eggs 4 breakfast. Out of hotsauce. Yuk!