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October 2024


The “In an effort to glom on to the Twitter craze, I’ve decided to make protein wisdom posts more like Tweets, 1” post

OMG i have 2 many DVDs! selling cases to guy on craigslist, 1000 4 $100!! Need space. Want my NordicTrack? My foosball table? Urs 4 free, pls pickup!!! OMG! I’m such a


OMG 2 many characters! As I was saying: I’m such a clutterbug!!1!

ps had eggs 4 breakfast. Out of hotsauce. Yuk!

0 Replies to “The “In an effort to glom on to the Twitter craze, I’ve decided to make protein wisdom posts more like Tweets, 1” post”

  1. dicentra says:

    That’s 150 characters.


  2. SDN says:


  3. PatrickS (unrelated to the possibly anti-semitic Patrick) says:

    Ill pkup if u mve to chgo or smplce clsr 2 me.

  4. alppuccino says:

    nt fmlr w ur dialect

  5. happyfeet says:

    twitter is ugly… aesthetically.

    It’s not the future. But it was neat for the first 6 months or so.

    Maybe they can get a stylist.

  6. happyfeet says:

    plus it has Meghan on it…


  7. Mr. W says:

    Twitter too shall pass…


  8. DarthRove says:

    If ur posts on the nu site end up lookng like nishis then count me out. OMG!!!

  9. Jeff G. says:

    Ur just jlus coz I speak 2 the children. Who R R future! 2016 Progressive LANDSLIDE! Avatar RULZ!

  10. DarthRove says:

    At least ur sntncs r shortr now. ZOMFG!!!!

  11. Jeff G. says:

    Short sentences R R future. BCOZ OF THE ANTI-INTELLECTUALISM!

  12. Pablo says:

    Twitter monger!

  13. Jeff G. says:

    DDA told me nobody reads me coz Im wordy. Prob slvd!

    + no violence!!1!

  14. geoffb says:


  15. Abe Froman says:

    I still want to punch myself in the testicles every time I type LOL in instant messenger. The poor little buggers would be crushed like grapes if I ever tried Tweeting. Srsly!

  16. agile_dog says:

    Sorry, I will not Tweet/Twit/Twat/whatever. Not unless and until I need to do it as part of my employment. I prefer my social interaction to contain complete words and sentences. It really helps with the delivery of ideas. I’m still working on that spelling thing, though.

  17. LTC John says:

    leet-speak 4 evry 1 !!!

    That is good stuff, Mr. G.

  18. the other Ken says:

    On the other hand it also has Meghan’s breasts so, it’s got that going for it.

  19. McGehee says:

    I once tried doing Twitter-size-limited posts on my blog but it was unsatisfactory. I just can’t say what I want to say in only 143 characte

  20. PatrickS (unrelated to the possibly anti-semitic Patrick) says:

    My son came home from school the other day saying “OMG” for everything. Second grade. Teacher taught him.


  21. dicentra says:

    The only thing Twitter is good for is to live-tweet events wherein you crack wise for your Twitter buddies. Twitter can handle most one-liners.

    And also some of the funnier #hashtag topics are worth following. Other than that…

  22. Jeff G. says:

    Don’t B A H8R!

  23. Silver Whistle says:

    twitter is avatarded

  24. dicentra says:

    I’ll B A H8R if I want, Skippy. I’m a conservative; it’s in my blood.

  25. JD says:

    Twitter was designed with Nishit in mind.

  26. newrouter says:

    i’m blacker than O! man @blago

  27. JD says:

    Is BlagoHair going to be on The Apprentice?

  28. DarthRove says:

    Only if that Spray-Hair-In-A-Can is a sponsor.

  29. DarthRove says:

    Imagine The Apprentice with The Donald, Blago, and Gene Keady. It would be a Perfect Storm of bad hair.

  30. JD says:

    That is hysterical, Darth.

  31. DarthRove says:

    For those not in the know about former Big Ten basketball coaches, a picture of Gene Keady for your edification. And yes, his hair has looked like that for the past 25 years.

  32. JD says:

    Darth – It is really not fair to show a picture of Coach Keady without including a picture of the leather skinned komodo dragon that travels with him.

  33. JD says:

    That was wrong wrong wrong of me. My sincere apologies.

  34. Abe Froman says:

    Keady is bad, but nobody touches James Traficant.

  35. JD says:

    I denounce and condemn myself, and again offer my sincere apologies.

  36. DarthRove says:

    ESPN is now reporting that Mark McGwire admits to using steroids.

    What should we put the over/under on the percentage of comments for this story that will be variations of “No shit, Sherlock!?” 70%? 75%?

  37. JD says:

    About time, Big Mac. Glad to see him back in the Cardinals organization. I wonder if LaRussa bringing him back was contingent on something like this?

  38. greginsewa says:

    OK, I, ah….what?

  39. BJTex says:

    McGuire is a little late with the honesty, JD. his appearance before Congress was an embarrassment. Only the transcendent arrogance of Clemens, Bonds and Palmiero gives him some pass.

