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October 2024


The Everlasting Gobstopper Poem, part 2

Most awkward,
however, was when
Willy said to young
Charlie Bucket, “No,
that is not an
Everlasting Gobstopper
in my pocket,
and yes, I am
so very happy

0 Replies to “The Everlasting Gobstopper Poem, part 2”

  1. Jeff G. says:

    I was going to write about the SCOTUS ruling against McCain Feingold, but that’s been covered. So instead, this.


  2. dicentra says:

    Willie Wonka and the Sex Offenders Database?

  3. McGehee says:

    I’ll bet it would stop Charlie’s gob all right — but no, it wouldn’t be everlasting, would it.

  4. bh says:

    That Willy always seemed a little off to me.

  5. Carin says:

    Johnny Dep’s bizarre Michael Jackson interpretation of old Willy has wrecked things forever.

  6. dicentra says:


    You still haven’t covered this or this or this or this, and the day is still young.


  7. That McCain Feingold was a hell of a wideout. Pity about the knee…and the car theft thing…and the whole Laetrile thing…and the book his wife wrote.

  8. Benedick says:

    No fair. Sludgeworth saw him first.

  9. newrouter says:

    so who’s holding the Everlasting Gobstopper™ mccain or feingold

  10. Silver Whistle says:


    if you were really happy to see me.

  11. TaiChiWawa says:

    “I come from a long line of Wonkas,” Willy ejac … blurted.

  12. geoffb says:

    So Wonka is in the boxing equipment business too? Candyass makes better sense now.

  13. LBascom says:

    dicentra, to be fair, Jeffs poem could conceivably (to the average man anyway) be interpretively expanded enough to cover your second “this”.


  14. Noah Nehm says:

    They don’t call him e.e. cummings for nothing…

  15. sdferr says:

    What, it’s the jots and tittles Noah?

  16. baxtrice says:

    I knew it! You’re in the pocket of the BIG GOBSTOPPER lobby!

  17. Mr. W says:

    That could be the new word to fling at ones enemies now that RACIST!!! has turned into such a yawner…

    PEDERAST!!!! Then you simply leave since your opponent, being a victim of a liberal education, will probably have to go look it up.

  18. newrouter says:

    from ace

    Eventually the Transgressive Guy said, “How do you know I’m not the Anti-Christ?”

    The Christian guy smiled. “Easy. Satan wouldn’t be so fat.”

    So funny. Transgressive Guy, to his credit, busted a gut at that too.

    Anyway, if you had suspicions Obama was the Anti-Christ, put them out of your mind. Satan wouldn’t be such a fuck-up.

  19. Darleen says:

    err… dicentra?

    Not everyone here has a subscription the hughuniverse…

    Can you give us the Cliff notes?

  20. Mr. W says:

    Right, but the guy that paves the way for the anti-Christ will be a monumental f**k-up of mythical proportions, which Obama is proving to be.

  21. Mr. W says:

    Obama is John to the anti-Christ’s Jesus.

  22. Squid says:

    So he’s not pissing down my back — he’s baptizing me!

  23. Mr. W says:

    No. He is pissing on you.

  24. Mr. W says:

    But being a Light-Worker, his pee smells like lilacs, and has a cleansing effect.

  25. Mr. W says:

    “Light-Worker”…man that sort of nonsense feels like it happened a million years ago. I wonder if the guy that wrote that feels like as much of an idiot right now as he should.

  26. Mr. W says:

    Newrouter: Since we all know that stupid is as stupid does, it now appears that obama is fairly stupid.

  27. Joe says:

    Language matters:

    “White House Says Bears Part of Blame For Senate Loss”

    Polar bears? Wall Street bears? Chicago bears? Andrew Sullivan bears? Or a combination of all of them?

  28. sdferr says:

    Schrum from the grave, newrouter, arisen.

  29. newrouter says:

    i say polar bears as the white house hit an iceberg the other day

  30. McGehee says:

    But when the band plays “Nearer My God to Thee” the Secret Service takes ’em down.

  31. JD says:

    Oompa Loompa’s are inherently evil.

  32. Lazarus Long says:


    What would McCain do?

  33. newrouter says:

    my friends we need comprehensive immigration reform

  34. JD says:

    Any reform should include immediate incarceration, or even incineration of Oompa Loompas. That is all.

  35. bh says:

    I vote for incineration. They’re like clowns but small enough to hide in the really surprising places.

  36. newrouter says:

    my friends we need to limit greenhouse gases

  37. Mr. W says:

    I say Gummy Bears.

    Because, as everyone knows, they are a tool of the Jewish dentist cabal.

  38. newrouter says:

    elections have consequences dept.

    “The remedy here is…as I believe this committee will be recommending, abolishing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in their current form and coming up with a whole new system of housing finance,” said Rep. Barney Frank (D., Mass.)[brown took his dist.], the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee.


  39. newrouter says:

    man of the year probs

    How Likely is a Bernanke Confirmation? [Daniel Foster]

    Until recently, I would have thought quite likely. Now I’m not so sure, as opposition on both sides of the aisle mounts.


  40. dicentra says:


    Oops! I was trying to link to the original source, but I didn’t figure out how until just now.

  41. serr8d says:

    Thanks for that, dicentra. Maybe my embedding that will cost ’em a few more cents~!