    Nice and dignified guy who made a bad mistake.

  40. Slartibartfast says:

    I confess my desire to do violence on the persons of people making fun of Gene Keady.

    That kind of thing really puts my boilers in the red zone, so to speak.

  41. sdferr says:

    I will continue to remember McGuire as the scary young homerun hitter in this game, batting behind Dave Parker and Dave Henderson in the ninth inning of that game, the third such scary hitter in a row to fall victim to the best overhand fastball-curveball combination I’ve ever seen. And it was Uncle Charlie that got ’em all. I’d never seen pro’s bail backwards to called strikes the way these three men did (and Parker, mind you, batted left). Scroll down to near the bottom of the page for the details.

  42. JD says:

    Slarti – Gene Keady, in person, was one of my favorite coaches that I have had the pleasure of meeting. That does not, in any way, excuse his horrific carpet.

    BJ – You will find no argument from me. Look at goat-face Andy Petite. He said yup, I did it, and moved on. Almost a no harm – no foul reaction.

    sdferr – Great link and site, thanks. I remember the skinny rookie McGuire hitting 40+ homers.

  43. baxtrice says:

    OMG, EPIC!

    (..Twitter is overrun with lameness. I’ve stuck to following Tutorial blogs and that’s about it.)

  44. JD says:

    u r all so ystrday squares and raCists!

  45. DarthRove says:

    Slart, along with JD I also express admiration for Coach Keady’s leadership of Purdue’s basketball program while expressing continual befuddlement over his choice head laminates. I was at an Ohio State booster function where Jim Jackson (the b-ball player, not Michael’s Missing Brother) was speaking. Someone in the crowd asked him if, on the Big Ten Network’s show where Jim and Coach Keady are co-hosts, he didn’t have the urge to reach over to Coach’s head and give a toussle? Jim laughed and answered, “I’m not sure which I’m more scared of, that I’d mess up his hair or that I wouldn’t.” Damn guy cost me a microbrew and a cleaning bill.

  46. Since we’re talking sports, Ochocinco’s twitter feed is art. Art, I tell you.

  47. happyfeet says:

    I spent half the day trading komodo dragon lore and pictures with my counterpart in Chicago. They might be venomous. But maybe not. Who knew? They killed a kid recently. He was 8. But he was where the komodos weren’t supposed to be. Cause of the goat sacrificings had stopped. Even though komodos are reincarnated people. Also this guy fell out of a tree and got eatened by two komodos. Ow ow ow ow ow and then he died on the way to the hospital. That’s right up there with the chimp that rips your face of as please please please God nonono do NOT let that happen to me. Before him and the kid they hadn’t killed anyone for decades. That we know of.

  48. That chimp was wanted on five systems.

  49. sdferr says:

    They just need to brush their teeth after meals, hf.

  50. happyfeet says:

    It says if you have one and you feed it in captivity the super icky septic bacteria go away. It’s all about what they eat.

    They’ll still happily eat your face I think.

  51. They’ll still happily eat your face I think.

    They must be related to my Junior Prom date.

  52. Come to think of it, her hands were rather rough.

  53. happyfeet says:

    One of the hottest ideas to hit the food blogging world is Roasted Kale, shown here topped with an egg at The Way the Cookie Crumbles.*

    I bookmarked. Had to go there for work. Stupid story.

  54. sdferr says:

    I know the studies about the vultures and how come they don’t get sick eating rotten carcasses are going on but haven’t heard what if anything they’ve learned from them. S’possed to be potentially helpful fighting bacteria though.

  55. Mrs Cookies makes roasted kale with sea salt and olive oil. Wow, we’re cutting edge. Will komodo’s eat kale? If they do, will my shitty Animal Justice record be worth anything?

  56. malaclypse the tertiary says:

    Yeah, and the telephone? That was a dumb idea. People used to have deep face-to-face interactions replete with all the nuance of body language and facial expression. Telephony totally killed that. Or how about indoor plumbing? There was a character building opportunity provided by every outdoor defecation that is lost in our poop-whenever-you-wanna slap-dash modern culture. Meh.

    I should be quiet about this instead of snarky, but I’m pissed about the economy today. My business is suffering on account of no one has a marketing budget because they’re all scared.

  57. malaclypse the tertiary says:

    Damn profligate dems. They want aparatchiks, not entrepreneurs.

  58. happyfeet says:

    Mrs. Cookies rocks I think.

    Also I think I’d probably like the twitter more better if I had one of those phones what has the little apple on the back.

  59. sdferr says:

    Don’t call me God” said Allah, waving his open hand with his thumb resting on his nose.

    “Well, don’t call me Allah said God in retaliation as he brandished his middle finger toward his swarthy compatriot diety.

  60. JD says:

    Mal – I will be in St Louis from Jan 27-29. If you happen to have any free time …

  61. Comrade Joe says:

    Intrade has him far behind, but I like those odds.