  42. Darleen says:


    BWHAHAHA! That was priceless.

    Conan gets $33 million as walk away money – not shabby, but as I said before, why isn’t Obama pounding the podium for a law to take that away from Conan? It’s not like he is successful on his own. The People made him successful and he shouldn’t be getting such a business-as-usual obscene windfall bonus.


  43. Lamontyoubigdummy says:

    What in the blue hell!?

    Are cats, dogs, Oompa Loompas…living together?

    He went wheels off on Howard Dean the other night too.

    What is this?

    Madness, Sparta, or please, please watch me?

    Either way, I think Scott Brown has caused Chrissy some sleepless nights, a re-think on Obama fluffing, and a much to late credibility gut check (wha’d you expect from a guy who was so desperate for Tim Russert’s seat he was pitching himself to execs at Russert’s funeral?)

    Dunno if I like you yet, but thanks Scott Brown.

    As for Chrissy?

    Merlin: “Mav, that Mig really screwed him up.”
    Maverick: “Just stay on my wing Cougar, I’ll take you all the way in.”

    I think Chris Matthews is about to change tune or turn in his wings.

  44. cynn says:

    For some reason this transported me back to when I had to explicate that poem about the ball turret gunner. Whoa.

  45. Spiny Norman says:

    OT, but interesting: Formerly influential, formerly conservative (well, hawkish at any rate), formerly big readership blogger gets a write-up by the New York feakin’ Times. Is about how he’s “seen the light” and joined the Obama personality cult? Oh, not quite

  46. Danger says:

    “Print E-Mail RSS Share Yahoo! BuzzPolitics and PowerE-Mail Print RSS Share Yahoo! “BuzzMedia Ex-Conservative Charles Johnson’s Next Crusade
    by Barrett BrownJanuary 22, 2010, 1:11 PM

    Blogger Charles Johnson’s decision to leave the conservative movement has created an epic online ruckus”

    Epic eh Barrett? Yawn, Is Charles Johnson still alive? Can an athiest start a crusade? So many questions so little interest.

    Later Haters;)

  47. Slartibartfast says:

    Hmm. I support a couple of ball turret programs.

    Rimshot, in advance.

  48. JD says:

    Danger – Barrett Brown is a douchenozzle. That is all. That he is doing something with the likes of Charles Johnson is not the least bit surprising, as douchenozzles tend to have an overwhelming attraction to other douchenozzles.

  49. Carin says:

    Johnson has left the conservative movement? Yea, that there is a loaded statement. Johnsons was as entrenched in the “conservative movement” as Chrisopher Hitchens.

    They were both merely visitors, Barrett.

  50. Slartibartfast says:

    Blogger Charles Johnson’s decision to leave the conservative movement has created an epic online ruckus

    I think I hurt myself, yawning.

  51. Carin says:

    ost were attacking me. That was when I realized I wasn’t really on the same page as a lot of these people…. My opposition to Islamic fundamentalism comes from a classical liberal standpoint, a secularist standpoint, whereas to many of these people, it’s about religious war [between Islam and Christianity].”

    BUZZ, wrong Charles.

  52. Carin says:

    Oh, goodie. Barrett and Charles are starting up their own little bloggy niche.

    Can’t wait.

  53. Carin says:

    Will they name it “The World According to Barrett and Charles” ? ’cause that would be really cool. And prolly accurate.

  54. Carin says:

    I could have fun with the is for a while, but Costco and it’s big tubs of Mayo is calling.

  55. Slartibartfast says:

    Oh, who in the Midwest can resist institution-sized buckets of mayonnaise?

  56. JD says:

    McGehee lurvs the mayo. Lurvs it, I tell you.

  57. ThomasD says:

    Oh, who in the Midwest can resist institution-sized buckets of mayonnaise?

    If Mencken had said that it would be considered timeless commentary on the American common man.

    Probably is.

  58. McGehee says:

    McGehee lurvs the mayo. Lurvs it, I tell you.

    I know where you live, and am not bothered by collateral damage.

  59. JD says:

    I knew you would appreciate that one, McG. Mayo is only slightly less evil than Oompa Loompas and demonic midget clowns.

  60. McGehee says:

    “Less” evil?

  61. Danger says:

    “Barrett Brown is a douchenozzle. That is all. That he is doing something with the likes of Charles Johnson is not the least bit surprising, as douchenozzles tend to have an overwhelming attraction to other douchenozzles.”

    I suppose that would suggest that douchenozzles must be bipolar. Is there a DR. in the house? For the love of god and everything sacred can we get some Lithium for CJ and BB, STAT?

  62. sdferr says:

    It’s all good by Patterico Danger, at least so long as Godlstein is getting smeared.

  63. Danger says:

    I read the comments early today and noted that Happyfeet was standing up for Jeff.
    I’ll have to do another reconn trip to get an update. brb

  64. Danger says:

    The jabs at JeffG were fairly mild over at Patterico’s thread . But I expect we will be blessed by another visit from BB pimping his new endevour soon.

    I read his thread but only posted the header because he is not link-worthy.

  65. McGehee says:

    If Brown-nose is going to be popping in, I’d better find an old thread he commented in and renew his ‘Hammering.

  66. Beck says:

    I like cheese.